

This was published 4 years ago

Captain’s Choice's Lou and Rob Tandy: 'We’ve felt like equal partners from early on'

By Susan Horsburgh

Lou and Rob Tandy, the 41-year-old co-owners of luxury tour company Captain’s Choice, share three children and a love of daggy dancing. Via feminist books and a bit of argy-bargy, the Melbourne couple has forged an equal partnership.

Lou: "We’ve felt like equal partners from early on – once I set him straight. If I hadn’t pushed him, we’d be in a 1952 relationship."

Lou: "We’ve felt like equal partners from early on – once I set him straight. If I hadn’t pushed him, we’d be in a 1952 relationship."Credit: Joe Armao

ROB: We met through friends at a pub in 2002, when we were 24. There were 18 blokes watching the soccer World Cup and two girls. Lou had a pretty face, and enjoyed a party. I made a mistake and called her “easy” instead of “easy-going” in my engagement speech, but she was so easy-going – it just worked. I quickly knew what I wanted, not to sound too ruthless!

Lou came to Noosa to meet my family only three months in and I told her I loved her. She just said, “Thank you.” I thought, “Jeez, you could do better than that, couldn’t you?” Lou takes longer to warm up than I do; the introvert versus the extrovert. We married four years later. Lou gave me a deadline: she put photos of wedding rings under my pillow.

We had a six-month honeymoon, travelling around South America. We spent a week in each place and got to know the local barista or barman; we found the best butcher and tango bar in Buenos Aires. We’re both explorers at heart. We even had a strategy for meeting people because it’s harder as a couple: I’d go to the bathroom and Lou would be flocked by blokes. She’d say, “This is Rob,” and we’d lose some, then she’d say, “He’s my husband,” and we’d lose more, but there might be one or two left – and they’d become our best mates for the night.

I was drawn to her because we’re equals. A few years ago, Lou read The Wife Drought by Annabel Crabb and gave it to me. It made so much sense. I’d grown up in a traditional household, and before we were even engaged, we talked about having kids; my instant response was, “Well, you’ll stay at home with the kids,” and Lou was like, “No bloody way!” Now we’re more balanced than we ever have been. Lou does most of the parenting, but I’m trying to do more. It’s maybe 60-40.

Lou’s definitely a workaholic. She’s smarter than I am, more considered and a better communicator. She’s good at knowing our customers and probably picked that up from her old man [Geoff McGeary, owner-director of travel company APT]; she’s been going on hotel inspections since she was two. In a family business there are expectations and people watching to see if you’re able to live up to them, so she always goes that extra yard. She’s a board director of a family business where the average age is 20 to 30 years older than her and she’s held in such high esteem. I look up to her a lot.

Four weeks after our first child, Will, was born in 2009, my dad was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. Throughout his treatment, Lou was like, “Do whatever you need to do and don’t worry about home.” It was security when I was feeling pretty vulnerable.

We had a primary school fundraiser the other night and were out there daggy dancing. Lou went to the Johnny Young Talent School as a kid and was a backing dancer on the telly a couple of times; I was on it once, too, wearing a terrible jockey outfit. We love fun; life becomes busier, but deep down we’re still the same.


LOU: When we met, Rob was so friendly and inclusive. I could tell he was a good egg. I knew straight away that he was the one, but you can’t be too easy! Within six months he was saying, “I’m going to marry you” – and he’d say that every day. We went out for dinner with my parents, and when I went to the loo he asked Mum and Dad if he could marry me. Rob was so excited, he came home that night and said, “Guess what? I’m not asking you now, but I did ask your parents if I could marry you and they said yes!” He tells me everything! It’s very cute.

A couple of months later, I went on a film shoot in Canada with The Great Outdoors and Tom Williams was the presenter, so I think Rob was a bit unsettled. I came home and there he was in airport arrivals, with roses and T-shirts he’d made with our pet names on them. His said, “Will you marry me, Wendy?” and he had a T-shirt for me, “Yes, I’ll marry you, Kevin.” And instead of kneeling down – because he’s got bad knees – he squatted! I said at that point, “I feel sick.” He was like, “That’s not what I’m expecting”, and I’m like, “Please, stand up!” People were applauding. I was so embarrassed. Then we jumped into the limo and he spent the whole way home asking the limo driver about his kids. He talks to everyone.

We’ve felt like equal partners from early on – once I set him straight. If I hadn’t pushed him, we would be in a 1952 relationship, and to Rob’s credit he’s been open-minded. As a new parent, I felt like my life changed 100 per cent and his life changed about 30 per cent. I felt stuck at home and could see Rob’s life and was a bit jealous. It’s taken 10 years to get to an equal balance again. Rob organised a kids’ birthday party for the first time this year.

He co-founded the Snowdome Foundation because his dad was diagnosed with blood cancer and he needed to do something; he was like, “Right, we need to find a cure for cancer.” He grabs life and goes for it. With the two other founders, they’ve raised more than $25 million in 10 years – and Rob’s dad has been in remission for a long time now because of the trials he was on.

I was a bit reluctant about bringing Rob into the family business – what if we don’t agree on something? – but we made a rule that if it was in the areas he looked after, he made the decision, and in the areas I looked after, I made the decision. And if one of us doesn’t feel like talking about work at home, they can say so.

We have cracking fights, but not about anything important. Sometimes there’s a bit of silent treatment from me. He’s a terrible present buyer, but I’ve decided I’m not going to be disappointed; I’ll just buy my own presents and spend twice as much. It’s also difficult to get a word in as he talks so much, but that’s made me more articulate because I’ve had to think about what I say – I don’t get much air time!

Rob knows me better than anyone, knows all the faults, yet he believes in me. Females are good at doubting themselves and his belief in me has helped me grow. I’m very lucky.

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