


Contact tracing: How disease detectives are closing in on COVID-19 in Australia

How do you track an outbreak? Who are contact tracers? And how big a role are they playing in Australia's coronavirus response?


A cruise ship docks and passengers spill out into a city. A celebrity couple is mobbed by fans and dignitaries eager to shake their hands. Well-to-do socialites arrive at a birthday party fresh from a ski trip in Aspen. A man steps off a plane and kisses his wife.

These are some of the best-known stories of coronavirus infection in Australia so far. And in every one of them, as the virus spread, a team of disease detectives were on the case, retracing the patient's footsteps, zeroing in on who else might have been exposed and joining the dots on Australia's outbreak.

The process, known as “contact tracing”, is infectious disease control 101, often deployed against illnesses such as measles, meningococcal disease and some sexually transmitted infections. But in a fast-moving pandemic, it becomes a race against time to protect not just a handful of people but whole countries. Across Australia, armies of doctors, health officials, academics, medical students, even actual soldiers have been called in to the fight. Experts say this work will largely determine how many lives can be saved in the months ahead without a vaccine or treatment for COVID-19.

Who are these disease detectives?

To track a virus you can’t see, which jumps person to person in close quarters and can linger on door handles, sinks, sometimes even briefly in the air, you need a particular skill set. Dr James Smith is clinical lead on contact tracing efforts in Queensland. Feeding information back and forth with other states and the national incident room in Canberra, his teams have followed several high-profile patient trails including those of Hollywood couple Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, and Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton. While Smith swears he harbours no secret ambitions as an amateur sleuth, he admits the job can be aptly described as part doctor, part detective.

Most of the work is done over the phone by clinicians and scientists, not private investigators, because the tracers need a good handle on how diseases spread. But mysteries do get solved.


"You have to have more than a good bedside manner, you need to get people to trust you and [be able to] read them, pick up details and clues," Smith says. "You're piecing together what's relevant based on what you know about the disease."

Smith also worked on the world's last pandemic, the H1N1 swine flu in 2009, and last year helped the World Health Organisation trace a disastrous measles outbreak in Tonga to a rugby team newly returned from New Zealand. But "there's never been anything like [COVID-19] in public health" in his lifetime.

Victoria's deputy chief health officer, Dr Annaliese van Diemen, agrees. Usually, in what she calls "peacetime", she heads a team of just 20 or 30 investigators. Now, their ranks have swelled by as many as 1000 – and could expand further. Above the near-empty Melbourne grid, the tracers' headquarters remain full of essential staff day and night - albeit spread out across six floors in this new era of social distancing.

Tracers interrogate and analyse, stitching infected threads through weddings and parties and across borders into what, during this pandemic, is becoming one of the most expansive webs of health data the nation has ever built. Meanwhile, epidemiologists and analysts are poring over the numbers, Dr van Diemen says, drilling down into suspected local outbreaks and "places of interest". The names and contact details of almost 10,000 people already feature on Victoria's COVID-19 spreadsheets and geo-maps.

In NSW, Carolyn Murray heads up contact tracing and said her team had now swelled to 150 staff, making up to 1300 calls a day.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has said this army of "Sherlock Holmes" investigators are critical to stopping COVID-19 in Australia, as the government turns to new technology, including a national app, to boost case surveillance on its eventual "road out" of the current virus shutdown. On April 16, Chief Medical Officer Professor Brendan Murphy said new modelling or "nowcasting" using current data suggested Australia was detecting more cases within its borders than anywhere else in the world.

How does a case unfold?


Once a patient's test comes up positive in a lab, teams in their state get a ping – and the hunt begins. Close contacts of the new case, such as those they live with, are quickly informed and asked to self-isolate, and the infected person is interviewed in depth. Smith and van Diemen say they're looking for more than just your basics movements. They will go back over the day-to-day, even minute-by-minute minutiae of your every interaction. First, they try to understand how you picked up the illness, examining your "exposure window". Next comes where you've gone since you fell sick (and earlier). Did you catch an Uber or stop for coffee? How long did you chat to your colleague in the hall? Did you hug goodbye?

"We look at your movements from about 24 hours before you get sick right up until we're on the phone," Smith says.

Armed with a list of people with possible exposure, tracers hit the phones again. Expect a call if you've had at least 15 minutes of face-to-face contact with a known case or spent at least two hours with them in an enclosed area.

How do they track down contacts?

Contact tracers will use all manner of “weird and wonderful” ways to find you, van Diemen says. “Venues, hire companies, employers – often there’s four or five layers of employment or other things to get to someone."


The average case will involve about nine or 10 close contacts, mostly spread across their home or their workplace, says infectious disease experts Professor Raina MacIntyre. That's fewer than a more infectious disease such as measles, which spreads further through the air.With COVID-19, Smith says investigators don't have to cast the net so wide. "You're not looking for the person they passed on the sidewalk at 2:04pm. You’re looking for the people they shared offices with, bathrooms with, conversations.”

