

This was published 5 years ago


National anthem the cause of inexcusable hurt but it's simple to fix

By Peter Vickery

This weekend, the renowned Central Australian Aboriginal Women’s Choir will launch a national anthem for the Australia of the 21st century in Alice Springs. The piece will be sung from the heart, in Australia’s heart.

Why change the anthem? Shane Phillips, a respected Aboriginal community leader in Redfern says it best: “We’ve been waiting for a chance in history to sing and feel included in the anthem for this country. The current anthem does not include us. We want to sing the anthem alongside other Aussies.”

Many others support change. Deborah Cheetham, a Yorta Yorta star soprano, refused a prestigious invitation to sing the national anthem at the 2015 AFL Grand Final, saying: “It was a great honour ... But I really can no longer sing the word 'young'." It perpetuates the idea of terra nullius, she went on to say.

Deborah Cheetham decided against singing the national anthem at the AFL grand final in 2015.

Deborah Cheetham decided against singing the national anthem at the AFL grand final in 2015.Credit: Eddie Jim

The words of the national anthem literally have this effect. “For we are young and free” with reference to “Australians all” excludes those Australians whose ongoing culture and connection with our land is not young at all, but ancient. This is reinforced by the complete absence of any reference to our First Australians in the anthem.

The Recognition in Anthem Project was formed in early 2017 to address the issue. The majority of its committee members are Indigenous: Sue Bulger (Wiradjuri), chief executive of the Brungle-Tumut Local Aboriginal Council; Don Bemrose (Gunggari) a rising operatic baritone; and Dr Chris Sarra (Gurang Gurang), a prominent educator. It is supported by active volunteers.

In the course of the project, two significant reasons for changing the lyrics of the anthem were identified. First, to eliminate the hurt to our First Peoples. We cannot accept an anthem which Indigenous people find difficult, if not impossible to sing. Causing hurt has no place in our anthem. This is indefensible. No other national anthem in the world has this effect for a significant part of its population.


Second, in a troubled and divided world we also need to focus on what unites us – our core Australian values. These have been defined by our contemporary prime ministers, most prominently by Bob Hawke, Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison, as freedom, mutual respect, mateship and a fair go.

Verse one of the proposed new anthem is the traditional verse with one minimal change – adding the single word “one” to replace the outmoded, and for many Australians the exclusionary and hurtful word, “young”. "For we are one"– sings of the unifying values at the core of the Australian spirit. Preservation of verse one in this form recognises that our anthem has come to mean a great deal to a great many Australians over its short 35 year of life as the proclaimed national song. It has become part of our tradition. This is to be respected in the quest for an anthem for ALL Australians.


Verse two is written as part of the truth telling process for the Nation, which was a key theme of NAIDOC week 2019. Here respect is shown to our First Peoples – their occupation of the continent and adjacent islands for 60,000 years or more, their connection to country, their culture, their spirituality and their elders, past and present. We make a declaration of peace as we walk together towards reconciliation. The verse concludes with celebration of our multi-cultural society drawn from “everywhere on Earth”.

Verse three celebrates the uniquely Australian value of mateship and looks to the future in underscoring the freedom provided by our democracy supported by the rule of law and our value in a fair go. It places our vast home beneath the Southern Cross, where it has lived for millennia.

Advance Australia Fair.

Advance Australia Fair.Credit: Steven Siewert

The lyrics of our national anthem are no stranger to change. Over time it has progressively evolved to accommodate changes in the social and political conditions of the country.

The song was first written by the Scottish colonialist Peter Dodds McCormick in 1878. It was strongly male-centric. There was no mention of women, and there was no mention of the Indigenous population. It was also strongly British-centric. Dodds McCormick went on the change it further on two occasions during his lifetime.

A major overhaul of the words was undertaken at the instigation of the Hawke government by a government appointed committee in readiness for the song to replace God Save the Queen as the National Anthem. The four verses were reduced to two; gender bias eliminated, for example by changing the first line from "Australia’s sons let us rejoice" to "Australians all let us rejoice"; and all references to Britain eliminated. However, no step was taken to ensure that First Peoples were not excluded, or their prior occupation of the continent and adjacent islands for tens of thousands of years recognised. It was proclaimed as the national anthem on April 19, 1984.

And so it came to pass that the myth of terra nullius effectively became enshrined in our anthem.

It is surely now time for a further evolution of Advance Australia Fair to adapt to the very different and challenging demands of the 21st century. Positive change to the lyrics can be simple and inexpensive. Following exactly the precedent of 1984, a word change can be done by executive proclamation upon the recommendation of cabinet under section 61 of the Australian Constitution. A piece of paper is all that is required. It is now up to our politicians.

Peter Vickery is an Australian lawyer and founder of Recognition in Anthem. He wrote the second and third verses for the proposed new anthem.

Advance Australia Fair II

Verse 1

Australians all let us rejoice
For we are one, and free
We've golden soil and wealth for toil
Our home is girt by sea
Our land abounds in nature's gifts
Of beauty rich and rare
In history's page, let every stage
Advance Australia Fair
In joyful strains then let us sing,
Advance Australia Fair.

Verse 2

For sixty thousand years and more
First peoples of this land
Sustained by Country, Dreamtime told
By word and artist’s hand.
Unite our cultures from afar
In peace with those first here
To walk together on this soil
Respect for all grows there.
From everywhere on Earth we sing
Advance Australia Fair.

Verse 3

In times of drought and flood and fire
When all but hope is gone
Australians join with helping hands
And wattles bloom again.
Tomorrow may this timeless land
Live for our young to share
From red-rock heart to sun-filled shore
Our country free and fair.
Beneath the Southern Cross we sing,
Advance Australia Fair.

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