

This was published 5 years ago

Morrison just adding mirrors to the smoke, with no real action

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Now that ridicule and outright denial no longer serve their purpose, the right demands a “balanced approach” to dealing with climate change (''Treasurer keeps his balance on climate threat'', January 22). This is an appearance of action designed to smoke-screen business as usual. In some circumstances, there is no ''balance''. There is science and there is ignorance. Nothing has changed – other than the rapid and dramatic increase in the scale of harm. - Gary Stowe, Springwood

Scott Morrison continues to do what he does best: create glib diversions from, or barriers to, acknowledging we must do more to address climate change and global warming (''Morrison says hazard reduction burns count as climate action'', January 22).

Not content with clinging to a spurious “emissions’ reduction” policy (considered by world experts as inadequate by any standard), he now disingenuously claims hazard reduction is tantamount to action on climate change not realising, or more worryingly knowing full well, he is talking about symptoms of climate change, not underlying causes like maybe overuse of that black rock he carried into Parliament. - Fred Jansohn, Rose Bay

Clearly, the PM pays no heed to firefighting experts who declare that hazard reduction is not the panacea. Australia, especially where the majority live, has been getting drier and hotter since the 1950s. Hazard reduction is being undertaken where possible but the window for this action becomes smaller each year.

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John Shakespeare

We need to plant more trees as one way of taking action as the climate changes. Especially given the huge number of badly damaged or destroyed trees this fire season. It would seem the government’s idea is to remove as much as possible of what would burn and turn Australia into a greater barren wasteland. - Anne Finnane, Marlee

The best form of hazard reduction that Morrison could undertake is to clear out his cabinet and party of climate-change deniers and those who believe the economy is more important than a liveable environment. - Nigel Sandercoe, Winston Hills

When will our Prime Minister stop trying to add mirrors to the smoke. We are all, literally, sick of it. - Elisabeth Goodsall, Wahroonga

I applaud Ross Gittins on his article ("Facing up to climate challenge", January 22). Oh, to have a leader who sees this disaster as an opportunity to change course and become world leaders in renewable energy.


Australia is the driest continent (bar the ice caps) so we will feel the impact of climate change early. We need to do something to protect our country and ourselves by investing not in the likes of Adani but in the research and development of renewables. - Moya Gibb Smith, Paddington

Thanks, Ross Gittins. A logical, articulate and creative response without invective to our current environmental and political situation that includes both voters and our "second rate" government in the urgent, urgent need to respond to the fact of climate change. A telling analogy with Howard's leadership over gun control. - Catherine Bloor, Grays Point

What a brilliant, incisive quote: "What we need is a leader great enough to seize our Pearl Harbour moment and turn it into a Port Arthur moment." If only we had such a leader instead of the recalcitrant, petulant lot pretending to govern us. - Phillip Moore, Bonnet Bay

No rules broken but grants failed ethically and morally

Bridget McKenzie's own goal in relation to the Community Sports Infrastructure Grant program – Sportsgate – raises serious questions regarding government probity, transparency and electorate accountability ("Minister misfires", January 22).

What is also apparent is that various government ministers over the past week or so have been running the same party line answers to media questions without any real acknowledgement of the serious issues McKenzie's actions have raised. It seems the age-old tactic of pork barrelling is indeed alive and well. - Grahame Riethmuller, Redbank

We are subjected daily to inadequate, illogical decisions by the federal government. Now add blatant pork barrelling to the mix. Maybe as the PM and Treasurer keep telling us, no laws were broken, but common decency would suggest her decisions were both morally and ethically wrong and thus indefensible.

Promoting a culture of win at all costs does not make for a harmonious and just society. Ask those disappointed children who have been disadvantaged by sheer political skullduggery. Those involved should hang their heads in shame. - Elizabeth Kroon, Randwick

In exercising the minister’s discretion in approving grants, “no rules were broken”. Perhaps the minister’s discretion should be made subject to the rule of the pub test in approving future grants. - Glen Dewing, Cooma

It is ironic that I find McKenzie's standards quite ministerial: well below what I expect from my doctor, dentist, pharmacist, postman, newsagent, plumber, neighbours, colleagues, friends, family and everyone else in my world. - Elizabeth Boyd, North Balgowlah

As McKenzie's problems mount it would seem that no amount of spin will save the National Party's deputy leader. If it was a Labor minister approving largesse in this way the Coalition would be all over it like a cheap suit, as they should be. If parliamentarians expect to be held in any esteem by the population, surely it's time to put the brakes on this sort of pork barrelling. But will they? - Lyn Savage, Coogee

There is much political disputation about the sports grant program but I am not aware of any corrective action taken or suggested. Maybe there should be a bipartisan committee to determine sports grants in the future. - John Bear, Maroubra

Now the government has assured us it understands climate change, is it too much to hope that it also understands conflict of interest? - Rob Baxter, Naremburn

Come on, What’s the point in having public money to disburse if you can’t give at least a little to your mates. It’s in the rules. - Brenton McGeachie, Queanbeyan West

Choose a date not tainted with controversy

A quick check on Wikipedia reveals that the national day of many countries celebrates independence from a colonial country (most of Africa and South America), the creation of a constitution (Norway) or a treaty (New Zealand) or the coming together of separate parts to form one nation (Canada). No one celebrates the creation of their country as a colony like Australia does (Letters, January 22). In fact, it was a day of celebration in NSW that was foisted upon the rest of Australia by the federal government.

