

This was published 4 years ago

'I never thought I’d say it, but I miss going to school'

By Natassia Chrysanthos

Drawing of learning at home by Hannah Lemon, year 9.

Drawing of learning at home by Hannah Lemon, year 9.Credit: Hannah Lemon

Almost 500 NSW students wrote to the Herald this week about their experiences of home learning while they bunker down and stay away from school as part of the national effort to stall the spread of coronavirus.

Here's a selection of what students had to say:

It was only last year when we were learning about the Black Death, one of the most devastating pandemics. Simply reading about it was distressing, especially with the unbelievably high death toll. And now here we are, less than a year later, self-isolating in our homes in an attempt to avoid the coronavirus outbreak. It feels as though our history textbooks have come to life, doesn’t it?
Vania Zakerfathi, 14, Asquith

Lola Christopoulos, 11, from Drummoyne.

Lola Christopoulos, 11, from Drummoyne.Credit: Lola Christopoulos

2020 began with blackened skies and a constant dangerous smoky haze as we dealt with the threat of the massive bushfires surrounding us in the Snowy Mountains. However, now we face a much bigger but invisible threat called COVID-19. Both of these events have had a tremendous impact on me and my family. I can only hope and hope again that the ski season is not cancelled as that might be too much to bear.
Jock Harding, 14, East Jindabyne

My mum is working so my dad helps me when I need it, but I find he much better suits his normal job as a fireman compared to teaching. I’ve got my own desk with my brother next to me and you can wear whatever you want. Today I am wearing a llama costume.
Harriet Bowen, 7, Glenbrook

Breaking News!
This is the way my teacher would like me to start, whereas my Dad would probably like me to start with something like:
Did you hear the joke about the germ? Never mind, I don’t want to spread it around.
This is the kind of stuff that I have to put up with in class at home. Can you imagine, every five minutes, a joke that's not even worthy of being called a joke, each one worse than before? It's torture!
Theodore Holmes, 11, Coffs Harbour


Accidently called my teacher ‘Mum’ again but this time I was actually right! It’s been hard to win against the wall in handball, I would really rather play against my best buddies instead.
Jaycob Diaz, 7, Stanhope Gardens

There's such a thing as too much screen time

For a generation hell-bent on staying within the confines of their screens, remote learning may be the worst thing that has happened to education. Maybe this will be beneficial for us after all – in a way that a son caught smoking his father’s cigarettes is forced to chain smoke the entire packet. We might just learn to appreciate the face-to-face contact we took for granted. Coughing and spluttering, we shall emerge from the mists of our poorly ventilated bedrooms to never look at our phones again.
Ela Cimen, 17, Cabarita

Rich class discussions, a large whiteboard and the opportunity to communicate face-to-face simply cannot be replaced by consecutive Zoom lessons. This experience is definitely the end of the “can robots replace teachers one day?” debate of our generation.
Alisha Gugnani, 14, West Pennant Hills

'When you've figured out that home school is worse than regular school', by Oliver Doyle, age 10.

'When you've figured out that home school is worse than regular school', by Oliver Doyle, age 10.Credit: Oliver Doyle

Don't it always seem to go

When our teachers began running us through online lessons three weeks ago, I remember laughing with my classmates; pulling funny faces on the screens behind the teachers' backs. "Remote learning" was a phrase that sounded wacky and fun – almost a game.


Fast forward to two weeks ago and there was a different feel; each lesson involved us demanding teachers opinions on the future, refreshing news websites on our laptops, hand-sanitiser replacing the spray perfumes in our pockets. That afternoon, it was announced that we would no longer be required to attend school.

I cried that afternoon, and cried many more times to follow. I miss my friends, I miss my teachers, I miss the school bell, the morning roll call, the chatty corridors. I miss learning in an environment where I am constantly motivated and supported by my peers around me, where we learn collaboratively, sharing ideas, participating in hands-on activities.
Isabel Vitoria, 17, Cromer

At school everyone is packing up. All I can hear is the other kids' voices chattering away to their friends: “Isn't this exciting!” I got in the car with my Mum and said excitedly, "This is going to be amazing".


