

This was published 4 years ago

Impeachment delivers Donald Trump a rare dose of accountability

By Matthew Knott

Washington: Standing on the White House lawn earlier this year, Donald Trump described impeachment as a "dirty, filthy, disgusting word".

Now, after being impeached by the US House of Representatives, it is one that will be forever associated with his presidency.

US President Donald Trump walks on the South Lawn of the White House before departing.

US President Donald Trump walks on the South Lawn of the White House before departing.Credit: Bloomberg

The impeachment result represents a rare encounter with accountability for a man who famously boasted that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it.

As a real estate mogul, Trump inherited huge wealth from his father, went bankrupt six times and systematically dodged taxes. Yet he successfully branded himself as a self-made business genius.

As a presidential candidate he insulted the family of a Gold Star soldier, accused a judge of bias because he had Mexican heritage and was caught on tape boasting about groping women. Yet he won.

As President he has cosied up to autocrats like Vladimir Putin, a relationship that continues to alarm American intelligence officials, and been exposed paying hush money to a porn star. The Mueller report presented ten credible examples of him obstructing justice. Yet he survived.

Nancy Pelosi has presided over the impeachment process with discipline and at times an iron first.

Nancy Pelosi has presided over the impeachment process with discipline and at times an iron first.Credit: Bloomberg

In soliciting foreign interference in an upcoming election, however, Trump has discovered that bad behaviour can indeed lead to punishment.

His rage-filled letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the eve of the impeachment vote - in which he called impeachment an illegal coup - showed how aggrieved he feels by this permanent stain on his record.


On any fair reading of the facts, Trump's behaviour regarding Ukraine was objectionable.

He tried to strong-arm the president of a vulnerable nation into damaging his most formidable 2020 opponent. He used American power and taxpayer funds to benefit himself rather than to advance the national interest.

Yet he has expressed not an ounce of contrition or vowed to act differently in the future.

Asked this week if he takes any responsibility for the position he finds himself in, Trump said: "I don’t take any - zero, to put it mildly."

Trump's refusal to acknowledge any wrongdoing has made a rational, fact-based national conversation on impeachment impossible.

It would have been reasonable for Republicans to argue that Trump's actions were wrong but do not justify removal from office.

Instead they have tried, unconvincingly, to paint Trump as a patriotic corruption fighter and denied basic facts - arguing that Trump didn't ask Ukraine to investigate Biden or withhold US military aid when he did both.

The impeachment vote vindicates Pelosi, who resisted impeaching Trump over the Mueller report but pulled the trigger when the Ukraine story broke. She ensured the impeachment articles were tightly focussed on Ukraine, keeping the number of Democratic defections down to just three in one vote.

When Pelosi announced the impeachment inquiry there were fears of a voter backlash against Democrats. There's no sign of that. But neither has the Ukraine saga convinced Republicans to abandon Trump or scandalised crucial independent voters.

The public is split down the middle on the question of impeachment, a divide that was reflected in the starkly partisan result of the final House vote.

The upside for Trump is that his grip on power remains as strong as ever. There is no chance of the Senate voting to remove him from office when it holds its trial in January. And he has a more than plausible chance of winning a second term in 2020.

Republicans are united behind him, the US economy is humming under his watch and all his potential Democratic opponents have glaring weaknesses.

In impeaching Trump, Democrats have scored a satisfying symbolic victory against a man they consider fundamentally unfit to occupy the White House.

But they will have to wait until at least next November, and perhaps much longer, for the triumph they crave most: the end of his presidency.

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