

This was published 4 years ago

Readers share their stories: What you are doing to get through the coronavirus outbreak


We're asking readers to share their stories and tips on how they are coping in these unusual times when the coronavirus outbreak has upended many of our everyday routines.

And there have been plenty of ideas from comfort cooking and meal planning; to checking on elderly neighbours; online yoga; arts and crafts; breaks from screen-time; the best things to watch and play during screen-time; picking wild greens and gardening; cubby hut building; and even making a bidet (complete with picture!).

Keep sharing your thoughts and we'll keep adding to this article.

What readers said:

Exercise at some point, every day. It releases endorphins which will bring your mood up in the most natural way, reduce the inevitable stress levels, and also reduce your perception of pain. Don't stagnate. Then when everyone re-enters the world, shock them with how GREAT you look.

I will be taking a challenge of walking 100kms a week while staying at home. Taking advantage of time. #VirtualSelfIsolation

Read lots of books!


Best time to pick up a new hobby, learn a new skill from home. For example, experimenting with that recipe you've always wanted to try, do a bake-off/cook-off, learn a new song on an instrument (if you have one), read a book, play online games - something that stimulates the mind - chess, draw, do a fitness challenge, binge on your favourite series/movies.

I'm designing a native garden, planting seeds and watching them grow. Even in an apartment if you can find a sunny(ish) window sill you can grow mixed lettuces and greens. There are plenty of places to buy seeds online and to read about garden design. Plant the idea in your head and reflect on the importance of soil, flowers, trees and vegetables to our environment.

I have a small backyard and now pick wild greens which I used to shun. I get on the android tv box for entertainment and have devised an alternative to toilet paper use as I've given up looking for them at the supermarket. And I go out once or twice a week to top up food groceries. (Pictured) is my makeshift bidet system which delivers warm water servicing two toilets, each has its own plastic switch off tap.

A home-made bidet to avoid the toilet paper queues.

A home-made bidet to avoid the toilet paper queues.Credit:

My 84-year-old dad couldn’t go to his Tai Chi class, so I found a 30 minute free class for seniors on YouTube for him. Here’s the link.

After breakfast, I shower and put on comfy clothes (that aren't pyjamas), then "leave for work", walk around the block and then come home, having "arrived" to start my workday. Lunch outside for a full 30 minutes, no technology allowed. At the end of the workday another walk around the block, and then I've arrived "home". I'm also wearing my Fitbit all day and I'm not allowed to go to bed until I've hit 10,000 steps.

Trying to stick to as normal of a routine as possible is paramount. Try getting up at a similar time each morning, shower, get dressed, do a YouTube work out, eat breakfast and then get started for the day. Take regular breaks and touch base with colleagues, family and friends. We are going to get through this! 🙂

Planting winter vegies. And having a go at summer vegies too such as zucchini. I’ll put them under plastic cages to stretch out the season. Think I might get some chooks too ...

I help my parents buy groceries. Sometimes we use WeChat to contact local Asian Groceries, they even do home deliveries. I think it is a good way to make sure that my elderly parents will not go outside the house and expose the risk.

Working from home is a chance to re-set the work-life balance; celebrating not having to commute, using the lunch hour to eat something healthy you make at home, actually taking the breaks from the computer you never do at the office, and seeing what the cat gets up to when you are under her feet all day (nothing much, it turns out, as the below photo suggests). Using the garden or verandah as a workspace while on your computer helps keep you connected with the bigger world out there and staves off cabin fever! Get out the extension cord and start loving it.

One reader is enjoying seeing what her cat gets up to at home while she's usually at work. Not much it seems.

One reader is enjoying seeing what her cat gets up to at home while she's usually at work. Not much it seems.Credit:

Am reading a biography of Napoleon and listening to all the Haydn String Quartets. And keeping a very tidy house! Going out occasionally for shopping, but it is so crazy. We have a surfeit of oats, fortunately, that food which according to Dr Johnson in England feeds the horses, but in Scotland feeds the people! Hopefully no weevils in the flour ...

Well, I impulse bought a guitar. Gonna find some Sufjan Stevens tabs.

Get dressed for work, go out and walk 2km, back to your house (preferably with your dog) and start your day as if you’d arrived at the office. Same at home time.

Work is forcing me to work in the office (software cloud company) even though I got back from overseas six days ago and live with someone who has slight symptoms.

Building a playing-card house.

Bunkering down at home definitely.

We have purchased an Xbox One as well as increasing our streaming service subscriptions to fight boredom. My stepdaughter has been taken out of school and we are awaiting the high school to provide work for her but we proactively signed up to the free Khan Academy learning site where she is completing a full day of lessons across maths, science, English and other core subjects. My younger daughter is still in school ... At work, I’ve isolated myself to a quiet room as our workplace prepares for work from home provisions. Our world has changed so much but we fight on and adapt to whatever it throws at us.