How quickly things change. Missing friends. Only getting to see them on Google Meets, not in person. Missing school (which I never expected to miss) and feeling like I’ve left almost everything behind. My feelings soon turned into sadness, stress and fear, even though I was around my family. When I found out that I might be staying home for term two as well, I was devastated.
Sienna Laura, 11, Roseville

This was meant to be a special year, it marked the start of my high school life. I thought starting year 7 would be challenging but nothing has been as difficult as distance learning and the rapid spread of COVID-19. We all live in fear.

To be told we’d have lessons from home made me very happy at first because I thought of the extra sleep and play time. For the first few days life was easy and breezy, but the novelty soon wore off. I found it tiring, lonely and hard. I also got in more trouble from my parents. I haven't left my house for 23 days. I miss everything from my old life.
River Flores, 13, Dural


How amazing is it? No need to walk to school, get sweaty and carry heavy bags around. And on top of that, no PE! It was a yay for me – well unfortunately only for the first few days. Tasks pelted down like bullets, assessments, worksheets and what-not. Remote learning is secluded and I hope we never have to do remote learning again. A shout out to our spectacular teachers, they are toiling day and night for our learning.
Nashrah Nusaibah, 15, Asquith

Sleeping in until five minutes before the roll. Going to school in my pyjamas. Sitting next to my dog all day. Home schooling was going to be great! That was before I realised what it was really like. No one to talk to in class. No one to play with in the backyard. No sport or going to the library. Just me and a computer screen. Also, the teachers will not let you wear your pyjamas after all!
Anna Slack, 8, Hunters Hill

Although at the beginning I thought I would like doing my lessons at home, two weeks in I am finding it unbearable. It's like a feeling I can’t explain. I am an only child so not being at school and seeing other children is huge. I really miss the people. The only good thing about learning at home is you can eat in class and wear comfy clothes instead of your school uniform and if you’re feeling lazy you don’t have to brush your hair.
Clementine Balfas Bell, 11, Newtown

Drawings of life in isolation by Alice Glen, 12.

Drawings of life in isolation by Alice Glen, 12. Credit: Alice Glen

The things I miss ...

I miss the journey to and from school. I would usually walk to the station, catch the train, then the bus. I miss the clamour, the pushing, and everything that comes with catching public transport.

I miss talking to my friends and saying hello to everyone in the hallways. I can’t socialise anymore. The hardest part of staying home is being in a small home with four other people. I have to share a space for studying with my brother, and it can get really loud. Additionally, because English is my mum’s second language, when my younger sister needs help with her work, she comes to me, often when I’m on call, and whilst I’m explaining to her what to do, I would miss what I have to do.
Sienna Jeong, 14, Asquith


I've got a few things that I miss about the school and that is playing soccer and having fun with my friends. I also miss not getting merit cards and awards. I enjoy being in bed a bit longer and visit my mummy and daddy in the morning. I get to have fun on the iPad doing my school activities. At lunch I play with my dad – Just Dance on the Nintendo Switch – and my dad always wins 🙁
Raushan Settels, 6, Hurstville

Who would have thought that 53 minutes could seem so long? Without friends to talk to and collaborate with, one period seems to stretch on forever. I never realised how much I would miss talking to my friends in class, even if it was just asking the meaning of a word or something else mundane.
Jemma Simpson, 13, Northmead

Eleanor Park, 10, from Silverwater

Eleanor Park, 10, from SilverwaterCredit: Eleanor Park

The upside

Thank you coronavirus! Home schooling is the best! You get to spend way more time with your family, play tonnes of soccer in the backyard, go for afternoon walks, eat yummy hot lunches instead of vegemite sandwiches, and stay in your PJs. I’ve achieved two amazing things in my two weeks of home schooling – I’ve learnt to draw! Something I’ve been too afraid to learn in class and best of all, I’ve broken my soccer juggling record – I can now do 100 juggles!
Darcy McNicholas, 9, North Epping

The nice thing about staying at home is that I can sleep in. I don't have to get up at 6.30am anymore. YAY!! We still have fun at home. Every morning we ride around the block so it feels like we are riding to school. Then we do some exercise before we start our school work. We also have a canteen on Friday. We collect points by doing jobs, then we spend the points at the canteen. Last week I chose Arancini Balls. Yum!
Harper Sacoor, 10, North Narooma

