

This was published 5 years ago

From the Archives, 1939: Britain and Australia declare war on Germany

By Staff Writers

First published in The Age on September 4, 1939


The 7th Division of the Australian Imperial Force, 1944.

The 7th Division of the Australian Imperial Force, 1944.Credit: F.J. Halmarick

Declaration by Mr. Chamberlain

Hitlerism Must Be Destroyed

Great Britain and the Empire are at War with Germany

The dramatic announcement that Great Britain was at war was made by Mr. Chamberlain in a broadcast from Daventry station last night. This was followed by a broadcast declaration by Mr. Menzies, that Australia also was at war.

Mr. Chamberlain said no reply had been received from Herr Hitler to the ultimatum that, unless the German troops were withdrawn from Poland, a state of war would be declared.

Later the Prime Minister visited the House of Commons and informed Parliament that a state of war existed between Britain and Germany, as Germany had refused to cease hostilities in Poland.

"I hope to live to see the day," the Prime Minister added, "when Hitlerism is destroyed and liberty is restored to Europe."

RAAF pilots and crew during training at Richmond Aerodrome in 1940.

RAAF pilots and crew during training at Richmond Aerodrome in 1940.Credit: The Age Archives

Long Struggle for Peace Failed

LONDON. September 3. The British Prime Minister, whose voice betrayed his deep emotion, in his broadcast to the nation said:—

"I am speaking to you in the Cabinet room of No. 10 Downing Street. This morning the British Ambassador to Berlin handed the German Government the final note, stating that unless we heard from them by 11 a.m. that Germany was prepared at once to withdraw her troops from Poland a state of war would exist between us.

"I have to tell you that no such undertaking has been received, and In consequence this country is at war with Germany. You can imagine what a bitter blow this is to me, that after all my long struggle to win peace has failed.

"Yet I cannot believe there was anything more or anything different that could have been done that would have been more successful.

Soldiers from the 9th Division returning to Australia from the Middle East in 1943.

Soldiers from the 9th Division returning to Australia from the Middle East in 1943.Credit: The Age Archives

"Up to the last it could have been possible to arrange a peaceful and honourable settlement between Poland and Germany," the Prime Minister continued, "but Hitler would not have it. He had evidently made up his mind to attack Poland whatever happened. He claims to have put forward reasonable proposals that were rejected by the Poles. That was untrue. They were never submitted to the Poles nor to us."

The Prime Minister added that on Thursday night Herr Hitler did not wait for comment on the alleged proposals, but marched across the Polish frontier. The use of force could only be stopped by force. Britain had a clear conscience—England had done all that any country could do to establish peace. The situation whereby the word of a country could not be trusted was intolerable.

"I know you will all play your part with calmness and courage," Mr. Chamberlain continued. "At such a moment as this, assurances of support which we have received from the Empire are sources of profound encouragement to us."

When he had finished speaking the Prime Minister said that certain announcements would be made on behalf of the Government, to which he urged the people to give their attention. The Government had made plans under which it would be possible to carry on the work of the nation in the days of stress. The people would be taking their part in the fighting services or as volunteers in one of the branches of civil defence. If so, he urged them to carry on in accordance with the instructions they had received in factories, transport, public utilities or in the public necessities of life. It was of vital importance that the people should carry on with their jobs.

Extract from The Age published on September 3, 1939.

Extract from The Age published on September 3, 1939.Credit: The Age Archives

"Now may God bless you all and may He defend the right," the Prime Minister concluded. "It is these things that we are fighting against—brute force, bad faith, Injustice, oppression and persecution. Against them I am certain that right will prevail."

The King and Queen listened from Buckingham Palace to the Prime Minister's broadcast. Crowds of people waited outside the palace, while millions of others listened to the broadcast from their homes.



Extract from The Age, published on September 4, 1923

Extract from The Age, published on September 4, 1923Credit: The Age Archives

"It is my melancholy duty to inform you officially that, in consequence of a persistence by Germany in her invasion of Poland, Great Britain has declared war upon her, and that, as a result Australia is also at war." That dramatic statement was made last night by the Prime Minister (Mr. Menzies) in a national broadcast.

No harder task can fall to the lot of a democratic leader than to make such an announcement." said Mr. Menzies. “Great Britain and France with the co-operation of the British Dominions have struggled to avoid this tragedy. They have, as I firmly believe, been patient: they have kept the door of negotiation open: they have given no cause for aggression.

“But in the result their efforts have failed and we are, therefore, as a great family of nations, involved in a struggle which we must at all costs win, and I which we believe In our hearts we will win.”


For Parliament


Emergency legislation, giving the Government wide powers to deal with all situations arising in Australia, will be presented to Federal Parliament on Thursday. Federal Cabinet has been summoned to meet at 10 a.m. today, when latest reports from Europe will be considered. Ministers will leave tonight for Canberra.

Parliament, at its opening on Wednesday, will be given an opportunity of discussing the outbreak of war. The Prime Minister (Mr. Menzies) will present a white paper to the House of Representatives, and a general debate will be opened.

The budget will be presented on Friday. It will be to the form originally contemplated, though a supplementary budget will have to be introduced within a few weeks. The votes for the fighting services will have to be increased to a new figure and a recast will probably have to be made in the case of some other departments.



Mobilising Forces

No immediate call will be made In Australia for recruits. For the time being only certain units of the militia forces will be mobilised. The Minister of Defence (Mr. Street) announced that the Navy and Air Force had been fully mobilised. There was no question immediately of calling for recruits for the army. However, it was Impossible at this stage to indicate the steps that might be necessary.

Protection Measures

Measures for the protection of the civilian population by the police, ambulance, fire brigade and hospitals are being taken under plans made by the State Emergency Council. Vital points are being guarded by police, and in case of war will be taken over by militiamen to release police for other duties.


A large number of men to supplement the present force will be sworn in as special constables. They have been selected and will be called up when legislative authority has been obtained. Aliens will have to report to the police.

The fire brigade, which had been trained in A.R.P., measures, will be given extreme emergency powers. The Victorian Civil Ambulance is ready to work at full pressure, and leave has been stopped as in the Police department. Measures for co-operation between these three departments have been made.

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