By Timna Jacks
The West Gate Tunnel builders had no clear plan for disposing of the 2.3 million tonnes of soil removed from the construction site, even as tunnelling was due to begin.
Leaked documents from the builders show they had not settled on a transport plan or a dump site for the soil as late as last October, two months after Premier Daniel Andrews said digging was about to start.
It can also be revealed that three councils – Melbourne, Maribyrnong and Hobsons Bay – warned that contaminated soil would be dug up along the $6.7 billion toll road connecting the West Gate Freeway in Spotswood and CityLink in Docklands and stricter controls were needed.
The project's builders, John Holland and CPB Contractors, now want to ditch the project, alleging the amount of contamination with PFAS – a group of potentially carcinogenic chemicals – was underestimated when they signed the project's $5 billion construction contract.
West Gate Tunnel work in New Street, South Kingsville. Credit: Joe Armao
A deadlock over how to treat the PFAS-contaminated soil and where to dump it has caused major delays. There are warnings the tunnelling could run a year late, while almost 140 tunnelling workers were retrenched last week because of the impasse.
Fresh documents obtained by The Age reveal there were signs that the project was headed for significant delays in October last year.
The Andrews government announced in August 2019 that tunnelling would start soon, but it was not until two months later that the project's builders had even come up with a transport plan for hundreds of trucks carrying the project's waste.
In October 2019, consultancy firm Traffix Group reviewed possible transport routes for trucks carrying the project's 1.5 million cubic metres of rock and soil to landfill.
The report commissioned by the project's builders was already out of date by the time it was published.
The consultants outlined a plan to send trucks to two possible landfill sites: Cleanaway's site in Ravenhall and a government-owned site in Quarry Road, Tullamarine, next to Melbourne Airport.
By the time the report was published, the project's builders were already in talks with another two dumping sites: Hi-Quality in Bulla and Maddingley Brown Coal in Bacchus Marsh.
The Tullamarine site that was part of the report is no longer being considered.
But as early as 2017, Melbourne councils were warning that contamination would be a problem during the tunnel's construction.
Hobsons Bay Council warned that contamination at old tip sites "may be discovered and disturbed during construction works" and called for tougher performance benchmarks on how toxic material was managed.
The inner-western council said more planning was needed to determine where toxic soil would be treated and dumped and how it would be safely transported.
Maribyrnong Council warned that the project risked stirring up toxic plumes in water underground. In a letter to Transurban general manager Gary West, the council called for clearer plans to deal with toxic waste.
"Disturbance of contaminated land presents considerable risk to local residents and council seeks to confirm both the control arrangements proposed for such a process and the ultimate location of contaminated materials," the council wrote to Mr West.
Melbourne City Council also raised concerns during the project's EES that evaluations done on the project "did not require sufficient assessment" of contamination.
A Transurban spokeswoman said the timing of the project's traffic reports was of no value in assessing the project's timelines.
"The project parties have made good progress towards securing appropriate sites for the safe management of tunnel spoil."
The builders have refused to comment.
A government spokeswoman said major construction was still happening on the project, which still employs 4000 workers.
"There are commercial discussions with several [landfill] sites that are under consideration. Transurban and its builder are ensuring the right safeguards are in place that provides an appropriate, long-term solution."