

This was published 4 years ago

Dickensian views are divisive

Illustration: Alan Moir

Illustration: Alan MoirCredit:

Peter Dutton’s questionable assertion that Extinction Revolution activists are on Newstart is another example of using language to destroy people ("'Disruptive' protesters should be heavily fined or jailed, says Dutton",, October 3). The Home Affairs Minister, who cannot brook any opposition, will stoop to any level to achieve his ends, hence wishing to strip these people of Newstart and jail them. The Australian government, devoid of any policies, reveres the god of surpluses. If the government won’t act in our best interests then people have little option but to engage in civil disobedience to achieve changes that are so needed. - Meg Pickup, Ballina

Mr Dutton has gone too far this time. He will soon discover that we Nanas will never accept a ban on knitting in public. - Marjorie Sutcliffe, The Rocks

We should not be surprised by Dutton’s call to strip welfare (what a misnomer) payments from climate protesters. Supported by other members of the "right" faction, Minister for Employment Michaela Cash commented that “taxpayers should not be expected to subsidise the protest of others”. Radio shockjock Ray Hadley was in sync with these sentiments and, seemingly spurred on by this support, Mr Dutton added that jail should be the option until “their behaviour changes”.

Breathtakingly intransigent views which should be dispelled roundly by our prime minister if he truly believes he is governing for the betterment of all Australians and our country. Despite government’s refusal to accept the rapid increase of climate change and the massive contribution "our" lifestyles have made to this acceleration, these views and solutions are Dickensian, divisive and "unAustralian". - Linda Shaw, Braddon ACT

Morrison makes a unfortunate friend

Just when the world needs to pull together to solve disastrous global problems our Prime Minister tells the world to get stuffed and it's business as usual ("PM sharpens resistance to 'negative globalism'", October 4). My conscience is clear, I didn't vote for the Liberals. - John Grinter, Katoomba

Our PM's recent positioning a la Trump on so-called negative globalism wouldn’t have anything to do with the UN featuring only world leaders with an actual policy on climate change, would it? - Anne Garvan, Chatswood West

In case the Prime Minister has forgotten, or possibly never learned, patriotism (my country right or wrong) is what got us into two world wars.

There is a difference between patriotism and nationalism, and a difference between national self-interest and meeting moral obligations to international commitments.


"Negative globalism" and "an unaccountable internationalist bureaucracy" are typical of the cynical, empty slogans of which Mr Morrison is proving himself the master, and smack of the sorts of unfounded and unsupported statements popular with conspiracy theorists on the radical right-wing fringe and with a certain US President.

Perhaps there is even a whiff of the oratory of Fascist leaders between the wars. His statement that "only a national government, especially one accountable through the ballot box and the rule of law, can define its national interests", while not irrational in itself, is exploitable by unscrupulous politicians for cynical political purposes and our PM has proved himself adept at this already. - Arthur Cooper, Alstonville

Scott Morrison is happy to develop policy to pander to unaccountable international mining and extraction corporations. - Graeme Finn, St Peters

Our policy vacuum now takes us into the rough seas of international relations where our PM spits the dummy and whinges that we don’t need a climate change policy nor abide by UN rules to uphold global co-operation because it doesn’t suit us – instead we will just do what the American President asks us to do in return for favours.

A new 1920s isolationism. A majority of Australians are calling for a clear climate policy, and are now swinging against the extremes of refugee treatment. So whose interests does the PM represent when he speaks of the "national interest"? - Vanessa Tennent, Oatley

Scott Morrison certainly let the cat out of the bag with his warning that "negative globalism" might "restrict his government from acting on its election promises". In other words, never mind morality, responsibility and leadership: we’re only interested in winning elections. - Adrian Connelly, Springwood

Strata stress

And we wonder why people are staying in the family home and not moving into apartments (“Former judge, lawyer in ‘state of warfare’ over Point Piper block”, October 4). - Elisabeth Goodsall, Wahroonga

Astral tweaks

I agree with Ian Falconer (Letters, October 4). Talk of a cannibal galaxy eating Earth is unjustifiable scaremongering. Surely the marketing department could come up with something more positive - “Upsizing your galaxy experience with Andromeda”, “No need to spend light years travelling to distant stars - they’re coming to a place near you”, “Milky Way to merge in new deal with Andromeda”. - Doug Walker, Baulkham Hills

Wasted savings

Is there any point in starting Daylight Saving this year with interest rates so low? - Alan Wells, Farmborough Heights

Horsburgh blood

Richard Horsburgh (Letters, October 4) says that he has never come across a professional sportsperson with the surname of Horsburgh.

