

This was published 5 years ago


Evidence is the new catchword in education, but it requires some scrutiny

By Phil Lambert

We’ve all heard or read it in some form: “This is evidence-based” or “The research says”. If a policy or practice in education is not based on evidence then, frankly, it doesn’t get a look in. Evidence is the new catchword in education. On the surface, that’s reassuring.

But this obsession requires scrutiny. Unchallenged claims of an evidence base leave stakeholders vulnerable to the ideological bias of those with vested interests. So where has this obsession with evidence come from?

Enthusiasm for evidence-based policy making in Australia has its roots firmly embedded in the United Kingdom and is derived from decision-making in medicine, known as evidence-based medicine.

In the UK and the US, principles of evidence-based medicine have been used by policy-makers and clinicians to treat illnesses. They have also been extended over time to allied health services and related social work and human service practice. In Australia, “evidence-based” policy making has become a feature of the way many government departments, education included, form their strategies and policy proposals.

Given considerable public interest and investment in health and education, using evidence as the basis for funding and resource decisions should not surprise anyone.


Governments are constantly approached with policy proposals and initiatives from their own departments, party-aligned think-tanks and a range of other players. They need a clear basis for why a particular initiative, program, policy or practice should be favoured. In contemporary times this justification is based on “evidence”, which is seen to be sensible, rational and efficient.

But evidence is not as straightforward as some might imply. Like all knowledge, evidence is socially constructed, context dependent and highly contested.

Too often “evidence-based” policy has involved limiting rather than broadening alternatives, privileging particular forms of evidence over others, and narrowing consultative processes.


It is more about whose evidence is valued, and for what underlying purpose, than employing an “evidence-based” approach to policy making.

Don’t get me wrong: it’s essential that policy and practice are based on solid evidence. But too often only half the picture is revealed. Either evidence is sought to justify an existing preferred position, or the complexities of teaching and learning are glossed over in favour of an “evidence-based” silver bullet.

Those responsible for decision making about schools need to be wary of dogma masquerading under the rhetoric of “evidence-based” policy or practice.

My advice is to be wary of those spruiking evidence drawn from within their own echo chamber, such as those who repeatedly quote and promote each others’ work. Insist on seeing alternative evidence, including that acquired from teachers working in different contexts, using different strategies and achieving equivalent or better results.

Steer clear of conferences where there is a striking similarity in the evidence being pitched in keynotes and workshops. And analyse carefully whether an evidence-based solution you’ve been handed might actually address a different matter, or result in unintended consequences.


Claims of evidence need to be treated with the degree of caution we apply when we now look at news: Is it fake or authentic? How am I being positioned? Are there alternative views on this topic? Whose interest is being served here?

Critical thinking skills are increasingly seen as an essential skill for young people. When it comes to evidence, the same skills should be utilised by those responsible for their education.

Dr Phil Lambert is national president of the Australian College of Educators. He will be speaking on a panel about insight we can gain from international education at The Sydney Morning Herald Schools Summit on Thursday, February 20.

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