

This was published 4 years ago


COVID-19 is on the ropes but it could still fight back

Australia is now more than three weeks into the stage three lockdowns introduced to fight COVID-19 and the truly encouraging news is that the disease is losing.

When the lockdown was declared Australia was recording more than 300 new cases a day. On Thursday the national figure was just seven. We are the envy of countries around the world but our success creates new dangers.

The most obvious of these is succumbing to the growing pressure to scrap social distancing restrictions and fully restart the economy.

It is natural that people want to return to normal, meet their friends and relatives and send their children back to school. Hundreds of thousands of businesses are on the brink of financial ruin and want to get back to work.

In the US protesters have even taken to the streets demanding a premature end to the lockdowns. The result is some US states are rushing relaxing restrictions even though their morgues struggle to bury the dead.

Australia has got this far by sticking to a careful plan, however, and now is not the time to throw it out the window. The restrictions must be rolled back gradually and in a way that ensures the coronavirus remains under control.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison foreshadowed on Thursday that he may ease restrictions soon and that Australia could even reopen borders with New Zealand, which has made similar progress flattening the infection curve. But he also insisted it must be a “COVID-safe economy” and the process could take months.

That delay will be frustrating to many because they imagine that the crisis has passed. This is understandable. Even the government says modelling shows the rate of undetected disease in the community is very low.

But to understand the danger of dropping our guard, look to Singapore which was once the poster child for how best to manage a national COVID-19 response. Over the past week Singaporean authorities discovered a neglected cluster of infections and suddenly cases have shot up to thousands a day. The city state is back in lockdown – jolted back to square one while the death rate rises fast.

To avoid that fate the timetable for reducing restrictions should be based on a careful assessment of a multitude of factors rather than simply the rate of new infections or deaths.


Unfortunately, even with cases close to zero, there is always the possibility a few cases have gone undetected in the community.

As Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy told a Senate committee on Thursday, "we have to be very aware that while we have only had seven cases in the last 24 hours, there is a permanent risk of further cases. This is a highly infectious virus and it can take off fairly quickly”.


Australia cannot relax until we are sure we have the capacity to test all suspected cases as an early warning and to ruthlessly track any cases that do occur. We must ensure our health services are prepared for any accidental outbreaks. And we should also embrace the government’s TraceTogether app, which can identify people who have come into contact with someone diagnosed with the virus.

With those conditions in place, governments should start The Great Reopening, carefully selecting activities and businesses that deliver maximum economic and social benefit for minimum risk of spreading the disease. It might take months to reopen high risk activities such as sports stadiums or night clubs and even longer to reopen our borders to tourists.

If we keep our cool, however, Australia can emerge in a few months with the disease under control, thousands of lives saved and businesses ready to start rebuilding. If we fold too soon, the hard work could be lost.

  • Herald editor Lisa Davies writes a weekly newsletter exclusively for subscribers. To have it delivered to your inbox, please sign up here.

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