He may be interested to know that Ray Horsburgh, former CEO of Smorgon Steel and chairman of Essendon AFL club played one first grade game for South Melbourne – the Bloods – in the VFL. - Steve Castieau, Bexley

Green Vikings

Look, I don’t want to spoil anyone’s fun, but when Vikings are green, they’re not very well ("Viking clap changed the faces of Raiders members", October 4). - Bruce Hulbert, Lilyfield

On a right-wing and a prayer to relevance

A couple of the Herald’s readers have been affronted by Tony Abbott’s latest speech in Britain (Letters, October 4), but surely what the paper has reported about our Agent-General in the UK is even more concerning ("'In God’s name go’: Abbott tells Britons no deal is no big deal", October 3).

Having two former senior Australian politicians seeking to influence British politics is odious, but Mr Brandis is now a diplomat and it is surely utterly inappropriate that he should so enthusiastically and shamelessly endorse Boris Johnson as Prime Minister ("a cometh-the-hour, cometh-the-man moment").

How is it in Australia’s interest or within the scope of his ambassadorial role that he appear such a partisan? - John Carmody, Roseville

How on earth is George Brandis' position as an Australian public servant generally – and Australian diplomat specifically – consistent with openly attending a highly partisan British domestic political forum, and in a speech there, joining Tony Abbott in proclaiming their own radical-right support of it? - Alex Mattea, Sydney

Whose land is it anyway?

It is not the first time in NSW that people's lands have been invaded by others trying to disrupt their livelihoods and legitimate economic pursuits ("Illegal hunters main trespassers", October 4).

In framing his new legislation protecting farmers from those afeared "vegan vigilantes" Minister Marshall might first ask any Aboriginal person their views on the detrimental effects of such property invasion. - Russ Couch, Woonona

No right to dictate

The Ramsay Centre is wasting time persisting with trying to manipulate a course model that's unlikely to be truly academically acceptable. This latest rejection of Dr Spence's new proposal is reflective of the Ramsay Centre board's conservative bias ("Sydney Uni's proposal of new syllabus rejected", October 4).

No degree is needed to reflect on the records of John Howard and Tony Abbott regarding inspiring, original thought. Ramsay Centre should simply set up its own online course, free of academic rigour restraints, and fund scholarships so they can freely push their underpinning bias to the already converted. - Robyn Dalziell, Kellyville

Credit where credit is due

While it would be easy to rush to judgement and attempt to apportion blame for White Ribbon’s voluntary liquidation, critics might take time to reflect on the underlying social issue which gave rise to the charity’s formation ("White Ribbon charity goes into liquidation", October 4). Notwithstanding the reasons for the winding up, many men and women have sought to highlight the impacts of domestic violence in the hope of changing minds and attitudes to create a more respectful and caring society. - Allan Gibson, Cherrybrook

Spaghetti stain on city plans

New car sales are the "worst" since 2011 ("States' $1b to stimulate economy", October 4), so why is the NSW government forging ahead with the 1960s-era motorway spaghetti-junction known as the Rozelle Interchange ("'Little LA': Inner west hits back at road tunnel plan", September 28)?

Its $3.8 billion cost might better be diverted to the Western Metro rail project – of undoubted urgency – with guaranteed relief of overcrowding between the city and the west. The twelve (yes, twelve!) interchange tunnels, if built, will just get motorists to the next red light quicker. - Kevin Eadie, Drummoyne

Building a supporter base

To Warwick Spencer (Letters, October 4): engineers do indeed need to be celebrated. On a recent trip to New York and to the September 11 site, my most amazing moment was viewing the slurry wall of the World Trade Center, designed to keep the Hudson River from flooding the basement of the building.

