

This was published 5 years ago

Lawyer 'categorically' denies advising Labor boss to cover up $100,000 illegal donation

By Lisa Visentin

Former lawyer for NSW Labor Ian Robertson has "categorically" denied advising party boss Kaila Murnain to cover up an illegal donation from Chinese billionaire property developer Huang Xiangmo.

Mr Robertson told the Independent Commission Against Corruption he had "no independent recollection" of meeting Ms Murnain at his office on the evening of September 16, 2016, but "strenuously" denied her account of that meeting.

Holding Redlich partner Ian Robertson arrives at ICAC on Monday.

Holding Redlich partner Ian Robertson arrives at ICAC on Monday.Credit: Peter Rae

"If she had come to tell me about false donors, Huang, [and] $100,000 in cash, that is simply extraordinary and I'm certain I would remember it," Mr Robertson told the inquiry on Monday. "I'm equally certain I would have told her that it would have to be dealt with quickly involving the electoral commission."

The ICAC inquiry centres on claims the NSW Labor Party attempted to mask a $100,000 donation, allegedly from Mr Huang, a banned donor, by using a string of "straw donors" at a Chinese Friends of Labor dinner in March 2015.


Ms Murnain has told the inquiry she first learned Mr Huang had allegedly donated during a conversation with then-Labor MP Ernest Wong behind NSW Parliament House on the evening of September 16, 2016. She claimed she then met Mr Robertson, a senior partner at Holding Redlich, at his office in the CBD later that evening and he advised her to keep quiet.

"Ian said to me, 'There is no need to do anything from here, don't record this meeting, don't put it in your diary, forget the conversation happened with Ernest and I won't be billing you for this either'," Ms Murnain said.

But Mr Robertson repeatedly denied saying such words when questioned by counsel assisting the inquiry Scott Robertson.

"I categorically deny telling her, or advising her, in any way that it should be covered up in any way," Mr Robertson said.


The inquiry heard Mr Robertson kept no file note of the meeting, but he accepted the meeting occurred due to the "surrounding information", including records which showed he had accessed the office lift at 7.19pm that evening.

"[This] would be consistent with her coming to my office and me taking her up in the lift," Mr Robertson said.

The inquiry was also shown evidence last week of a legal invoice, totalling $20,555 for one month's work, which included a line item for September 16, 2016, for "telephone discussions and meeting with Ms K Murnain concerning political donation issues".

Kaila Murnain leaves the Independent Commission Against Corruption  last month.

Kaila Murnain leaves the Independent Commission Against Corruption last month.Credit: AAP

Mr Robertson testified that it was "unusual" to meet Ms Murnain in person, and he believed the pair had met to discuss a separate "urgent" donations issue concerning Cabramatta MP Nick Lalich.

"The Lalich matter involved the office of the Leader of the Opposition, and my belief is that office was handing media inquires about it, and I believe that would have made it particularly urgent," Mr Robertson said. "It was very unusual for me to be involved in an issue that involved the leader's office."

In her evidence last week, Ms Murnain said the Lalich issue - which concerned his travel to China in 2013 paid for by developers - was a "run of the mill" matter and wouldn't have warranted a meeting.

The inquiry was also shown an email from Mr Robertson to Ms Murnain the next day containing his official written advice on the Lalich matter. Then Labor leader Luke Foley referred Mr Lalich to the electoral commission on September 19.

Mr Robertson also conceded Labor provided some "wrong" answers to questions from the NSW Electoral Commission about the March 2015 fundraising dinner, which he reviewed before they were supplied to the commission in December 2016.

"I agree there are problems with a number of answers and there are probably even more problems if you closely analyse the documents," Mr Robertson said.


In response to one question requesting "the names of persons who handed the donations to the ALP on the 9th April 2015", Labor nominated party official Kenrick Cheah. Mr Cheah has previously told the inquiry that Mr Xiangmo carried $100,000 in donations into the office in an Aldi bag and handed it to then-boss Jamie Clements.

Mr Robertson agreed with the assessment by ICAC Commissioner Peter Hall, SC, that he "should have realised" the electoral commission was asking for the person, external to the Labor party, who had provided the donations.

"I regret not having picked that up or analysing these answers or those documents in greater detail," Mr Robertson said.

Ms Murnain, who signed off on Labor's responses to the Electoral Commission, admitted in her evidence to the ICAC that the responses were "misleading". She was suspended as the party's general secretary following her evidence to the ICAC last month.

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