When I first heard the words home schooling, I thought this meant my dad dressing up as a smart person and teaching me stuff. Turns out it was kind of different. For starters, it felt awkward. But there was a good side too – NO RULES!!!! Actually, I learn more at home. And I still get taught by my teacher. I also think it is kind of cool that I can stay in my PJs and go to school.
Leon George, 8, Hornsby


I think I've gotten used to it. I have a to-do list so I know what to do during the day. I miss my classmates, but we do video chats. Today we had a video chat to sing happy birthday to a classmate. But we couldn't have any of his birthday cake.
Aoi McMahon, 6, Bronte

I like working from home because I can eat peanut butter and I can work with mummy. I miss playing with my friends, because I only have my baby brother to play with. The best part of being at home is I don’t get in as much trouble. The things I find hard is knowing what to do when it’s lunch and my brother is sleeping. Also sitting properly.
Rosalind Galea, 7, Yagoona

In my opinion, home schooling is great. You get to pick when you do a certain subject, eat when you want and decide what to play at lunch. The only real problem is being tormented by your siblings! I have an older sister who drives me up the wall. Some people can be embarrassed by their sibling’s teasing, but it doesn’t matter because she has more homework to do than me.
Rafaella Tambasco, 8, Dulwich Hill

'Home schooling is the worst' by Jasmine Pastorelli, aged 8.

'Home schooling is the worst' by Jasmine Pastorelli, aged 8.Credit: Jasmine Pastorelli

'Being home schooled is the worst'

As each day crawls by like a snail in the rain, I feel helpless and trapped. I feel like I am stranded in a cramped room with four walls in each direction charging towards me. Every child in any corner of the globe would do anything to just spend one day in school, including me. I miss just slipping into my uniform, pinning on my badge and walking proudly to school, thriving with my friends.

But every night when I close my eyes, I know we are running this race together. I know that the sun will still rise tomorrow. Most importantly, I know that next day when we wake up, we are one day closer to the finish line.
Ritisha Roy, 11, Mays Hill

I am having problems with computers doing lessons at home. I use my sister's old laptop, but it’s slow and can barely connect to the internet. This afternoon when I had almost finished a 1000-word story, my laptop screen stopped working again. I would have cried, but my Dad was in an online meeting and I didn’t want to disturb him.
Clementine Roumanoff, 9, North Balgowlah

Being home schooled is the worst. The only good bits about it are PJ lessons, going for lunchtime walks and bike rides, and writing letters to my friends.

The hardest part about being at home school is watching the postman ride by each day and not getting any letters in reply. Also, learning my times tables and about the First Fleet is sooooo boring. The thing I miss the most about going to school is seeing my friends every day. I miss their smiles and hugs.
Scarlett Frost, 7, West Pennant Hills

Having ADHD, it feels harder than ever to concentrate on work when I’m not surrounded by peers. We’re forced to find our own initiative to learn, which is difficult considering how the current circumstances are only draining us of motivation and optimism. It’s starting to take a toll on me, and I know I’m not the only one.
Mia Skjellerup, 14, Turramurra

I never really knew what isolation meant. But here I am, 9-years-old, living through a period of time that will be studied by lots of kids my age one day. It feels so comforting seeing my teachers' and friends' faces through my computer screen, hearing their voices for a few moments. It keeps my mind from thinking about all the sad things happening right now. But some thoughts never leave my mind, like will my grandparents be OK?
Hannah Chalmers, 9, Rodd Point

Many people say teenagers are the most social age group, so being confined within the walls of our houses is torturous. We just want to go to school and socialise, or go to the shops on the weekend. Only yesterday we were looking back on photos from before the quarantine and wondering what we would be doing today if it weren’t for the virus. It's like a whole year of our childhood is gone, a year we can never get back.
John Maskery, 15, Wahroonga

I'm transforming into an indolent, fatigued pig, sitting down for six hours straight and staring at my computer screen until I have accomplished my assignments. I miss going out to enjoy the sun, spending quality time with friends. I miss seeing their sweet and alluring smiles and laughing hysterically with them. I'm so grateful and thankful to all the doctors and nurses risking their valuable lives to help save others.
Angelina Zhao, 14, Burwood

Life in isolation drawing by Taliesin Law.

