

This was published 4 years ago

Harry and Meghan versus everyone else

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are making some big strategic errors in their quest to get even with Britain's infamous tabloid newspapers.

By Bevan Shields

The Duchess of Sussex risks becoming an unpopular figure among the British public.

The Duchess of Sussex risks becoming an unpopular figure among the British public. Credit: PA

On how many fronts can you wage war and prevail? Prince Harry and his wife Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, are about to find out. Their battle with Britain's tabloid newspapers is reaching its climax but don't expect victory for the polarising royal couple. Even a High Court win will probably feel like a loss once it's all over.

"They are trying to beat the media with a very big stick," says public relations guru Mark Borkowski, who regularly advises celebrities facing court. "However, what's really happening is that they are in a knife fight with an enemy who has a flame thrower."

The Los Angeles-based couple fired a fresh shot this week by ending all co-operation with four tabloids: The Daily Mail, The Sun, The Daily Mirror and The Express. Despite insisting they value a free press, the duo cut off the outlets because they did not want to be "currency for an economy of click bait and distortion".

"The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have watched people they know - as well as complete strangers - have their lives completely pulled apart for no good reason, other than the fact that salacious gossip boosts advertising revenue", they said in a statement.

It was a tone deaf contribution. That same day, Britain's coronavirus death toll had just topped 15,000 and millions were out of work as the United Kingdom's unprecedented lockdown paralysed the economy.

"It was the worst case of timing I have ever seen," Borkowski says. "They are clearly in a bubble."

Society of Editors executive director Ian Murray also blasted the decision, but for different reasons: "Although the Duke and Duchess say they support a free press and all it stands for, there is no escaping their actions here amount to censorship and they are setting an unfortunate example."


Harry's hatred for the press can be traced back to the death of his mother Princess Diana in 1997. For Meghan - an actress who embraced the media for years and is alleged to have used friends to speak to reporters and engineer favourable coverage - the disdain is more recent.

She is suing The Mail on Sunday and its publisher Associated Newspapers for breach of privacy, infringement of copyright and breach of data protection laws over the publication of portions of letter she wrote to her estranged father in 2018. The letter was sent after Thomas Markle sensationally joined forces with the paparazzi to stage fake photographs in exchange for cash.

"Daddy, it is with a heavy heart that I write this, not understanding why you have chosen to take this path, turning a blind eye to the pain you're causing," Meghan wrote. "If you love me, as you tell the press you do, please stop. Please allow us to live our lives in peace."

Thomas Markle willingly gave the letter to the newspaper but the court will decide whether the masthead had a legal right to publish it.

The case had a procedural hearing in the High Court on Friday and Thomas Markle will almost certainly appear over the coming months to testify against his own daughter. The prospect of such bombshell testimony gives The Mail little incentive to settle. Lawyers for the newspaper say their source has a "right to tell his version of what had happened between himself and his daughter".

Separately, Harry is suing the owners of The Daily Mirror and The Sun for alleged phone hacking. The couple has also withdrawn from the so-called royal rota, a system which guarantees royal correspondents access to official engagements.


Borkowski knows a thing or two about image and perception. And in Harry and Meghan, he sees a poorly advised couple conducting a war they should have never started. He also suspects the British public grows tired of the antics.

"I want to be as generous as possible about this because they are wounded individuals," Borkowski says. "Harry clearly treasures and loves this woman. And he is scarred. Everyone knows about the huge impact of losing his mother. And that appalling decision for him to walk behind the coffin at her funeral would have scarred anyone.

"But this wounding, from my perspective, is leading to some appalling decisions being made."

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are polarising figures in Britain.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are polarising figures in Britain.Credit: Getty

Nigel Tait, a partner at high-profile British law firm Carter-Ruck who has acted for Elton John, Simon Cowell, Liam Gallagher and other celebrities in fights with the press, believes Meghan will win the case.

"In very general terms, did the Duchess of Sussex have a reasonable expectation of privacy in writing a letter to her father? I imagine the answer will come back yes," Tait says.

"Then the question is not whether the information that was published was in public interest, it's whether it was in the public interest that her privacy was breached. I'd be surprised if the court found it was.


"My view is you should be able to write to your mum or dad without it ending up in the newspaper - even if you're a politician or member of the royal family. Otherwise, how can you communicate? How can you live your life properly if you have no privacy at all?"

The European Convention on Human Rights protects the right of a person to have a "reasonable expectation of privacy". Those four words are the Achilles heel for The Mail, which has lodged a lengthy defence with the court over its publication of extracts from the letter.

"There is a huge and legitimate public interest in the royal family and the activities, conduct and standards of behaviour of its members," the paper's lawyers said. "This extends not merely to their public conduct, but to their personal and family relationships because those are integral to the proper functioning of the monarchy."

And this: "The letter was Mr Markle’s property, and he was entitled to give it to whomever he chose."


