

This was published 4 years ago

Medicare data-matching to catch private hospitals flouting bans

By Dana McCauley

The federal Department of Health is using Medicare data-matching to detect any suspicious activity at private hospitals during the ban on most types of elective surgery, after concerns were raised about surgeons doing procedures normally classed as non-urgent.

The Department wrote to private hospitals warning that it is "monitoring elective surgery activity using Medicare Benefits Schedule data and will investigate and refer if it appears that particular hospitals or surgeons are not complying with the [ban]."

The federal government has vowed to crack down on surgeons flouting bans on non-essential surgery.

The federal government has vowed to crack down on surgeons flouting bans on non-essential surgery.Credit: Gabriele Charotte

The department said it would refer any suspicious activity to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency for investigation.

State-based health authorities are also monitoring private hospitals to ensure compliance.

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons president Tony Sparnon said any surgeons found to have breached the elective surgery ban by state or federal regulators would face sanctions under the college's code of conduct, which could include suspension or revocation of fellowship. Losing fellowship could lead to AHPRA or the Medical Board imposing restrictions on surgeons' practice.

"A deliberate and repeated breach would not be looked at favourably," Dr Sparnon said.

Australian Orthopaedic Association president Andrew Ellis said he was concerned about surgeons within the specialty failing to exercise "restraint" both during the ban on category 3 and non-urgent category 2 surgeries over the five weeks to late April, and under ongoing restrictions.

"There are individuals who may be not exercising due caution or restraint with respect to elective surgery and we would like to see those people come into line with the rest of the profession," Dr Ellis said. He declined to name any such surgeon.

Dr Ellis said he had referred the issue to the association's ethics committee and that orthopaedic surgeons found to have breached the elective surgery ban could have their membership revoked.


AHPRA is already investigating a number of health practitioners after receiving tip-offs accusing them of providing non-essential services despite government restrictions, including doctors, nurses, dentists, chiropractors, pharmacists, psychologists, optometrists and physiotherapists. AHPRA has not named any practitioner under investigation.

Tim O'Carrigan, an orthopaedic surgeon at Macquarie University Hospital, defended foot and ankle surgery performed there in April during the elective surgery ban, saying each procedure had been approved by the hospital's surgical determinations committee.

At the time, private hospitals had been ordered to halt all category 3 elective surgeries and all but the most urgent category 2 procedures, with federal and state governments effectively paying them not to perform surgeries under a joint $2.6 billion viability guarantee.

Dr O'Carrigan did not give a detailed explanation of why each of the surgeries was urgent, but said they had all been performed to relieve "acute pain and suffering", including for fracture.

It is not suggested that Dr O'Carrigan is being investigated.

Macquarie University Hospital has been the subject of extensive debate within the medical community over a number of elective surgeries performed there during the ban.

The hospital's chief executive Walter Kmet last week sent a stern email to medical staff warning against the sharing of surgical theatre lists, "including verbally", and said he had commissioned a formal external investigation of alleged leaks.

Mr Kmet wrote in the email: "Inevitably we don't get everything right, but I am satisfied that we can both manage the situation well and comply with [official] guidance", saying the hospital was "being more rigorous in management of this area".

The national cabinet authorised a "gradual restart" of elective surgery from April 28, allowing category 2 and urgent category 3 procedures to proceed, including IVF, joint replacement, post-cancer breast reconstruction, colonoscopy, cataract removal and paediatric surgery.


Hospitals are only authorised to restart 25 per cent of their usual theatre time for elective surgeries, with the arrangement to be reviewed on May 11.

Macquarie University Hospital said in a statement that all surgeries performed by Dr O'Carrigan, as well as those by high-profile orthopaedic surgeon Munjed Al Muderis and others, were "fully justified on medical grounds".

"All surgical procedures carried out by our surgeons were in line with government guidance in relation to elective surgery at this time," the statement said.

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