

This was published 5 years ago

Bylong mine rejected for groundwater, 'problematic' carbon emissions

By Peter Hannam

The proposed Bylong Coal Project in western NSW has been rejected over "unacceptable" groundwater impacts and "problematical" greenhouse gas emissions.

The Independent Planning Commission said the so-called greenfield thermal coal mine planned for the Bylong Valley about 55 kilometres from the town of Mudgee should be rejected despite the prospect of $290 million in royalties and an even larger economic impact on the region.

The Independent Planning Commission has rejected a plan by Korean giant Kepco to develop a coal mine in the Bylong Valley.

The Independent Planning Commission has rejected a plan by Korean giant Kepco to develop a coal mine in the Bylong Valley.Credit: Brendan Esposito

“The project is not in the public interest because it is contrary to the principles of ESD [ecologically sustainable development] - namely intergenerational equity because the predicted economic benefits would accrue to the present generation but the long-term environmental, heritage and agricultural costs will be borne by the future generations,” the commission said in a statement on Wednesday.

A spokesman for the mine's owner, South Korean power generator Kepco, said the company was "disappointed in the decision" and it was reviewing the outcome.


The commission's detailed reasons also cited the likelihood of "long-term declines in groundwater over prolonged dry periods", with a drawdown in groundwater reaching as much as nine metres in one area.

The report also noted the Rocky Hill decision in NSW Land and Environment Court in February that had rejected a coal mine near the town of Gloucester in part because of its climate change impact.

The 25-year life planned for the Bylong mine would have generated some 3.5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide-equivalent in the extraction and transport of coal, while the combustion of that fossil fuel would have added almost 203 million tonnes of CO2-equivalent.

"The commission acknowledges that NSW is currently in transition away from the use of fossil fuels as an energy source," it said, adding that as a result it was necessary to take into account "the cumulative environmental impact" of the mine.


'Getting priorities right'

Georgina Woods, spokeswoman for the Lock the Gate Alliance, welcomed the decision as proof that "NSW is getting its priorities right, safeguarding strategic farmland and water resources from destruction and depletion for coal mining".

“The Bylong Valley is a very special place, not just for the farmers that produce wool, beef, and fodder there, but for people around the state that recognise its extraordinary beauty and rich cultural and natural heritage," she said.

“It was the wrong place for a coal mine and this is the wrong time for NSW to be opening up new areas for coal exploitation as the world shifts away from coal in a bid to halt global warming."

David Morris, chief executive of the Environmental Defenders Office NSW, said the Commission had heard similar expert evidence to that relied on by the Land and Environment Court when it refused the Rocky Hill mine.


“It is clearer than ever that the Rocky Hill judgment sets a best-practice standard when considering new fossil fuel developments," Mr Morris said.

"This mine would have been even bigger - in fact much bigger - than Rocky Hill, with concomitantly bigger carbon impacts," he said. "In helping to stop this development, we acted in the public interest to constrain emissions and climate change impacts.”

Rob Stokes, the Planning and Public Spaces Minister, said the rejection of the project was "significant as mining is incredibly important to the NSW economy".

"We welcome big investments in NSW, but the IPC has determined that, on balance, this project would do more harm than good for future generations."


'Utter failure'

Among the benefits from the project were as many as 470 mine jobs alone at full production and between $4.74-4.95 billion in so-called "gross regional income", the Commission found. Annual output was to be 6.5 million tonnes of coal.

Stephen Galilee, chief executive of the NSW Minerals Council, described the Commission as "faceless" and said the Bylong rejection "represents everything that is wrong with the NSW planning system".

"This refusal is a massive lost opportunity for the local region and in particular the communities of Kandos and Rylstone where the economic injection from the jobs and investment associated with the project are desperately needed," Mr Galilee said, noting the refusal had followed seven years of assessment.

"This is an absurd and dangerous economic approach that risks making NSW an international investment laughing stock, losing investment and jobs due to uncertainty on who sets planning policy in NSW - faceless bureaucrats or elected representatives?" Mr Galilee said.

However, Warwick Pearse from the Bylong Valley Protection Alliance, said the Commission's decision meant the valley would "continue to be the productive and beautiful valley it has been for many years”.

“It underlines the need to actually give legal protection for prime agricultural land," he said. "This farmland should never have been put at risk in the first place.”

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