For Prep-2 students, look at for amazing reading and writing lessons. Ask your School to sign up for a free institution account so that you can access it for free.

Every room is a cubby house courtesy of our three-year-old.

Tip to avoid supermarket anxiety: Make a meal plan and freeze your meals in a container. This way you can ensure you are still eating healthy and not overbuying for the sake of buying and helps you stay on target at the supermarket!


I work in the events industry. Almost all of the event industry has lost their jobs, we have 0 income. I just had to cancel my wedding. How does the government plan to help us? The only people who have been kind enough to help us in this situation is our landlord who selflessly cut our rent by 50% for the next 3 months. Why is the government not doing more for these types of companies? offering interest-free small business loans? COVID 19 will end, but how are we supposed to live right now and plan for the future?

Care for others. Remind elderly neighbours to ensure their prescriptions are filled and see if they need any assistance with that, shopping or other matters. Make sure they have your phone number if they need help. And for those of us on the coast, time in the surf or walking at the beach is always grounding to help keep things in perspective. Coronavirus can and should be about community and caring and support for those in need.

Maintaining a routine and exercising is helping out. Waking up at the usual time, using the exercise equipment at home to stretch, do some light strength work and skip! Currently, I'm keeping my distance from society by working from home and limiting time spent around the community to reduce the risk of contracting the virus. This includes my much-loved coffees, homemade or instant only for now!

Studying. Computer games. Keep a diary. Exercise.

We are trying to stick to the schedule as much as possible. Working from home while the three kids do some studying like maths and science from 9-2ish. 1 hour of family games. Exercising together which is actually fun.

When I'm stressed, I funnel my anxiety into the kitchen; cooking (including competitively, for the Royal Melbourne Show) is a big part of my mental health 'program'. I'm also trying to self-isolate where possible, mostly to protect more vulnerable friends and family with existing health issues. So, I've been sharing cooking tips via Instagram (@clembastow) and tagging it #ShelfIsolation; simple stuff like how to freeze fresh produce so that it doesn't turn into one big mushy ice cube, or how to keep bananas from ripening too fast (wrap the stems in plastic to slow the ethylene leakage!), and easy recipes for using up the remains of the vegetable crisper or basic dry goods. They're little, practical things that seem to be helping people feel like they've regained a bit of control over their situation, which is so helpful for anxiety. As to whether or not I'll share my Royal Show blue-ribbon-winning recipes, well, watch this space ...

A reader suggests wrapping the stems of bananas in plastic to keep them from ripening too fast.

A reader suggests wrapping the stems of bananas in plastic to keep them from ripening too fast.Credit:

Jigsaw puzzles.

I collected a mini stockpile of quality proteins, took to exercising at home and have joined a nationwide fight for universal basic income. As Americans are doing under the leadership of Andrew Yang.

My wife is concerned about the lockdown? In particular about whether we have enough alcohol at home. As she said, I am definitely going to need more wine if I have to spend 24-7 with you for a month.

Have phone calls with loved ones. Be creative - make music, make art. Set routines for working from home. Stick to healthy work hours. Get out of your PJs in the morning to feel productive. Give time and space to your fears and worries so that they don't boil over, but also be intentional about quieting your mind from the news for stretches of the day. Limit time on social media. Look for beauty where you haven't before - the nooks and crannies of your house and backyard. Get your neighbours' phone numbers so you can check-in, especially if they are elderly or alone. Research breathing exercises and meditation techniques for anxiety. Limit alcohol intake. Drink lots of water. Be patient with others - everyone is scared and on edge. Spare thoughts and prayers for those suffering more. Keep perspective. Practice thankfulness. Love, deeply and sacrificially and creatively. Don't heap abuse on your leaders - they are doing their best. This situation is unprecedented, which means we have an unprecedented chance to be good and kind and get through it, together.

I can spend more time cooking my own food which I rarely have time when I spend 2 hours on commute every day.

Download a language course. You'll be fluent by the time you get the opportunity to travel to the country of your choice. Hasta la vista!

Nothing has changed. Still at work as a salesman for a local blind, awning and security screen manufacturer in Brisbane. It's a worry knocking on a stranger's door for an appointment, not knowing if this will be the person I catch the coronavirus from and then pass it to my family.

Been getting takeaway meals from my local Chinese restaurant to feed myself. It's quiet and peaceful compared to Coles and Woolies right now.

