

This was published 5 years ago


Religious freedom becomes a minefield in our cultural melting pot

Religious freedom works best when everyone agrees on religion. It gets harder when you become the most multicultural nation on earth. Religious freedom today, along with freedom of speech and of association, look very different in a diverse, multi-faith society, with Twitter blasting toxic views from personal computer badlands and extremist groups gathering to plot their revenge on anyone who disagrees with them.

Illustration: Simon Letch

Illustration: Simon LetchCredit:

Religious freedom, as history tells us, is difficult; we often fail and millions die in the struggle. It is also deeply embedded in the ethical values that have made Western democracy the runaway hit it has been for over a century. That is why modern Australian discrimination law specifically exempts religious institutions from anti-discrimination laws. Indeed, the Sex Discrimination Act for which I was once responsible as Sex Discrimination Commissioner, has a lengthy section 38 setting out all those religious exemptions, including for religious schools.


Religious freedom, at least in principle, is very well catered for by Commonwealth legislation. But the Commonwealth can do more if it wants – and it wants. The federal government’s international treaty powers (specifically our signing of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights) give it the constitutional capacity to legislate.

To be consistent with other rights-based legislation, a religious freedom bill would usually follow a well-developed legislative formula and need to include a religious vilification section. To the chagrin of feminists, the Sex Discrimination Act does not include a sexual vilification section, unlike the Race Discrimination Act. Hard not to reopen the thorny question of the unlawfulness of bikini-clad girls advertising cars if a vilification clause were extended to the Sex Discrimination Act along with a religious freedom law.

A new act would need to reflect accumulated case law. So the butcher who carved a piece of meat into the shape of a penis for a lesbian customer got his due deserts some time ago and in so doing enriched the legal understanding of sexual harassment.

Illustration: Andrew Dyson

Illustration: Andrew DysonCredit:

There will be quite a wrestle over a clause to allow a Christian bakery to deny service to a gay couple seeking a wedding cake, which is one of the problems that has led to this push. If there is an answer, then it will already apply to those who refuse service to other groups on the basis of gender or race or disability, rather than the other way around. It is hard to think of any case law that has upheld the right to deny a service to the member of an identified group, but this could be a first. Oh joy. Not.

Then why not apply it against Aboriginal people, women, those with disability as well?


Church leaders appear not to want an anti-discrimination act but instead a more positive affirmation of religious freedom. Affirmative legislation is not the Australian tradition. Australia had that opportunity in 1975 with the Racial Discrimination Act and Gough Whitlam, just as Bob Hawke was to do with the Sex Discrimination Act of 1984, stayed with the art of the possible.

It is a big step to go from protecting members of particular groups from harm to positively promoting their interests. There is no sign that the current Attorney-General, Christian Porter, will depart from this view, especially with its implications for a bill of rights.

Those arguing for a positive law that not only protects religious followers from discrimination, but also promotes religious freedom, first need to find an international treaty to hang it on, or its off to the High Court and off with its head. This is otherwise the territory of the states.

Is it to enshrine the right to express religious views by criticising/alarming/humiliating those who do not share them? Impossible to sell that if you are also arguing for religious vilification offences to protect against those who attack you and in any case would surely be subject to a reasonableness test.

Note to Christians, self included: we are not the only ones out there. There may be minority religious groups who would also appreciate a “positive” religious freedom act that could easily include religious quotas in parliaments. Just saying.


If a religious freedom bill were to promote religious freedom then feminists might rightly demand that, since we are also signatories to the UN's Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women, we should change the Sex Discrimination Act into a much more activist law that provides redress in all areas where women lag behind. Quotas a done deal.

The Statement from the Heart could argue for much more intervention to close the gap between our First Peoples and the rest of us. Forget constitutional preambles! Throw in gender and sexual preference anti-vilification clauses while we're at it.

It is not going to happen.

Pity Christian Porter. He knows all of this. He knows his job is to balance all the aggrieved and grievances, the importance of religious freedom in the Western tradition against the importance of other freedoms in that same tradition.

Religious freedom in the Great Southern Melting Pot is a badly designed multiple-choice question to which there may be more than one correct answer, or none.

Pru Goward is a former Liberal NSW government minister and former Sex Discrimination Commissioner.

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