Life in isolation drawing by Taliesin Law.Credit: Taliesin Law

It's a tough time for year 12

We are the class of 2020. We will be remembered as the ones who spent half their graduation year locked inside their houses instead of in the school musical, swimming in the last carnival or pulling senior pranks. Year 12 is a big year for anyone but when you are doing your lessons through a screen, receiving new information about the HSC every day, and unsure if the next time you will see your friends is when you are walking up to collect the certificate that says you passed year 12, you begin to ask yourself … Did I pass year 12? Or did I just pass a test?

Because year 12 is not the final mark. It’s the friends along the way, the memories you make and the stories you tell 10 years from now. The class of 2020 will go down in the books, but every single one of us would prefer to have made the memories than to be remembered in that book of missed opportunities.
Georgia Prendergast, 17, West Pymble

For year 12s I think it’s like graduation came, but too soon and without any of the celebration; no one was expecting it and we didn’t have the chance to say our goodbyes to the experiences, good and bad, that we’ve had over the last 13 years. Hopefully we will get that chance soon – and I think I speak for many students when I say we are so grateful for our teachers at the moment.
Lauren Shaw, 17, Croydon Park

No longer am I able to enjoy the constant stream of worksheets by chatting to my classmates, or find motivation from the girl in front of me who's three chapters ahead in the textbook. I’m still in touch with all my friends and probably talking to them more now then I did before, sometimes calling them and just leaving them on speaker next to me, so I can hear their occasional singing or complaints of our work that seems to have doubled in nature.

But I can’t help but be sad that we’re missing out on our final year of school. I worry about the question mark that hangs around our graduation and year 12 fun days I’ve watched others experience for the past five years, waiting desperately for my turn. Particularly I think about my HSC. Even though I’m constantly told to keep studying, its uncertain nature doesn’t fill me with motivation. I’m not a super eager student and I never thought I’d say it, but I miss going to school.
Sophie Mumford, 17, Cheltenham

Drawing of learning at home by Hannah Lemon, year 9.

Drawing of learning at home by Hannah Lemon, year 9.Credit: Hannah Lemon


As you know, all Australian students are required to learn from home. I think it's the right action but just not the most fun. If you ask me it lacks LIFE:
Learning is incomplete, lacking teachers guidance and the way they used to check what we're doing.
Interaction is less to none online, as you can only message or text each other.
Friends, there are none with me! Learning from home breaks are the most boring things ever.
Extra-curricular activities. In school there are various activities you can do and be part of, however at home there are limited options.
With this I would like to conclude, as School has all the LIFE, I can't wait for it to start again!
Tanvi Marwaha, 9, Baulkham Hills

Unlucky that I still have to wear my official school uniform shirt for online live classes, but lucky that the teachers can’t see lower because I only have my PJ pants on still.

Unlucky that I can’t pick out something yum at the canteen during break, but lucky that I get to have lunch with my little brother like in school holidays.

Unlucky that school camp was cancelled, but lucky that I met some great new friends in the first few weeks of high school.

Unlucky that I can’t hang out with my mates every day, but lucky that I have extra time with my family and that they are all safe.
Lachlan Diaz-Brand, 12, Toongabbie

It started as a whisper, a single strain,
Our authorities claimed they had it tamed,
But as panic spread and shelves became bare,
Australians became divided, everyone, everywhere,
And as the online transition slowly began,
Social gatherings were limited, travel banned.

Our activities ended, our sports and bands,
Headphones replaced our outstretched hands,
Our classrooms substituted for virtual screens,
Our days spent, watery eyes glued to teams,
Our lunchtimes enjoyed, indoors, and alone,
Our only interaction through the screen of a phone.

Our teachers check in regularly, their pixelated faces a welcome sight,
Confined to the house with our siblings, trying not to fight,
Our evenings spent listening attentively to the ABC,
While we realise how lucky we were before, when we were free.

So as our nation enters into uncharted waters,
We must keep our family close, our dads, mums, sons and daughters,
We must strive to do right by others and be kind,
And be willing to change our daily life, and keep an open mind.

So whether it is making simple sacrifices, like working from home or school online,
We must work together as a nation, for it is when Australia is unified that we truly shine.
Ben Cullen, 15, Westleigh

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