No childcare and no play dates. Scooter and running races with my toddler and the baby in the pram. We live in a cottage with no yard so this is the only way to get a bit of exercise and outdoor activity in the day. Otherwise, we’ve been baking, craft and playing hide and seek. The rest of the time is TV (too much to admit).

By bringing 'wine-o-clock' forward by about 5 hours.

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I've taken my kids out of childcare and school so am taking them to the park for an hour of power between 8am-9am before work-from-home starts, then park again for a run around outside between 12-1pm.

Taking care of students at school and trying to sustain a sense of calm amongst all this chaos. Some of which has been created by some of the sensationalised headlines that I have been disappointed to read on this thread.

As a retiree with a model railway itch to scratch, I just need time to get to my local hardware store and stock up on dressed pine, screws and white glue. If this sucker takes six months to subside, at least I'll have all the benchwork finished! All the other stuff I need to finish the layout I've been hoarding for years!

A model railway enthusiast has a project ready to go.

A model railway enthusiast has a project ready to go.Credit:

If working from home, make sure to have a proper setup to prevent injuries. Take this time to also start reading some good books!

I have been feeling uncontrollably stressed and worried by this crisis. I have been trying to cope by checking for updates regularly, but it seems to be making me unable to focus on anything else. The only thing that's vaguely helped me is talking with others about it for reassurance, and telling myself that I will be okay. I think you need to have a really strong and clear mindset with this virus, and make sure to practice good hygiene! Reassure yourself in any way you can.

For a deeper perspective, I'm re-reading The Plague by Albert Camus.

STOP Work, all activities and house arrest for 2 months. That my suggestion. Follow what China is doing. The economy is gone. No point dwelling. People's wellbeing is more important right now!

We are still going outside and keeping social distance with our two years old. I think kids are more prone to infections in childcare rather than being outside with social distancing.

Set timetable to keep things in routine, or at least the list of activities. If can work from home then try to get kids out to parks or somewhere they could exercise to burn out a bit without interactions with other people.

I'M KEEPING CORONAVIRUS OUT OF MY HOME! I open my front door with minimal hand contact and use my foot to push open the door. I go straight to my sink taking my keys with me. I wash my hands and wipe my keys, as it is done in this very important video. I go back to my front door. I wipe down the handle or any areas of the door that I've touched with my hand. Then I wash my hands again. I am reducing my social activities to outside only. Beach, bush, garden. I ask people to wash their hands if they visit me and we sit outside 2 metres apart. Likewise, I wash my hands should I need to visit anyone and stay outside.

Implementing sleep training and routine for my 6-month-old.

Checking employment contracts.

Unlike some panic-buyers out there, I considered everything carefully and decided what I found more important, catching Coronavirus and then needing treatment which would see me out of work, or not unnecessary visits to the shops, cafes etc. I work outside in a very physical part-time job outside so I am not only keeping fit, I'm getting sunlight. As soon as I get home, I wash my hands with hand sanitiser. I do try not to touch my face, but I find that very difficult and quite often break that rule. Whenever couriers deliver parcels to me, I request they put it down and I'll pick it up there, and then wash my hands (quite similar to what Domino's, Uber Eats and Menulog are doing). Most importantly though is the elderly community, who are most vulnerable. We have told our elderly family to stay home and not go out unnecessarily. We keep in contact with them every single day to ensure they have company. I've even planned on what would happen if we went into lockdown! To put it short though, all you need to do is not panic, but take it all seriously. If we can do that, then I think Australia will pull through mostly unscathed. However, if we continue to visit shopping centres, gyms, cinemas unnecessarily, we're going to pay for it, whether it be an enforced lockdown, or if we catch the disease...

Praying to God to stop the spread of coronavirus.

Catch up on things around the house - breaking it up into sections so it's not too overwhelming.

Just before all this panic started, I read an article on people using cloth wipes instead of toilet paper. So when it was difficult to buy the paper, I tried it and it works fine. I bought small face washers in the baby section of a major store, in packs of ten. The article had suggested having a handy bucket to collect for used wipes, with disinfectant, and put through the wash when necessary. However, we have a washlet (toilet seat bidet) and I wash the used wipe as I wash my hands. I love it.

When I am not working from home, I am practising mandarin Chinese on an app, reading and playing online games. ... It's funny how about 90% of my life has remained exactly the same, yet it just feels different.

I am cooking new dishes. Calling my parents and friends and sharing information. Watching Netflix alas no sports. My Gym is still open with strict sanitation measures. Very concerned about lack of supplies at the supermarket as we are out of stock of few things and have not been able to get them for 1 week now. Want to know if governments can somehow intervene so that all population can get essentials. Lot of friends sending jokes or videos on the situation so good to feel a bit light after reading or listening to the news.

