

This was published 5 years ago

'Unacceptable' delays getting doctors tested for coronavirus

By Kate Aubusson and Dana McCauley

Doctors with mild coughs or runny noses are struggling to get tested for coronavirus, leaving them with no choice but to self-isolate and stay away from their increasingly burdened hospitals and practices.

Several public hospital medicos told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age that they can't find a health service that would test them for the virus because they didn’t meet the criteria.

Dr Mukesh Haikerwal has taken to swabbing patients for COVID-19 in their cars amid fears GPs are ill-equipped to deal with a potential coronavirus outbreak.

Dr Mukesh Haikerwal has taken to swabbing patients for COVID-19 in their cars amid fears GPs are ill-equipped to deal with a potential coronavirus outbreak.Credit: Jason South

Sydney GP Kerryn Phelps has called for medical practitioners to be fast-tracked for coronavirus testing, after a fellow GP was told she would have to wait five days to be tested after developing cold symptoms. It can take another five days to receive the pathology results.

Doctors have been repeatedly told by federal and state government health authorities not to go to work if they have any symptoms that could be signs of COVID-19.

But when many have tried to get tested to protect their patients they were fobbed off because they didn’t meet the threshold for testing because they had not recently travelled overseas and were not close contacts of confirmed cases.

“My hospital can’t afford to have us all out of work for the rest of the week as I call around trying to get tested, then if I do manage to – which is looking highly unlikely at this stage – wait however many days for the results to come back,” one doctor told the Herald and The Age on condition of anonymity.

Healthcare workers are bracing for a deluge of people seeking coronavirus testing following Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt’s directive that unwell healthcare workers and others who may have had contact with virus carriers or been in a high-risk area get themselves tested.

RPA has moved its coronavirus clinics to a larger area to cater for the influx of patients and the government’s health advice hotline Healthdirect was knocked offline several times on Monday morning due to spikes in calls.


A Department of Health spokesman said the Commonwealth would soon be expanding the 1800 020 080 national COVID-19 hotline to a 24-hour service to help “support general practices manage the flow of cases”.

Updated health advice for Australians

The symptoms of coronavirus include:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath; and
  • Breathing difficulties

If you suspect you or a family member has coronavirus you should call (not visit) your GP or ring the national Coronavirus Health Information Hotline on 1800 020 080.

Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy on Monday recommended testing only for returned travellers with cold or flu symptoms (a cough, runny nose and fever), or those who had been in contact with a confirmed case.

GPs say they’re still getting mixed messages, with public health units telling them to test anyone who has a sore throat or runny nose, including other doctors.

“Australia should run out of doctors working quite soon,” one GP quipped after receiving the advice.

Dr Kerryn Phelps said it was unacceptable to expect doctors to wait for coronavirus testing.

Dr Kerryn Phelps said it was unacceptable to expect doctors to wait for coronavirus testing. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Dr Phelps said a GP colleague had sought out testing to avoid putting patients at risk or being attacked like a Victorian GP ridiculed for unknowingly treating 70 patients before he was diagnosed with COVID-19.

She phoned a private lab but was told there was a waiting list for testing. She was advised to drive to a hospital to pick up a testing kit, and then had to drive to another hospital to drop it off at a laboratory with coronavirus testing capability.

Dr Phelps said the wait was unacceptable.

"We have to be able to keep healthcare workers at the frontline to look after patients," Professor Phelps said.

Melbourne GP Mukesh Haikerwal has taken to swabbing patients for coronavirus in their cars.

Dr Haikerwal – former federal president of the Australian Medical Association – said his busy clinic was down to its last five face masks and doctors weren’t getting enough equipment or clear guidance.

Victorian health minister Jenny Mikakos said on Monday that the state was "working closely with the Commonwealth" to boost testing capacity and that healthcare workers would be prioritised.

NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant said it was crucial that healthcare workers do not go to work if they are unwell “and we are going to need to support them better with access to testing”.

Dr Chant said plans were being prepared to prioritise healthcare workers so they can be rapidly excluded for COVID-19 and get back to the task of caring for vulnerable patients.

AMA president Tony Bartone said: “Without us, the system will not function in terms of keeping the pressure off the emergency department and the public hospitals.


“If you take time off there are no GPs to pull in at a moment's notice and patients require ongoing care, especially those with chronic conditions and the elderly in the community.

“We are not suggesting that we put people at risk but we've got to be very, very clear. If we are to be expected not to work through a sniffle, not to work through that, make it very clear and we'll comply.”


An earlier version of this story said Health Minister Greg Hunt had called for all Australians exhibiting flu-like symptoms to be tested for coronavirus. The story has been updated to reflect that Mr Hunt’s comments were intended for those with symptoms who had contact with suspected coronavirus cases or had travelled to high-risk areas.

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