Speaking on ABC’s 7.30, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said that a suppression strategy that doesn’t put too much burden on the health system remained preferable to trying to completely eradicate COVID-19 in the short-term.
“What we've seen in Australia is we're pursuing the suppression strategy but per head of population, we've actually got a lower number of cases than New Zealand, that is pursuing the other strategy,” he said.
“The other strategy requires very extreme economic measures but we're actually getting a better result with more flexible measures.
“It’s quite possible that by pursuing the suppression strategy you actually get eradication as a by-product. One doesn’t necessarily exclude the other.”
Mr Morrison said that broader “surveillance-type” testing would increase.
“You need to know where it might break out. That’s another level beyond where we are now.
“Testing, tracing and response, they are the three critical weapons we need to combat the virus and at the same time be able to lift your level of economic activity.”
He said that the TraceTogether app wasn’t ready yet, but could be available within the next fortnight.
The app would include encryption technology which would note if two people were near each other for 15 minutes or more, and send the data to health experts which can be unlocked to help identify people who may have contracted the virus.
He implored Australians to download the app when it was available, comparing it to buying war bonds as a means to “get behind the national effort.”