

This was published 4 years ago

A year on, WA's environmental watchdog releases its new pollution guidelines

By Hamish Hastie

More than a year after its net-zero pollution ambitions were swiftly rejected by the state government and resources industry, Western Australia’s Environmental Protection Authority has finally released its new greenhouse gas emission guidelines.

The new guidelines set the same target as the Paris Climate Agreement of net-zero emissions by 2050 and allow the authority to ask for information about how companies plan to contribute to that target.

EPAWA chairman Tom Hatton.

EPAWA chairman Tom Hatton.Credit: Philip Gostelow

In March 2019, the authority released guidelines that would compel companies expanding or building new projects with emissions higher than 100,000 tonnes a year to fully offset them.

It was forced back to the drawing board after big LNG players including Woodside and Chevron blasted the guidelines, arguing they would put future projects worth billions of dollars at risk.

The authority has been consulting with conservation groups and industry since June 2019 and received nearly 7000 submissions.


EPA chair Tom Hatton said the new guidelines would provide clarity.

“This guidance will help align the management of greenhouse gases in Western Australia with both the science that says we need to get to net-zero by 2050 to avoid the most serious of consequences, and the international and state policy that has endorsed this conclusion,” he said.

“It is also intended that the guidance provides industry and community with certainty and a clear framework for the management of greenhouse gas emissions from future proposals.”


Under the new guidelines, the EPA can request information on all emissions of a project including emissions from customers of resources companies known as 'scope 3' emissions.

The authority can also request a greenhouse gas management plan and public reporting of emissions.

The Conservation Council of WA welcomed the alignment of the guidelines with the Paris Agreement but said a lack of clarity on how they would be applied could open EPA decisions up to legal challenges.

"We welcome the EPA’s acknowledgement of the Paris Agreement and its goal of net-zero emissions; however it is disappointing that the EPA policy lacks clarity on the fundamental need for pollution to be reduced immediately to achieve the goal of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees," CCWA Director Piers Verstegen said.

"Given the inbuilt flexibility in this policy, its effect will not be known until we see how it will be applied by the EPA in future assessments, however, it is concerning that the policy does not send a clear signal to industry about what is and what is not acceptable right now.

"The fundamental test for this policy is whether it will result in an increase in carbon emissions by allowing major new pollution sources such as the Burrup Hub LNG developments proposed by Woodside, Shell, BP and others.

"Any approvals that fail to properly consider and apply the science on climate change as required under legislation face a high likelihood of legal challenge as community and environment groups will be forced to the courts to defend the climate, communities and the environment.”

Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association chief executive Andrew McConville said the new guidelines reflected a more pragmatic and workable approach.

"How the EPA implements its guideline in practice will be key, particularly how that implementation reflects the importance of national and international emissions reduction policies over ad-hoc regional measures," he said.

"WA gas developments can play a key role in lowering global emissions with LNG exports contributing to a cleaner energy sector in Asia."

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