Despite the fact that the towers around it disintegrated, that wall held, avoiding the potential flooding of the whole subway system and even greater loss of life. You engineers may not have your sitcoms, but you have your memorials. So thanks. - Sue Morgan, Menai

May I endorse the two correspondents who extol the profession of engineering? Without engineering, science is just philosophy. - Bob Doepel, Greenway (ACT)

Back to the economic future

Even though he was probably being a wee bit facetious, I do believe Ron Russell might be on the right track regarding nationalising the banks (Letters, October 4). If the Commonwealth Bank was re-nationalised perhaps it would give the punters one bank where they might turn to for a fairer go than they are getting now. - Maureen King, Lane Cove

Wouldn't it be great if Australia had its own bank, like China? It could be not-for-profit, be run for all Australians, pass on RBA cash rates and they could call it something like the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. - Anthony Healy, Willoughby East

The articles "Audit reveals restaurant's $340,000 debt to 134 staff" (October 4) and "Scared chefs seek amnesty on wage scandals" (October 3) paint a dismal picture of the hospitality sector in this country.

Putting aside the complaint that wages are difficult to calculate because of the complexity of award conditions, if we accept the claim that the underpayment of their staff is because the meals are too cheap, instead of sinister wage theft, there must be an oversupply of restaurants.

In addition to fundamental competition in the market, heavy discounting through promotional platforms can’t be very healthy. On top of that there is the practice of engaging high-cost delivery services such as Deliveroo and Uber Eats.

Restaurants are already suffering at the current GST rate of 10 per cent – imagine 15 per cent.

Do we as a society start recognising the need to pay a reasonable price for a meal, or do we continue to churn through restaurants as they start and close under excessive cost pressures?

I may sound like a philistine, but perhaps one thing the restaurants can do is scale back the practice of degustation menus, which pushes up the prices of a meal for marginal enjoyment – deterring many diners who just want a good meal, not a big meal. - Kim Woo, Mascot

Plastic excuses

Enough of the plaintive crocodile tears and self-righteous laments about NSW not yet officially banning "single-use plastic bags" (Letters, October 4). They were downright embarrassing. Just don't use them. It works for us. - Ron Elphick, Buff Point

Nomadic bores

Not only seals are booming in hot spots ("Seal population booms in Alaskan hot spot", October 4), but grey nomads are thriving in many of the hot artesian bores around this state. Moree and Lightning Ridge feature significantly, but we recently visited the hot pools in Pilliga, Mungindi, Boomi and Burren Junction and our nomads are thriving in their beliefs of freedom from arthritis and a multitude of responsibilities. Some stay for a few days, some for six months. It is a whole other world. - Janice Creenaune, Austinmer

Scomo's smirk

Regarding the picture on Page 5 of the Herald on October 4: Has ScoMo finally lost the smug grin? If the hats go too, it might indicate he is finally taking his role more seriously and that some dignity has returned to the office of Australian Prime Minister. - Annette Johnson, Brighton le Sands

Retail rarity

Today, I found a sales assistant in Myers. Tomorrow, I will search for a night parrot in Queensland. - Ronald Watts, Chatswood


Let's get this right: Empire Day was on May 24.

Our incorrect correction got us into a world of trouble. Ron Field from Bermagui wrote, again: ''With my name being used in the Postscript, it looked like I agreed with the statement that Empire Day was the 25th. I did not, and had corrected it to the 24th.''

It all began with Peter Heron of Forestville whose letter with the wrong date we published two weeks ago. He joined the flood of writers correcting us with this addendum: ''In my letter misdating Empire Day, I did include the word 'anser' – in Latin, 'goose'.'' Note to self: brush up on my Latin.

Of course, there's always a silver lining. Numerous nostalgic correspondents told us their recollections of the day, and the Cracker Night that followed.

John Brown of Kianga wrote: ''Not only did we get a half-day off on Empire Day at Coogee Public, we were also given an apple. Why? I have no idea. The apple was a hard little rock.''

Meanwhile, Lyn Singer of Bondi has "worked out why we don't have Cracker Night anymore: there are no vacant blocks left".

Helen Robinson of Killcare had a complaint: "It would appear the letter pages are accommodating more and more readers' rants on sporting events. Such comments should be relegated to the sports section."

John Grinter of Katoomba added: "The letters pages reminds me of a 19th-century song, the chorus of which goes: 'He's football crazy/ He's football mad/ The football has taken away/ The little bit o' sense he had'."

We put down our unusually high number of sports letters this week to finals' fever. For those wishing to avoid such nonsense, Tom McGinness of Randwick might be onto something: "If only there was a way for those who complain about the existence of sport to avoid watching it."

Pat Stringa, Letters co-editor

To submit a letter to The Sydney Morning Herald, email Click here for tips on how to submit letters.

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