This was published 5 years ago
Don't wait, let's self-isolate everyone for two weeks now
By Cathie Hull
I am an emergency doctor working at Ryde Hospital. Our very mixed migrant community includes a large Chinese population. Over the Christmas-January holiday period, before Chinese New Year, news bulletins worsened. We had bushfires at home, and a new virus in China.
I knew many in our local community travelled overseas frequently. Some leave their young children to be cared for by relatives in China. Thinking I may well encounter a patient with the illness, I devoted at least an hour a day to journals and reports on coronavirus.
When my daughter returned to London via Hong Kong on January 13, I was concerned but not anxious. Not long after, I was exposed to the virus: on Sunday, February 23, in my own department.
But not from a patient. A colleague was ill that evening and he was encouraged to leave work early. He was subsequently tested for COVID-19. His nose and throat swab was negative. Twice. He deteriorated and was admitted to ICU that week. His chest CT was consistent with reported COVID-19 findings.
The negative results on a sick patient were falsely reassuring. I was perfectly well. I worked another shift a few days later. I went out with friends.
Then suddenly everything changed. Later testing by different techniques proved he was positive for COVID-19.
I was called and went immediately into isolation, seven days after I’d last seen him. So did others. We were anxious for our sick friend in ICU.
Those who had shared that shift were quarantined. Because we were very busy and working in separate spaces that evening, I did not have much exposure to our sick doctor. But how much is enough?
Health workers understand quarantine and take its restrictions very seriously. We did not go out to shop. We did not get close to others. But this was only possible once we knew!
Isolation after exposure is scary because there is time to consider the risks. That leads to worrying days of information gathering, sharing and overload, pondering any slight change in our bodies and enduring long anxious nights. We called each other and talked. We worried about our families, our friends and our future, our sick doctor, our hospital colleagues, our responsibilities, and our community. Over 60, I have lifelong asthma and I’m allergic to medications that may be needed for secondary infections. I packed a bag ready for hospital.
Ryde Hospital, where a doctor was diagnosed with COVID-19.Credit: Rhett Wyman
Once media revealed the story, we had the added the anxieties of family, friends and patients, with constant calls, texts and questions, worrying about us, worrying about themselves, asking for advice and for the knowledge we didn't have.
We were monitored each day by the public health unit of our local health district. They checked that I was well, and isolated. Yes, and yes.
I needed fresh air and exercise, meticulously avoiding others if I left home. Night walks with the dog. Thank heavens for the dog. And for friends and family who left my coffee and the shopping on the yellow chair outside the front door.
We were watchful for new cases at work and elsewhere. Obsessed. We were amazed we had no spare time!
NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard and Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant have tried to explain and update transparently to the general public the situation as it is evolving. However, given my own experience with this virus and the challenges of predicting and detecting it, I am concerned that our efforts to control it are not ramping up quickly enough.
I am concerned that preparations within healthcare for the cases to come are already behind the level of need. Healthcare workers are ill, or in isolation, or worried to go to work. Healthcare workers have died elsewhere. Facilities are short-staffed. Work safety, especially in smaller institutions or general practice, is threatened by lack of consistent guidelines, inadequate protective clothing, design of safe places for changing gowns, and by the fact they cannot know which patients may be carrying the virus. Retired doctors can’t fill gaps in service. Already out of practice by definition, by age they are in a high-risk group.
NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard, left, and NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant.Credit: AAP
There are many reasons to suspect there is under-diagnosed community spread of COVID-19 because this is a new disease that is unfamiliar. We know COVID-19 illness can be mild or asymptomatic. Not all people have fever. Not all people have a cough. Some have abdominal pain. Those infected don’t know they have it. We know people are not necessarily honest or careful about their travel history. (In Singapore, lying about travel history has been made a criminal offence.) As I write, we still don’t know how hard it is to catch, how my colleague became infected, whether people are infectious before showing signs of illness (we think they are but for how long: one day? Two days? More?) Other unanswered questions: Are they infectious after they “recover”? Can they get it again?
Given this uncertainty, to protect everyone, especially the elderly and vulnerable, we should do what Italy is finally doing and China has done before - isolate everyone, in major population centres, at home for two weeks where that is possible, to try to contain spread.
Two weeks now will be difficult and expensive, but at least most people will be well. Taking this action later will be much harder. People half-expect strong government action similar to other affected countries. We should close schools, universities and many businesses to reduce new cases, enable preparations, ramp up arrangements for protective and supportive equipment, increase capacity in hospitals, free and create ICU beds for life support. We can isolate returning travellers, work from home. Most of all we must properly guide and protect our health workers.
Already we advocate avoiding unnecessary travel and close personal contact, efficient hand-washing and responsible cleaning of surfaces and body fluids, and for health workers and carers, using masks, gowns, gloves and eye protection of high quality. These are our current defences.
Committing to isolation to slow the disease spread at this critical stage, and reducing close contact when possible, may help us to manage the weeks and months before we have a vaccine, or forms of treatment, to lessen the impact of COVID-19 disease. If not now, when?
Cathie Hull is a career medical officer in emergency in clinical practice and an associate of the Menzies Centre for Health Policy, University of Sydney, with a background in public health, medical education and health promotion. A version of this article appeared in the blog John Menadue - Pearls and Irritations.