Van Diemen admits that the rules guiding contact tracers, such as the definition of close contact and the assumed window of infectivity, is changing as scientists discover more about the new virus. “So now that we know people might get milder symptoms at the start, we can go back to people and say, 'When you said you had hayfever a few days before you got sick, are you sure it was really hayfever?' And we can build up a better picture."

Smith adds that clinicians making the decisions are erring on the side of caution. "How we work might change as we learn more," he says.

Still, at times even finding close contacts requires some old-fashioned sleuthing – say, you need to work out who sat at the next table in a cramped cafe or who was in the same club. Smith admits he’s now pored over grainy CCTV footage for the first time in his long career to try to pick out suspected COVID-19 contacts. In the case that eventually led him to that club, he'd been on the trail for days, tracking a couple who drove from Queensland to Sydney, likely picking up the virus from tourists on a bus tour of the city. They came home, well before borders had closed under tough new quarantine measures, and hosted a dinner party then went out to the club. They both fell ill soon after. By the end of his hunt, Dr Smith had linked the couple with another case of infection already in the system – a guest at the party – and found many more contacts in between.

Of course, Australia’s investigators are less invasive than those overseas. Victoria, Queensland and NSW all said they worked without police, and do not routinely verify stories. People are overwhelmingly cooperative, van Diemen says, although sometimes they leave out details. "It's rare for someone to lie to us but they might forget exactly where they've been. Often we're looking back over a 14-day [incubation period]."

Smith says departments can call in police under biosecurity laws if they have to but, right now, this is mostly being done to keep people with confirmed or suspected cases in quarantine. "It takes time to do all that, we need to get people to tell us things right away so we can get on top of it," he says. "So we take privacy really seriously, we keep it close to the chest. But we might call their contacts or reinterview them, we can ask them to show us travel records [and calendars] if we think it will help [jog] their memory."

Some people on the end of the line might be shocked or angry. Understandably, those exposed and ordered into quarantine want to know who is the culprit responsible. But, unless it’s obvious, the original case's identity will remain anonymous.

In Taiwan, soliders spray disinfectant in a drill for coping with cluster infections.

In Taiwan, soliders spray disinfectant in a drill for coping with cluster infections.Credit: AP

How do other countries track COVID-19 cases?

In South Korea and Singapore, contact tracers dig into phone records, bank transactions and CCTV footage then knock on doors until they’ve tracked down everyone on a coronavirus trail. Some governments such as Israel, China and South Korea also use surveillance technologies and apps to follow people through cities, recording street addresses and faces. Some have used street footage to find people who boarded the same taxi or the same bus as an infected person.

South Korea has even released detailed accounts of patient movements to the public, each case numbered but often embarrassingly identifiable, including those caught having rendezvous in "love hotels". The nation seemed to have an early handle on the virus, recording only 30 cases in the month after its first diagnosis. But then its 31st patient arrived. In a matter of days, her now infamous trail through hospital wards, a buffet lunch and church services at a large religious sect set off a chain of infections that left thousands sick.

What about technology - and privacy?


The aggressive focus of countries such as South Korea and Singapore on tracing and digital surveillance has been credited with their early drop in cases, even as it raises privacy concerns, (although Singapore is now fighting off a second wave of infections after it relaxed social distancing measures).


In Australia, telecommunications company Vodafone has provided broad, anonymous data to both the federal and NSW governments to measure how people are following new movement restrictions. NSW says it hasn't requested data from telcos to track individual's movements and has ruled out using it to enforce home quarantines but is now exploring the use of a range of technologies, such as those used in Singapore, to enhance contact tracing.

Van Diemen says Victoria is also "exploring" its technological options. But she notes apps such as Singapore's TraceTogether, which records via bluetooth every other phone you come into close proximity with, can be difficult to roll out. "You need everyone to have it on their phone." Perhaps as case loads grow, digital solutions to triage new patients and collect their initial movement data could be deployed, she says. Some companies such as Whispir say they are already helping governments and businesses, both in Australia and Asia, record movements in and out of buildings and travel histories.

In the early days of the outbreak in February, South Australia's health department used an Apple iPhone's inbuilt location services to trace the movements of a couple diagnosed with coronavirus. "The use of phone data was a very unique situation," a SA Health spokeswoman said. "The couple involved didn't speak much English and were unfamiliar with Adelaide so weren't able to clearly recount where they had been to contact tracers." The couple volunteered their phones to South Australia Police, who worked with SA's Chief Public Health Officer to analyse the data.