If we had a truly national day it should be the anniversary of the foundation of the Commonwealth of Australia – January 1, 1901. At least we can all agree that date marked the beginning of our country as a single nation. Not some date relevant only to the history of Sydney. - John Boast, Hunters Hill

A national day should celebrate a momentous event in a nation’s history; a date not tainted with controversy. January 26 does not pass this test. May 9, the day our national Parliament opened in 1927, a place determined by the framers of the Australian Constitution, endorsed by the electorate, with its enshrinement and celebration of democracy, would be more appropriate and fitting. - Braham Dabscheck, Bronte

Captain Cook declared our land terra nullius, a land occupied by no one. This suited the British government as it provided a place near Asia to claim by Proclamation of Sovereignty. Arthur Philip’s instructions did not allow for recognition of prior occupancy, condemning the Aborigines to exist without government. Reason to celebrate? Hardly.

We be celebrating January 26, 1788 as the beginning of the colony of NSW? Would we request Queenslanders to don a blue jersey for the occasion? That would be considered insensitive, perhaps offensive.

In the land of the long weekend we are factionalised. One faction refuses to celebrate the atrocities and injustices actioned on our first people as a result of the arrival of the first fleet. The other faction is unpersuaded by this view, for a variety of reasons. What unifies us is that we all acknowledge what a great opportunity living in Australia gives us. What unifies us is that we all like a long weekend to celebrate our good fortune. Change our date of celebration? It is not a question of why don’t we just do it, but why hasn’t it been done already? - Phil O'Rourke, Stanmore

Get out clause

New laws cracking down on dodgy developers are most welcome but too late for many (''Calculated risk: builders face new rating system'', January 22). Who is going to enforce these laws ? Nobody of course, it will just be business as usual. - Paul Duncan, Leura

What a great idea. A rating of developers, builders and certifiers so that potential buyers can try to work out just how dodgy their intended purchase of around $1 million or more might actually be. So if your suss-rated purchase falls down, the government can say ''Nothing to do with us – we warned you the thing was fairly likely to collapse''. - Peter Bower, Naremburn

Against all logic

Tony Abbott in Washington with a microphone ('' 'Almost a religious aspect': Tony Abbott downplays link between bushfires and climate change'',, January 22).

Craig Kelly in London on TV ('' 'I am so qualified': Meteorologist responds to MP Craig Kelly's insult'',, January 8) .

Science got them there and gave them the telecommunications wonders to convey their messages. Go figure. - Katharine Maxwell, Rydalmere

I was reading Libby Swan’s moving opinion piece with tears in my eyes, when I heard a report of Abbott’s speech in the US (“Wildlife is moving in and it’s not normal”, January 22). Abbott said he “believes the link between extreme weather events and carbon emissions has become akin to a religious dogma for many people”. The contrast of the two opinions could not be more stark. Abbott should read Libby’s article to understand what people living with climate change are really experiencing. - Bronwyn Willats, Mittagong

Craig Kelly MP, who some thought might be better placed to advise on wardrobes than on global warming, now gives utterances from overseas and jousts dubiously with the experts (''Scientists hit back at Craig Kelly's 'brainwashed climate cultists' spray'',, January 22).

Unedifying stuff, really, Craig. - Barrie Smillie, Duffy ACT

Greta for President

Donald Trump says his reign should be a time of optimism. Hands up all those who would be more optimistic if Greta had his job (''Trump tells world leaders at Davos to cheer up about climate change and the economy'',, January 22). - Tom Lockley, Pyrmont

But then again “the profits of doom” may be more ironically accurate than first thought. Not “fake news” at all. - Arthur Cooper, Alstonville

Hooray for Harry

You’re 12-years-old. Your father wakes you to tell you that your mother has been killed in a car accident in France. Days later you are made to walk behind her coffin at her funeral. A service attended by thousands of people who did not even know your mum. Millions watched the funeral service (''Harry and Meghan threaten to sue over Canada paparazzi shot'',, January 22).

Your mum is Diana, Princess of Wales. Her mother-in-law is the Queen of England. The family shows no emotion at her loss. Years later, you meet someone who accepts you for who you are. You make a choice to spend your life with her. And you place some distance between the royal family and yourself.

Customarily, I don’t care two hoots what happens to anyone in the English royal family. But in the case of Harry, I hope he has a marvellous life with his wife Meghan and all the newspapers just leave the kid alone to live his life by surrounding himself with people who genuinely care. - Suresh Rajan, Morley (WA)

Long wait

Don't hold your breath, Vincent Matthews, waiting for the PM to restore funds taken from the ABC by his government (Letters, January 22). It must be remembered that it is Liberal Party policy to privatise the ABC, not to increase its well-deserved funding. - John Payne, Kelso

Men's games too long

Fab tennis to watch but do we have to have boring five sets for men (''Let's enjoy Barty show without expectations'', January 22)? Are the purists deaf to change? Look at how Twenty20 and one-dayers changed cricket to an exciting game. - Alastair Browne, Cromer Heights

Diplomatic snippet

It can't be that hard to shave that moustache to save face ("Diplomat blames facial hair for bristly reception", January 22). - Mustafa Erem, Terrigal

Hanging with wrong crowd

The federal cabinet might not know who Matt Kean is but I bet they're on first name basis with with fossil fuel industry lobbyists (Letters, January 22). - Geoff Teys, Chippendale

Plague of denial

Cathy Wilcox has nailed it again with her brilliant cartoon (January 22). One other feral pest which has reached plague proportions is denial. We have it in spades. - Vicky Marquis, Glebe

Rotten transport

Perhaps we should call it "Blight Rail" (''Light rail breaks down in CBD'',, January 21)? - Peter Fyfe, Enmore

Contradictory terms

Difficult to grasp ''probity, Packer, Crown, Ho and Melco'' in same sentence (''James Packer to be grilled at Crown casino inquiry'', January 22). - Cecile Hunt, Paddington

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