They also argue Meghan has been a hypocrite. A few days prior to the letter's publication, an article appeared in the US magazine People anonymously quoting five friends of the Duchess. The story was highly critical of Thomas Markle and detailed how Meghan and Harry had tried to help the former Hollywood lighting technician deal with huge press interest ahead of his daughter's entry to the British royal family. One of the friends quoted in the People story also referenced Meghan's letter. The Mail claims Meghan authorised her friends to speak to the magazine - a contention flatly denied by lawyers for the Duchess. The People article was so one-sided that Thomas Markle had a right to respond and correct the record, The Mail says.

The paper even suggested Meghan's handwriting in the letter was so neat that she probably knew it might end up in the public arena.


Tait says the defences won't work and predicts Associated Newspapers may have to pay more than £1 million in damages and costs to Meghan. But the newspaper group might not consider that outcome a loss.

"The editors will know that this case is going to attract world attention and that it will be good copy for them," he says. "It may be commercially worth it to them to spend £1 million fighting a case they lose, if they can make some inroads and land some punches."

Prince Harry has long had a fraught relationship with Britain's press.

Prince Harry has long had a fraught relationship with Britain's press.Credit: AP

Professor Chris Frost, the chair of the National Union of Journalists' ethics council, agrees The Mail wants to get the Duchess and her aggrieved father in the witness stand and engineer its own royal news event.

"That sort of thing brings the press into considerable disrepute and the national newspapers in the UK have been doing that – certainly the tabloids anyway – over the past 20 years or so in an effort to generate copy and generate interest from the public to buy papers," he says.

"What's interesting though is that the public isn't buying the papers in the numbers they used to and it's difficult to understand why editors continue to do things that certainly attract attention but don’t sell newspapers."

Frost contends the fall in tabloid readership was not just part of the worldwide shift from print to digital but a response to the content being published.


"We are in an era now where people can get tittle tattle very easily through social media. If we are not selling trustworthy information as journalists, what's the point of paying for us when you get free and fact-free information online?

"Sure, the royal family is in a situation where they are taking public money, they are part of the establishment and therefore there may be public interest reasons to publish letters – and there certainly have been in the past – but this was a personal letter from the Duchess to her father and I am yet to be convinced personally that there is any public interest reason for it to be published.

"It has been published purely because it's of interest to the public, which is not the same thing at all."

While print readership is down, the four blacklisted tabloids still have a huge reach and huge capacity to influence public debate. The four mastheads combined reach about 110 million people a month across their print titles and websites.

Defence documents show 900,000 print and digital editions of the newspaper were sold the day the letter was published and three stories about it attracted 1 million users online. The documents also reveal The Mail did not approach Harry and Meghan prior to publishing the bombshell story - a cardinal sin in the eyes of most responsible editors and journalists.


However the notion that a newspaper should not be able to publish a document it legally acquired will sit uncomfortably, even with journalists who dislike tabloid reporting.

Many other countries - including Australia - do not have a tort for serious invasions of privacy. The stronger protections in Europe have been put to use before by the royal family: Prince William and his wife Catherine were awarded €100,000 in damages in 2017 after paparazzi photographed the Duchess of Cambridge sunbaking topless in France.

In 2006, a court ruled that Associated Newspapers - the same group Meghan is suing - infringed Prince Charles' copyright and confidentiality by publishing extracts from diaries he wrote during a visit to Hong Kong. In an twist, the lawyer who represented the newspaper group in that case is now the judge presiding over Duchess of Sussex matter.

Legal experts warn the action could backfire because the newspaper's lawyers could mount a damaging case in court that Harry and Meghan enjoy a privileged lifestyle and have probably themselves co-operated with the press behind closed doors to swing coverage in their own favour.

Some estimates suggest the couple has already spent up to £350,000 on the legal action against The Mail, while also relocating from Britain to Canada and now to Los Angeles.

Tait says his firm's founding partner Peter Carter-Ruck always believed actors made good witnesses because they could stick to a script. However celebrity court cases rarely end without some damaging revelations about the complainant. At this point, the risks seem greater than the rewards.

Their hard-ball approach to the press also poses risks to the rest of the royal family. The Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Charles never had to take the stand, but Meghan may have to and her father's appearance is almost a certainty. And in seeking to dismiss Associated Newspaper's argument that Harry and Meghan are wealthy and privileged publicly funded figures, lawyers for the couple have threatened to reveal tightly held details of how the royal family's finances actually work.

Barkowski notes nobody knows who is advising the couple but warns the overall strategy is fundamentally flawed.

"Their PR machine has got a distinct American accent and I think whoever is behind it is culturally more attune to managing stories in America than dealing with the British sensibilities," he says.

"I have acted for many Americans over the years and they don’t see the ups and downs of the publicity machine, they want everything to be in a beautifully candy floss world where everyone is talking positively and if you don’t play that game, they will blackball you.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are walking away from life as senior royals.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are walking away from life as senior royals.Credit: AP

"My advice to Harry and Meghan is that you are not defined by the moment. You are defined by a series of actions that can change your atmosphere and change the air you breathe.

"The whole family has had problems with the press, but it's about your long-term strategy and not about winning every battle. There’s enough charm and enough genuine interest in this couple to change things pretty quickly, provided they get it right. So none of this is terminal for them, but there has been a big erosion in support and they need to be very careful."

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