On April 10, technology rivals Apple and Google unveiled a rare partnership on contact tracing. By mid-May, iPhones and Android phones will be able to wirelessly exchange anonymous information via apps run by public health authorities. If a user tests positive for COVID-19, and opts to adds that data to their public health app, then users who they have come into close proximity with them over the previous days will be notified of their exposure.

In the coming months, both companies will add the technology directly into their operating systems so users don't even have to download their local app. It will still be opt-in, but more people will be able to use it. Apple's iOS and Google's Android have about 3 billion users between them, more than a third of the world's population.

Days later, the Australian government confirmed it is poised to roll out a new national app, based on Singapore's TraceTogether, that will alert people if their location data shows they've been in contact with a confirmed case. The prime minister has ruled out making the app mandatory and expects a debate on privacy but hopes at least 40 per cent of the country sign up to ensure it is effective. This tracing technology will also be a key plank of Australia's emergence from hibernation - though Mr Morrison said on April 16 that tough social distancing measures will not be relaxed for at least another month.

Where do the outbreaks happen?

Like the first dangerous coronavirus to emerge in humans, SARS, clusters of the new virus are emerging in close quarters – hospitals, cruise ships, and households. Outside of international travel, most of the “something going on” in Victoria has been traced to large gatherings such as parties and weddings, van Diemen says.


Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews tells the story of a Melbourne dinner party in which a single person had the virus at the time the entrees rolled out. After the main course, most in the room had become infectious time bombs. Victoria’s most notorious case is the so-called Aspen cluster, in which almost a dozen wealthy Melburnians became infected while on a Colorado skiing holiday. A contact of one of them then attended a 21st birthday party in Malvern on March 14 (before self-isolation restrictions for returning travellers) where six people would go on to catch COVID-19.

“We’re seeing (cases like that) reasonably frequently,” van Diemen says, refusing to go into geographic specifics to protect privacy. “Parties are particularly bad, it would appear.”

Local outbreaks have also been recorded in South Australia's wine country, the Barossa Valley; among Qantas baggage handlers; and on Sydney's busy Bondi beach, which has now morphed into one of the country's most significant outbreaks. Further north in Queensland, Smith says tour groups have frequently turned into COVID-19 clusters. At times, authorities have also faced criticism for letting cases slip through the net, most notably when 2700 passengers were allowed to disembark in Sydney from the Ruby Princess cruise ship, hundreds of whom later tested positive.

There are a lot of unknowns about the pandemic, van Diemen says, but analysis of the infection data shows COVID-19, mercifully, still follows a certain logic. “The stuff that makes you raise your eyebrows and say, ‘That doesn’t really make sense’ will often, in a day or two or a week, make sense because [a confirmed case] was actually exposed somewhere else [or] by another known case,” she says. “We do get those 'a-ha, mystery solved' moments.”

A global shortage of testing kits and the finite processing capabilities of Victoria’s laboratories means not everyone with symptoms can be tested, she says. Only then could Victoria know the true extent of the outbreak, particularly cases of community transmission. By mid-April, some states, including Victoria and NSW, had expanded testing to anyone with symptoms. The federal government has now also flagged more testing, having previously said it was exploring local production options for test kits.

In Wollongong, NSW Police officers prepare to board the Ruby Princess cruise ship to seize evidence in what is now a criminal and coronial investigation.

In Wollongong, NSW Police officers prepare to board the Ruby Princess cruise ship to seize evidence in what is now a criminal and coronial investigation. Credit: NSW Police

How important is contact tracing to stopping COVID-19?

As social distancing rules kick in and circles of intimacy shrink, part of Smith's job is getting much easier. "We're getting less imported cases too with the borders closed," he says. "The real concern now is community transmission, cases where we can't figure out how someone was infected – they always raise red flags."

So far, the one-two punch of restricting interactions in the community and isolating known or suspected cases is working. A March surge in new infections in Australia has fallen off dramatically in recent weeks.


In parts of the US now overrun with community outbreaks, contact tracing has begun to take a back seat to other methods of containment. But in Australia, teams in all states stress their work will remain critical to the fight against COVID-19, even if it starts to spread more widely here too.

"With swine flu, we were happy to wind back contact tracing once it started to spread a lot because then we know we're beyond containment, in a sense," Smith says. "But back then, we already had antiviral [treatments] and we knew the usual process for getting a vaccine was kicking in. We're drawing on our knowledge of influenza again here but this illness is different, it's moving faster, it's more infectious, it [seems to be] more deadly. And we don't know when a vaccine will be available."

Teams might instead triage their efforts around vulnerable groups such as aged care homes or remote Indigenous communities, he says.

A NSW Health spokeswoman likens contact tracing to hacking back the tentacles of the virus, one by one, as they wrap around the world.

"It's hard work, but it works. We won't stop."

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with Ben Grubb, Rachel Clun, David Crowe

Originally published on April 11 2020 and updated to reflect new technology developments.

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