

This was published 5 years ago

Tamil asylum seeker children 'constantly crying' on Christmas Island

By Goya Dmytryshchak, Fergus Hunter and Ashleigh McMillan

Supporters of a Tamil asylum seeker family taken to Christmas Island from the Australian mainland early on Saturday have described their distress at their possible deportation as a growing chorus of voices demand the government reconsider its position.

Tamil husband and wife Nadesalingam and Priya, who arrived separately in Australia by boat in 2012 and 2013, and their two Australian-born daughters, were moved to immigration detention in Melbourne last year and the government moved to deport them on Thursday.

The family's supporters say Priya suffered injuries to her arm when up to 50 officers forced her onto a plane on Thursday night.

The family's supporters say Priya suffered injuries to her arm when up to 50 officers forced her onto a plane on Thursday night.Credit: Channel 10

The couple and children Kopika, 4, and Tharunicaa, 2, were transported from a military base in Darwin to a detention centre on Christmas Island in the early hours of Saturday.

Priya was being treated on Christmas Island on Saturday for injuries she suffered on Thursday night while being forcibly removed from detention in Melbourne onto a plane, friends said.

Despite Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton's refusal to budge on his department's decision to deport them, even conservative voices including Nationals MP and former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce have weighed in on the matter, urging the government to reconsider, especially given the support from the Queensland town where the family lived and work before they were apprehended.

Mr Joyce has joined an unlikely grouping of people expressing sympathy for the family, following appeals from broadcaster Alan Jones and the Labor Party.

"The people of Biloela seem to be pretty enthused about keeping this family there. I think we should also be listening to them," Mr Joyce said.

"A family that’s not making the traffic more difficult in Sydney or Melbourne or Brisbane, that are working in a regional area doing jobs that other people may not be willing to do, that are well supported by their local community.


"So it would seem to suggest they are being good citizens and should be given due consideration but I’m certainly not here to tell the minister how to do his job. That won’t help their cause at all."


Lawyers for the family secured a last-minute reprieve early on Friday, with a court injunction forcing the charter flight bound for Sri Lanka to land in Darwin, preventing deportation until this Wednesday. The decision was based on the argument the youngest daughter's case had not been properly assessed by the government.

The family has had their asylum claims denied despite appeals that went all the way to the High Court. They were detained in March 2018 after Priya's bridging visa expired.

The charter flights being used to move the family are provided by a company called Skytraders, which has a three-year contract with the Department of Home Affairs worth $78 million.

The flights around Australia, using a large passenger jet, are conservatively estimated to cost tens of thousands of dollars. A flight to Colombo in Sri Lanka would likely cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

'It's been a very difficult 36 hours'

Tamil Refugee Council spokesman Aran Mylvaganam on Saturday said Priya was receiving treatment on Christmas Island for wounds sustained from her removal from the Melbourne detention centre on Thursday.

"It's been a very difficult 36 hours, not just for the family but for the supporters in the community as well," he said.

"When our supporters spoke with Priya this [Saturday] morning, she was telling us that the Christmas Island staff are treating their wounds from Thursday.

"Priya had her wrist twisted on Thursday when the guards tried to force her onto the plane – there were 50 guards involved in the removal from MITA (Melbourne Immigration Transit Accommodation) detention centre and we have footage of guards lining up at the tarmac when Priya was forcibly dragged from the van and in that process the wrist was twisted.

 Aran Mylvaganam from the Tamil Refugee Council speaks to the media outside the Federal Court on Saturday.

Aran Mylvaganam from the Tamil Refugee Council speaks to the media outside the Federal Court on Saturday.Credit: Chris Hopkins

"The children are constantly crying. Kopika is feeling very lonely, and they are the only refugees on Christmas Island at the moment.

"We're calling on [Home Affairs Minister] Peter Dutton to let this family stay here. As members of the Tamil community, it's really heartbreaking for us to see our people being treated this way by our government.

"They came to this country just to find a safer place. Sri Lanka is a dangerous country for Tamils."

The family's lawyer Carina Ford said she spoke to Priya on Saturday and "the family are obviously distressed".

"I understand she has been distressed and there has been an issue potentially with her blood pressure, but we have passed those on and we understand that they will have access to medical care there and that is being looked at and they will come back to me as soon as possible," Ms Ford said.

While the family's case is scheduled to return to court next week, Ms Ford said the decision whether to allow them to stay in Australia was ultimately in the minister's hands.

"No matter what the outcome is ... at the end of the day it is still within the minister's hands because the minister is the only one who can lift the bar to allow them to apply for any type of visa."

Ellen Mugavin and her young daughter, Rumi, 3,  started visiting the family at MITA a couple of months ago.

"I saw how the girls were being treated - they didn't have access to any other children except for (one) other child who's in detention," she said.

"They don't really have any toys. They're all vitamin D deficient because they don't have an outdoor space that's safe for them to play - it's littered with cigarettes and it's just terrible.

Carina Ford [left], lawyer representing the Tamil family who have been sent to Christmas Island, with family friend Ellen Mugavin and daughter Rumi, 3.

Carina Ford [left], lawyer representing the Tamil family who have been sent to Christmas Island, with family friend Ellen Mugavin and daughter Rumi, 3.Credit: Chris Hopkins

"We initially started visiting so the girls had someone to play with, basically.

"Kopika is very social, incredibly bright, she was fantastic.

"Tharunicaa struggles a little bit more socially but it makes complete sense - she's basically spent most of her life in detention."

Ms Mugavin said her daughter hated leaving the other children behind.

"She hates leaving. I say to her every time, 'You'd be the only person to ask to stay in detention."

Nic Holas, campaigns director at supporting the Bring Priya and her Beautiful Family Back Home to Biloela, Queensland petition said more than 220,000 people had signed by early Saturday afternoon.

"Yesterday morning, Peter Dutton repeated the statement that the Australian government has removed all children from detention," he said.

"Priya and Nadesalingam's two children are currently in detention on Christmas Island in an Australian territory, proving that that statement is a lie."

Mr Dutton and Immigration Minister David Coleman are being urged to use the ministerial discretion power to allow the family to stay. Nationals MP Ken O'Dowd, whose electorate covers Biloela, is believed to be supportive of the family and to have made representations on their behalf. He could not be reached for comment.

Alan Jones, generally sympathetic to Coalition policy, said the actions against the family were "shameful" and urged Prime Minister Scott Morrison to personally intervene.

"The Prime Minister needs to understand that we should be encouraging refugees like Priya and Nades to move to regional centres where you can't easily find workers. Let them stay," he said on Saturday.

Former opposition leader Bill Shorten, now Labor's spokesman on the national disability insurance scheme, said the government should let them stay

"The Biloela community wants these people ... The two little girls are born in australia," he said.

"The bush is crying out for good people who want to be hard working."

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