This was published 5 years ago
ABC's Lisa Millar on the tabloid stake-out that made her faint
Her colleagues thought she faked her collapse – but for the News Breakfast co-anchor, it was a moment of self-reckoning.
Almost 15 years before Lisa Millar won a Walkley Award, she got a special trophy – and a standing ovation – from her colleagues at The Sun, Brisbane's now-defunct afternoon tabloid.
"But it's not something I'm proud of," says Millar, who starts as co-host of ABC News Breakfast on Monday. "I've kept it all these years as a reminder."
In the early 1990s, a Queensland woman was kidnapped and held captive for two days, then dumped beside a highway. Despite intense media interest, police postponed their press conference, allowing her a night to rest.
From Blundstones to breakfast TV: Lisa Millar's ABC career has taken her from rural Queensland to Washington.Credit: Simon Schluter
It was Millar's job to stake out the woman's house and get the scoop.
"I knocked on her door and when she answered, I was so shocked by the bruises on her face that I fainted," she says. "When I came to, she was giving me a glass of water and asking if I was alright. I said to her, 'Please just give me a couple of lines for the paper or I'm going to be in strife'."
When Millar returned to the office, a co-worker presented a cardboard cut-out of an Academy Award while the others cheered. She insisted her collapse wasn't a stunt, but this was dismissed as false modesty. "It was their way of saying, 'You're as good as a bloke; you're one of us now."
ABC journalists Leigh Sales, left, and Lisa Millar have been best friends for 20 years.Credit: Leigh Sales
After the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Millar interviewed Veronique Pozner, whose six-year-old son Noah was one of 26 people murdered that day. Pozner later invited Millar to her home in Connecticut, and they're still in contact.
Don’t let someone else decide what kind of person you’ll be.
Lisa's father, Clarrie Millar
"I feel much better about how I treat people now," says Millar, who was named an Ochberg Fellow of the Dart Centre for Journalism and Trauma in 2007. Now, she's a director of the centre, which promotes ethical reporting and supports colleagues who cover conflict, violence and tragedy.
"We have to think about how our actions affect people; how to treat them with empathy and not cause further injury."
We're in the Melbourne home of Millar's friend Patrick, her flatmate in 1992 in Townsville, where she worked for WIN TV. (She's still looking for her own place when we meet, as close as possible to ABC's Southbank studios.)
Even in the high-drama world of Australian broadcasting, breakfast television has a knack for generating its own bad press, making Millar's appointment to News Breakfast a rarity. No one got boned. Instead, founding co-host Virginia Trioli is returning to ABC Radio Melbourne, taking over from retiring morning anchor Jon Faine, and Millar will continue as a guest presenter on Back Roads.
Stranger still is the fact she didn't want the job. After 12 years as an ABC correspondent in North America and Europe, she pleaded with her bosses for a position in Queensland, where most of her relatives live. But a fill-in stint on News Breakfast in Melbourne, with friend and co-anchor Michael Rowland, made her reassess.
To be sure, Millar phoned another pal, Deb Knight – co-host of Nine's rival Today show. (Nine is the owner of this masthead.) "This conversation could be really awkward," Millar told her. "But can I just ask, 'How has it been for you?'"
"There's no other job on Australian television like it," replied Knight, who was among the first to congratulate Millar when she got the gig – along with 7.30 host Leigh Sales, her closest friend.
"Lisa's got that rare skill where she can do hard-edged news and serious analysis of international politics," Sales says, "but she can flip the switch to vaudeville and do the lighter stuff."
The pair hit it off at a colleague's farewell party in the late 1990s. As usual, they arrived early. "We bonded over how we couldn't be fashionably late if we tried," Sales says. "We've been inseparable ever since."
In December 2001, they boarded the same plane to Washington to start new roles at ABC's North America bureau. Even when their careers took them to different continents, their friendship continued.
"We'll call each other at 2am if we need to," Sales says. "Lisa has impeccable judgment in personal and professional matters and she doesn't mince her words. She'll say to me, 'You're making the wrong move, Salesy; you'll look like an idiot if you do that,' but I know she has my best interests at heart because she's such an empathetic person."
Naturally, Sales was asked to say a few words at Millar's 40th birthday party. She went one better, performing a tribute to the tune of Bohemian Rhapsody – with a microphone and keyboard – in front of 100 guests. After ticking off their mutual love of punctuality and list-making, Sales addressed Millar's belief that Bondi neighbour Hugh Jackman was flirting with her at the supermarket.
"Miss Mill-aar! You must let him go, let him go!" Sales sang. "Next, you'll be cracking on to Russell Crowe."
Millar's late father, Clarrie, served in federal parliament for 16 years.Credit: The Age
For her recent 50th birthday, Millar had dinner with her four siblings. Her eldest brother is 70 and her youngest sister is 48, but they're a tight bunch.
"I'm the only one who didn't have children," she says, "but I've got 11 nieces and nephews and 13 great-nieces and great-nephews. They're everything to me. Telling them I wasn't coming home to Brisbane was hard."
Millar's parents, Clarrie and Dorothy, were nearing their 70th anniversary when he died in 2017. Last year, her mother passed away. Sorting through their possessions, Millar's siblings found a near-complete archive of her career: yellowed clippings from The Gympie Times and The Sun, and VHS recordings of her work for ABC as a North Queensland reporter, Stateline host, political journalist and foreign correspondent.
There was just one problem: every taped segment was missing its introduction. Whenever Clarrie heard his daughter's name on TV, he'd shuffle over to his VCR, squinting to find the 'record' button. By the time he prodded the machine into action, Millar would be halfway through her report.
To her, these dusty VHS cassettes are proof of a fortunate life. She mightn't have had every luxury, growing up on a dairy farm in the small Gympie town of Kilkivan, but she never doubted her parents were in her corner.
"They were my greatest cheerleaders," she says, taking a moment to compose herself. "The fact I can still cry about them shows what family means to me."
In 1974, Clarrie was elected to federal parliament as the Country Party member for Wide Bay. "Get Millar in here!" Labor prime minister Bob Hawke would say after question time. There were no backroom deals; Hawke simply sought Clarrie's advice because he respected his judgment.
"One of Dad's sayings was, 'Don't let someone else decide what kind of person you'll be'," Millar says. "I've never taken for granted how lucky I am to do this job. I really think you can do it without trampling over people; that you can be a kind and decent person and still get ahead."
Friendship aside, Sales believes ABC picked the right replacement for Trioli.
"You could see Lisa's warmth even as a news reporter but you can show more of your personality in an anchoring role," Sales says. "She's a fantastic chick and Australians will be lucky to have her at the helm of the show every morning."
WHAT: ABC News Breakfast
WHEN: 6am weekdays, ABC and ABC News