

This was published 4 years ago

Parramatta's rich history is worth more than a museum

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

The argument surrounding the Powerhouse Museum's move to Parramatta should not be regarding the merits of the proposed design but whether the move is necessary at all (''Powerhouse needs $75m top-up to pay for relocation'', December 18). This has always been about getting the Powerhouse out of Ultimo and liberating valuable real estate. It has never been about doing any good thing for Parramatta.

The Arts Minister is sure the relocated Powerhouse will get an enormous amount of support. He should be aware that there would be a lot of support if the move was scrapped and the opportunity seized to develop Parramatta Riverside Theatre on the proposed Powerhouse site, respecting the existing heritage buildings, and creating a standalone Western Sydney Museum at the Cumberland Hospital site. There is a wealth of Indigenous, colonial, agricultural and industrial history here.

The obvious benefits are a reduced cost overall, eliminating the risks of relocating precious artefacts to a flood-prone site, bringing the arts closer to the social centre of town and the chance to actually do something for Parramatta, not to Parramatta. - Bob Edgar, Westmead

Linda Morris exposes the absurdity of the government’s plans (“Powerhouse saga is far from over at both sites”, December 18). For the Ultimo site to become a fashion and design gallery – while hoisting Australia’s first steam locomotive plus carriages and the world's oldest working Boulton and Watt steam engine to upper floors in Parramatta – makes no sense. Why not retain Ultimo as is, and build a fashion and design museum at Parramatta? The cross-stitch theme of the winning entry already suggests fashion, while the form could be reconfigured to retain Parramatta’s few remaining heritage buildings. - Ian Ferrier, Paddington

The state government needs to look at its priorities. Taxpayer money is being thrown around on Sydney-based pet projects such as the Parramatta Powerhouse and new Sydney stadium, while many of our country towns will run out of water in the near future.

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

Rain is what is desperately needed, of course, but so too is infrastructure to manage the little water we have. The government doesn’t seem to get it. It is like putting an extension onto the family home while the plumbing needs replacing to make the place habitable. - Dale Bailey, Five Dock

Instead of spending in excess of $1 billion resulting in a rooftop garden "growing produce that celebrates all that is western Sydney", would it not be more prudent and economic to enhance the heritage of Parramatta town, leave intact the 1870s Willow Grove example, and grow the produce a little further down the road at Elizabeth Farm, which produced the foodstuff for Sydney in the first place? - Terry O'Brien, North Parramatta

I am shocked the interests of the Powerhouse should so easily trump the preservation of fine historic buildings in a country with relatively little of our early European history cherished. The move is not popular anyway, but a move at the expense of irreplaceable structures seems likely to intensify the public aversion. - Bridget Wilcken, Mosman


Whatever the latest state government quote is for relocating the Powerhouse to Parramatta, it’s pounds to peanuts it’ll cost the taxpayer a lot more. Why persist with this nonsense?  - Ashley Berry, Toolijooa 

Party of the workers needs to reach out to new breed

Chris Uhlmann seems to be stuck in a 1970’s time warp where he thinks the working class are only people who are manual workers (“British Labour lost because it’s filled with those who hate the working class”, December 18). Perhaps he should have a chat to those stuck working in call centres or involved in the gig economy and see how low their wages are and what their conditions are like, where nearly every second on the job is closely monitored.

They are now part of the modern army of the working class struggling to pay their bills and finding it near impossible to buy a home of their own. As for them hating Trots, they would think he was talking about those used to ride around Harold Park. - Con Vaitsas, Ashbury

Bravo, Chris Uhlmann – a most insightful article, the implications of which have ramifications both here and in the USA . The “party of the workers” in each of these countries needs to review its focus in the wake of recent electoral defeats; perhaps revisiting Ben Chifley’s uplifting words in his famous “light on the hill” speech would be a good start. - Greg Partington, Quakers Hill

Is Uhlmann pointing out a new form of inverted class warfare? And is it really new? Perhaps. But can it be that the “enlightened”, “inner city internationalists” are displaying similar traits, including undisguised contempt for those less educated and less fortunate to those of the so called “privileged class” in France before the French Revolution? Deja vu? - Pasquale Vartuli, Wahroonga

Uhlmann says ''Chinese import competition'' has led to large job losses. The right-wing owners of ''western'' factories flooded into China in the race to the bottom for wages, conditions and environmental controls. Workers were promised new jobs as theirs were sent overseas in line with the teachings of neo-liberal right-wing economics – but somehow it is now all the fault of left wingers. - Graeme Finn, St Peters

It is unfair for Uhlmann to dub us "woke", greenie, boomer types as being responsible for the economic policies that have destroyed working class lives, jobs and opportunities. Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, Bob Hawke, Paul Keating and John Howard (hardly boomers) spring to mind as pushing policies that lead to the present economic mess. These policies are now being pushed harder by the right of politics. Lefties, like us, are as much victims of Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek's poisonous economic mantras as our blue-collar brothers and sisters. - Nicholas Triggs, Katoomba

Unfair advantage is a Ruse

Every year I read about James Ruse High School (''James Ruse on top for 24th time as a bolter takes second'', December 18). It’s a public school that is totally selective. It's unfair competition. It’s a school that if it was a sport, would be disqualified because it’s on academic steroids. You will never win against such a school. Other schools are more balanced. A level of sport, school and music that does not identify just gifted students. This list makes people feel inadequate - it they don’t understand why James Ruse comes first. There should be a selective schools list and non-selective schools list. Then that would be fair to those kids whose school is way down the list. - Renos Ross, Paddington

