This was published 5 years ago
What this country really needs is freedom from religion
By Wendy Squires
Like so many atheists, I protect and condone an individual's right to believe whatever it is that floats their boat under one very strict rule – do not, under any circumstances, push your beliefs on to me. You take your leap of faith; I'll stay on solid ground thanks very much. I'll respect you find solace in a God; you respect I just don't nor can't.
According to our constitution, Australia is a secular nation – one in which particular religious beliefs should not dictate or influence law. Yet in this country, the Liberal-National government has allowed a spattering of far-right religious conservatives to not only inflict their beliefs on the population, but to overrule the very tenets of our democracy.
I'm talking fiercely Catholic former Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who has always argued that his private beliefs could be expressed, but not imposed – yet went ahead and cruelled the availability of the abortion pill RU486 when he was minister for health, infamously describing it as an "easy option".
We've had Liberal National Party member George Christensen likening the incentive to create safer and more inclusive environments for same sex attracted, intersex and gender diverse students and staff known as the Safe Schools Program to a "paedophile grooming a victim", and the far right within his party consistently blocking its implementation. (Is it God's will to protect rights on the basis of religion but not sexuality?)
We've had to endure an expensive, divisive and completely unnecessary plebiscite on gay marriage thanks to the Christian right within the coalition refusing to do what they were paid to – to make and implement a hard decision based on the wants and needs of the majority of the population. And now, the bushfires apparently have little to do with the scientific fact of global warming but are merely God's will or part of His bigger plan – according to those few with too much power and not enough sense.
Well, bugger that I say! The citizens of this country did not elect your God, we elected politicians who are supposed to have minds, morals and opinions of their own. They should be able to judge on facts not fairytales, to lead the country to safety and prosperity – not to throw their hands in the air and believe our fate is the hands of a higher being. They are supposed to be sane, dammit!
Even Malcolm Turnbull, the former leader of the party which harbours these zealots agrees their beliefs come before our rights, declaring on the ABC's Q&A on Monday night that the situation is, well, "nuts". "The Coalition has a fundamental problem in dealing with climate change because there is a group within the Liberal Party and the National Party who deny the reality of climate change and will oppose to the point of essentially blowing up a government, my government in this case, if there is action taken to reduce emissions," Turnbull said.
"When Australians' lives are at risk, when they are being threatened, when their families and their homes and their crops and properties and everything they hold dear is being put at threat – that's a national security issue. If it isn't a national security issue, what is? The government has to provide leadership. Obviously the federal government can't do everything but the federal government's job is to lead and this is an issue that needs leadership."
Turnbull said the National Energy Guarantee plan he tried to push through "dared to contemplate that climate change might be real" thus making it "the lever the insurgents used to blow up the government", with policy "held to ransom by a group of deniers within the party and in the media".
"What the problem is that … on the right, they are treating what should be a question of physics and science and economics and engineering as though it were an issue of religion and belief. And it's nuts."
Hear bloody hear!
Ironically, Turnbull's comments came in a week where Australia's climate-change record was ranked among the bottom five nations in the world in a global assessment of countries' emissions trajectories. It was also a week in which PM Scott Morrison's obsession, the religious discrimination bill, was once again in the news – with amendments now allowing the federal government to protect religious institutions' ability to discriminate against staff on the basis of faith.
The bill, purportedly designed to "eliminate religious discrimination", will include provisions allowing religious hospitals, aged care facilities and accommodation providers to preference members of their own faith to preserve "religious ethos". It will also ensure that the exemption for religious institutions to allow discrimination in staffing extends to "public benevolent institutions".
Now here is where the atheist, or perhaps better put as the realist, in me gets riled. Because what I see this bill doing is further splitting the country by segregating believers into groups of "them" and "us" – dividing rather than uniting. How a certain religious conviction makes you more competent or worthy of a job, aged care or healthcare is beyond me.
Why Catholic schools should get funding and other religious-based educational institutions don't is unfathomable. And why my taxpayer dollars are paying for such nonsense: intolerable.
Towards the end of the week, our Pentecostal Prime Minister finally acknowledged climate change might just be a reality. "We also know that there are many contributing factors that relate to these fires," he said. "The drought is obviously one, and the dryness of the bush is the biggest factor. And we all know … that climate change, along with many other factors, contribute to what is occurring today."
So, perhaps Morrison is finally grasping the fact that science and not God may have the answer in preventing the fires currently turning the country in to a living hell. Then again, he also believes in miracles and divine providence. I sure know which I have more faith in.
Wendy Squires is a regular columnist.