

This was published 5 years ago

Court looms for funeral insurer flamed at royal commission

By Sarah Danckert

An insurance company which offered its staff trips to Las Vegas for flogging funeral insurance policies to vulnerable customers, including people in remote Indigenous communities, faces a lawsuit from the corporate regulator over its coercive sales tactics.

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) on Monday commenced civil action against funeral and accident insurance company Select AFSL and its director Russell Howden.

Select AFSL's owner BlueInc and related entity Insurance Marketing Services have also been named in the civil action filed in the federal court.

Select could face fines in the tens of millions of dollars if found to have made the breaches by the court. Mr Howden also faces fines and being banned as a director.

Mr Howden and Select made headlines last year during the royal commission when Mr Howden was grilled over Select's marketing and sales practices, which included a boiler-room style culture where staff were offered holidays in Las Vegas, Vespa motorcycles and a cruise to the Sunshine Coast as prizes for selling the most insurance policies.

ASIC's case centres on 14 customers of Select who were sold policies issued by St Andrews finance through the Let's Insure and Flexisure brands.  Select had thousands of customers and targeted remote Indigenous communities.

Of the 14 customers, ASIC said in court documents, nine lived in remote communities, and many faced barriers in understanding what was being sold to them because English was not their first language.

Select is accused of using coercive tactics including cold-calling customers and for telling the prospective customer that the sales person had "helped" other people they knew in the community.


Customers, some with English as a second language, were also played lengthy recordings of the product disclosure statement without being given an option to receive a printed document that could be translated within the community. Customers were also upsold optional extras without being told they were optional.

ASIC has accused Select, BlueInc and IMS of engaging in coercion with several customers, in breach of the law. ASIC has also accused the three companies of unconscionable conduct over its sales practices.

ASIC's Daniel Crennan.

ASIC's Daniel Crennan.Credit: Justin McManus

A spokesman for the companies said they were reviewing the allegations and would respond in due course.

ASIC has taken civil action against the companies, despite two of the breaches it alleges also carrying potential criminal liability.

ASIC deputy chairman Daniel Crennan said the conduct of Select was particularly poor but there were several hurdles that have stopped the regulator launching criminal action, including the standard of proof known as the Briginshaw test.

"One of the main reasons a regulator takes civil penalty proceedings is, because although the Briginshaw test applies, the standard of proof is lower," he said.

A civil penalty process should not take years upon years.

ASIC's Daniel Crennan

"It's partly standard of proof and partly the difficulties we face in bringing criminal proceedings generally - they take a lot longer.

"Mr Howden has already gone through the process of the royal commission, so one would have thought that given what he's said there and what the royal commission has said, that a civil penalty process should not take years upon years."

The banking royal commission described Mr Howden's evidence in its interim report, saying he conceded there had been a spike in sales to customers living in 43 postcodes with a high proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.


"Mr Howden attributed the spike to two sales incentive arrangements and to abuses of Select’s referral processes by two particular sales representatives," the interim report said.

ASIC also accused Select, BlueInc and Mr Howden of breaching the laws around conflicted remuneration in relations to the perks allegedly offered to staff for selling the most insurance policies.

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