Bright, young activists

The excellent HSC results achieved by Varsha Yajman and other organisers of the Sydney School Strike 4 Climate only confirms to me what I already knew – these are very intelligent young people who deeply care for the health of planet Earth and their future, which is being threatened by climate change (''No point having a good education without a good future': Climate Strike organiser's 99 ATAR'', December 18). My grave doubts about the intellect and commitment of those who berated these student climate protesters for skipping school have been further confirmed as well. - Rajend Naidu, Glenfield

It turns out our kids can walk and chew gum at the same time, who’da thought? No need to be condescending to them in the future then, PM. - Louise Whelan, Chatswood

Church redress under way

Your correspondent says that only when the Catholic Church becomes a leading agency in the National Redress Scheme will he and others begin to believe that the church has changed (Letters, December 16). Australian Catholic dioceses and major religious congregations were among the first institutions to join the scheme in 2018. Indeed, despite its limitations, Australian’s very first redress scheme for survivors of sexual abuse was established by the Catholic Church back in 1996. There are now more than 5000 churches, schools and other church agencies listed on the scheme website. I can assure your correspondent that claims through the scheme are being processed, financial compensation is being paid and a direct personal response is being made to every survivor who requests it. - Fr Gerald Gleeson, Vicar General, Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney

No excuse for slow trams

Greg Sutherland's article regarding Sydney's tram speeds is accurate (''Cut the PR spin, this is how to fix new trams'', December 18). Anyone who has experienced a tram ride in Melbourne would have found themselves belting along narrow suburban roads at normal traffic speed. The same occurs overseas. Why do transport authorities in NSW have trams creeping around on tippy-toe? They are, after all, just like buses, only running on steel, rather than bitumen. Their main difference is their non-polluting and quiet driving power, and that should give them superior acceleration from each stop. - Donald Hawes, Peel

Milking the outrage

Elizabeth Farrelly has inferred that it’s cruel to have milking cows living in “steel pens on hoseable concrete floors, heads stuck through bars for feed” (''Why the days of ultra-cheap milk are – and should be – numbered'', December 14-15). This couldn’t be further from the truth. The more intensive dairy farming system that Farrelly has described is called a freestall barn. It is designed to provide a dry, clean, cool and comfortable environment for the cows and allows them to move freely from their sand-filled beds to a watering place and a feeding bunk. Fans and sprinklers provide cooling to reduce heat stress, the sand beds are groomed daily and lanes are flushed three times per day to keep the environment clean and to give the best possible animal welfare outcome for the cows. Fresh feed is provided daily and the cows have all they can eat, whenever they want.

These intensive systems provide protection from weather extremes such as heat or driving cold rain or snow. Cow comfort is a priority. Cows are able to be carefully monitored and assessed for any illnesses and treated promptly. Each cow has her feet trimmed at least twice per year to ensure she walks and stands comfortably. Happy and healthy cows produce the highest quality milk, one of nature’s most important foods. - Colin Thompson, NSW Farmers Dairy Committee Chair

Not a good look

CBD’s report on Georges River Council's over-budget, gourmet indulgences at ratepayers expense is remarkable, all while council rates go up, and locals have to sweep the streets clean of leaves themselves in this dangerous bushfire season as the street cleaning service is rarely sighted since council amalgamation (''Thirsty work as council takes on the big cheese'', December 18). To top it off, local parks are full of weeds and tinder dry grass. Not a good look at all. - Vanessa Tennent, Oatley

Ignoring the future

For the first time, in months of reading, the reasons underpinning the Murray-Darling Basin plan have been summarised so succinctly that they become understandable (''NSW must not sabotage Murray-Darling Basin Plan'', December 18).

The overall national strategic direction, as opposed to the tactical posturing of various state leaders and the insensitive self-interest of the Barilaros et al is clearly articulated, that it clearly show how it defies reason to act only on a short-term basis and ignore the future. - Trevor Wootten, Petersham

Trust the scientists

It is shameful that our world class scientists like Professor Rebecca Johnson get the recognition they deserve from overseas institutions like the Smithsonian Museum, rather than here (''Taking a mammoth job in stride'', December 18).

Her work has found koala colonies are genetically robust and highly deserving of protection from threats like urbanisation. Governments have ignored this advice, and approved 40,000 new housing lots threatening the habitat of the Campbelltown koalas. Their justification relied on the ''science'' provided by consultant ecologists employed by developers. - Sharyn Cullis, Oatley

Don't call me guy, buddy

Having lived for some time in Germany, I don’t share Rita Glennon’s distaste of Germanic sobriquets preferring them to many English monikers ("The son shines but daughter's a slaughter", December 18).

My daughter has always been "liebling" alternating with "hase" or "maus" and 30 years later she still calls me "mutti". If preference is for an English nickname, "princess" is often a popular choice. However, on point, could we please have a moratorium on the use of "hey guys", which makes me cringe every time. - Elizabeth Maher, Bangor

Bucketloads of fun

Incidental consequences of the water restrictions: fitness levels have increased by carrying heavy buckets, getting to know my garden intimately while watching the comings and goings of the neighbourhood while filling the buckets, discovering two frogs and keeping them alive in my backyard. - Pauline Paton, Centennial Park

Captain's call was wide of the mark

Although he may have been speaking tongue-in-cheek, Australian cricket captain Tim Paine should know better than to refer to "Bodyline" bowling in the first Test against New Zealand ("Was 'Bodyline' comment below the belt?", December 18). It is now impossible to employ the Bodyline tactics used in 1932-23, due to restrictions on both field placings and the number of short-pitched deliveries permitted each over. - Harry Polley, Dural

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