This was published 5 years ago
Brady Bunch reunites to build iconic home – on TV, of course
It is hardly surprising that television audiences develop strong attachments to iconic locations in popular culture: the majestic Downton Abbey, the Kings Road and the Haunted Forest in Game of Thrones, Walter White's house from Breaking Bad and the diner from Seinfeld are all proof of the tangible connection between emotion and architecture.
But few pieces of television real estate have the cultural pulling power of 11222 Dilling Street in Studio City, California. To the untrained eye it is an unremarkable single-storey bungalow. But to those who know the story, of a lovely lady, who was bringing up three very lovely girls, it is much, much more.
The Brady kids: Eve Plumb (Jan), Maureen McCormick (Marcia), Christopher Knight (Peter), Barry Williams (Greg), Mike Lookinland (Bobby) and Susan Olsen (Cindy).Credit: HGTV
It is the house that lovely lady, Carol, and a lovely fellow, Mike, who was busy with three boys of his own, moved into after their marriage. Together, with housekeeper Alice and Tiger the dog, they were The Brady Bunch and for some 117 half-hour episodes between 1969 and 1974 they were America's perfect sitcom family.
Now, in one of those moments that only television can create, the house – acquired by the HGTV channel for US$3.5 million ($5.2 million) – is being retro-renovated back to match the 1960s-1970s interiors of the house as they were on the show's set, on Paramount's Stage 5. The renovators? The six original Brady kids: Barry Williams (Greg), Maureen McCormick (Marcia), Christopher Knight (Peter), Eve Plumb (Jan), Mike Lookinland (Bobby) and Susan Olsen (Cindy).
The most surprising thing about A Very Brady Renovation is that while the audience regards the house as a piece of iconic real estate, the six Brady actors came to the series with no real relationship with it. The house was never used as a filming location; rather, it was used for day and night "establishing shots" that were filmed once and re-used in every episode. To the Brady kids the "real" house was a three-walled set on a filming stage.
"One of the most interesting aspects of working on this project was learning just how connected the audience was to this house," Knight, who played Peter, says. "We had no recollection of it. I didn't know where it was and, you know, nobody worked there. I don't think anyone else during the period the show was being filmed knew where this house was. So there was a disconnect that I didn't even know existed between us and the audience."
Television's most iconic family home: the "Brady house" in Studio City, California.Credit: HGTV
McCormick, who played Marcia, says she had an affinity for the house, but largely off the fact that in the aftermath of the series it quietly built itself into an architectural and cultural landmark, albeit an unobtrusive one in a quiet suburban street. "It's weird but in some sort of a way I'm a fan of it just like America I think loves it," she says. "I have that same love for this house."
Only one of the Bradys – actor Barry Williams, who played Greg – did get inside the house, inadvertently, when he was invited to lunch there in the 1980s. "I went into the house and we're having lunch and they're all looking at me and laughing and saying, 'Doesn't this remind you of something?'" he says. "They had to walk me back outside for me to make the connection because the inside did not at all resemble [the set]."
The rebuild of the house has taken the better part of a year, and Williams credits the producers with overcoming the logistical hurdle of coordinating the renovation team and the six stars, who were assigned different rooms to be the "lead Brady" on.
"There's so many elements that had to come together to make this thing work, it's almost unfathomable," Williams says. "I love these people, we've had great relationships our entire lives but not all together at the same time [and] it was crucial that we had everybody. If we didn't have every single person in that show, no show. Very hard to do. Amazing that it was done.
A Very Brady Renovation: coming to Foxtel on October 7.Credit: HGTV
"It had to do with each of us understanding that this was a project that we wanted to lend our time to and our efforts toward," Williams says. "They already had the house, they had the brilliance to add their own talent because we don't know how to remodel a house, so all those things had to be coordinated. And then they were enlisting the support of our fans, people that have been watching the show."
This is the first TV series project in which all six actors who played the Brady siblings have participated since the 1981 telemovie The Brady Girls Get Married, which was a precursor to the sitcom The Brady Brides. (Plumb was absent from The Brady Bunch Variety Hour, replaced by Geri Reischl; Olsen was missing from A Very Brady Christmas, replaced by Jennifer Runyon; McCormick was absent from The Bradys, replaced by Leah Ayres.)
Though the Brady children grew out of The Brady Bunch and into a number of spin-offs, they eventually ended up living quite divergent lives, both in terms of career choices and geography.
More meatloaf? The Brady kids actors in the kitchen of the renovated house. Credit: HGTV
Only three still live in Los Angeles: McCormick, who works part-time in real estate and appeared on the Australian version of I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!, Knight, who owns a homewares company, and Olsen, who is a host on the radio station KABC. Williams lives in Branson, Missouri, and performs with a band called Barry Williams and the Traveliers, Plumb lives in New York and continues to act on television and in theatre and Lookinland lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, and owns a company which makes concrete countertops and fireplace facades.
A critical factor in the decision to return to television as a group is that the project itself was not one in which they were being asked to play the Brady children, but rather an opportunity to be themselves. "It was a different take on The Brady Bunch," says Plumb. "They weren't asking us to come back and play The Brady Bunch characters again. It was, 'Let's explore what the house would be like if we could make it in real life'."
McCormick says the group was impressed immediately by the level of creative investment HGTV was putting into the project. "I just felt like they had a love for this project, [that] this would be a really good one to be involved with," she says. "It's been a really long time since we've all been together and working together and it's just been so beautiful to be a part of this."
Adds Olsen: "We were right in thinking that this was the right thing to do, because it's proven to be a path with heart."
A Very Brady Renovation, October 7, 8:30pm, TLC