In school, a new rule has been put into effect where if you show signs of illness (coughing, snotty nose, etc), you get politely asked to go home until you are better.

Our dance and fitness studio have been awesome. They're providing live-streamed fitness classes as part of our ongoing subscription. So it's great value. The classes are awesome and the instructors still give us personalised attention. Shout out to William Maslin Dance Studios.

Just ordered a trampoline for our kids, stocked up on arts and crafts, and will soon write up a list of 'rules' and schedule for being at home to give some structure to our kids. Also, did a phone consult with our naturopath, ordered all our vitamins and supplements and an online order from our local butcher to stock up on bones to cook bone broth.

I have made the choice to keep our son at home. My husband is an emergency service worker, who attends work in the Hills District. I have made the choice to self-isolate so that we simply do not pass on the virus to another person if my husband does become infected. I have set up a google classroom for my son, and I task him with English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, Music, art and P.E. Each day he works for the same times he would at school. Finishing his day at 3pm and then he has time to himself as he would on any normal school day. I am working from home, keeping my routine as regular as possible to maintain a routine.

I am a teacher, so I am going to a school with hundreds of other staff and students, sitting shoulder-to-shoulder and face-to-face with them for up to an hour and a half at a time. All of my recreational time activities have been postponed and cancelled for the time being, in the interests of slowing the virus down. My work has been defined as safe by the people in charge, so in their eyes all is officially good.

I’m keeping my 3 kids at home so I do a schedule of activities including maths (school books or online source), English & comprehension, they play musical instruments, we take the dogs for a walk, ride bikes, read, watch a documentary on Netflix (Educational for kids). I go to the supermarket late night so it’s less busy. Park and beach is also a good option.

Read heaps of books. Take the time to read those on your list that you've been meaning to a for a long time.

Adopt the neighbour principle. Four households making contact. Addressing two - four weeks worth of household necessities in the light of city-wide hoarding. Exchange safety tips and your contact details for a sense of Cummings. Isolation has its own negative effects.

Use the Pomodoro technique - 30 min blocks: work intensely for 25 minutes then 5 minutes break. Repeat 4 times then have a long break (20-30mins). Use your short breaks to do bursts of activity (stairs, squats, jog on the spot), this will help to get heart rate up and keep energised.


My two neighbours and I have organised to join forces and do a regular outdoor fitness class with my trainer in my front garden. Everyone brings their own mats and weights, several metres between participants, no-one touches anyone and we all have a better chance of staying fit and healthy.

Fairly simple and straightforward - don't try to live your normal life and get done everything you would normally get done; get done what you can without stress until a new normal emerges and you can work within those new boundaries.

Go for a walk each day away from crowds.

Under normal circumstances, I work from home about 2 or 3 days a week. The biggest tips I can give to those who might not do it often, or for the first time are: put on some real pants - you might be tempted to get away with track pants or pyjamas but actually “getting ready” for work helps to put you in the right mode, mentally; take a walk - the incidental exercise you get from your commute, or going to the printer, etc has a big impact. I find that more than 2 or 3 days at home leads to aches and pains if I don’t get at least around the block, or into the backyard; separate your workspace - where you can avoid working in the kitchen or lounge room as I often find my fridge or Netflix calling to me if I don’t use my desk or a study area... and it’s hard to avoid distractions because they’re ALL RIGHT THERE!

Tip #1: Take the opportunity to "Cook Like an Italian with Silvia Colloca". Delicious. Tip #2: Change it up, and refresh your house. Move the pictures, cushions and furniture around. Tip #3: Update your podcast library and listen/learn from some transformative stories and pre-eminent broadcasters. Tip #4: Detox! Now's the time to think about giving the booze a break. Tip #5: Reconnect with those books you bought, but never quite found time to read. Tip #6: Live consciously. Think about it. Half the world doesn't have access to toilet paper. So calm the ---- down.

Yoga with Adrienne, a YouTube channel featuring a gorgeous and totally relatable yoga teacher from Austin, Texas, is a great way for me to stay fit (and sane) in my lunch break while I work from home.

Lots of arts and craft (and Paw Patrol!)

I'm a workplace strategist & economist for a global corporate property services firm. Our team has spent the last couple of days developing and understanding employee personas, pain points to better understand how we can design solutions for the significant increase in remote working. There is a lot more detail that sites behind this and a lot of ideas being put out there....but most will only work for certain businesses, functions and personalities. My personal advice to people is 'Use DOWNtime to UPskill', there are a lot of free education platforms out there (LinkedIn Learning and Kahn Academy). With a looming recession, it's never been more important to upskill yourself with the latest tech and business processes and set yourself ahead of the pack.

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