This was published 5 years ago
Federal highway approval could be end of the road for sacred tree saga
By Timna Jacks
Protesters camping out to save sacred Aboriginal trees are preparing to be evicted by Victorian police now that the federal government has given final approval for a controversial road project in Ararat.
A last-ditch attempt by the Djab Wurrung traditional owners to protect Aboriginal land and sacred trees along the 12-kilometre stretch of the Western Highway was rejected last week, as federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley ruled in favour of the road's $672 million duplication.
Given that five of the six sacred trees identified in the traditional owners' submission would now be saved by the state government, the Minister found that the project no longer threatened the Aboriginal cultural heritage of the area.
The protesters, estimated to number around 100, are calling on supporters to join them in the lead up to their anticipated eviction.
However, one final attempt to halt the project is in train, as Michael Kennedy, a lawyer representing those opposing the road, is preparing to apply to have Minister Ley's decision reviewed by a judge.
In February this year, the Andrews government agreed to change the route to save 13 trees - a decision the government said it made in consultation with registered traditional owner groups Martang and the Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation.
This includes an 800-year-old sacred 'birthing' tree where elders say 50 generations of people were born, which has been identified as culturally significant.
Former chief executive of Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation Jamie Lowe told the Ararat Advertiser that a thorough consultation process had led to a positive result.
"These things take time - our values have been heard," he said.
But traditional owners opposing the project have shifted the battle to protect the landscape of the area bought by Major Roads Projects Victoria to widen the highway between Buangor and Ararat.
They say the area is part of the songline, and the project would require the removal of 3000 trees. This includes a sacred 350-year-old "directions" tree known for its resemblance to a woman.
"It's about the entire landscape," Djab Wurrung elder Aunty Sandra said. "The removal of those hills and valleys changes the landscape. It's already been changed now so many times ... this is the final straw."
Traditional owner Zellanach Djab Mara, who has lived at the protest camp for 13 months, said the Aboriginal groups who had consented to the road's revised design did not represent his people.
"They haven't taken instructions from the people they claim to represent," he said.
Protesters have been lobbying for a separate "northern" route to be built instead, which they say would mostly run along an existing roadway, but Major Road Projects Victoria's program director Tim Price said this route would lose 5000 additional trees.
Work was suspended mid-last year following an application to save the sacred trees, but in December, former Environment Minister Melissa Price rejected the bid.
Djab Wurrung community members then took the case to the Federal Court, which overturned Ms Price's decision, leaving a final decision with the new minister, Sussan Ley.
It also follows an unsuccessful attempt in the Supreme Court to stop the road, fought by landowners set to lose a part of their property.
In April, a state government spokeswoman said 11 people had died on this stretch of the Western Highway over the past five years and 52 people have been seriously injured.
"We’re pleased that a decision has been reached and we’ll recommence work as soon as possible," Major Road Projects Victoria's Mr Price said.
"This project has undergone a rigorous planning process, it has been approved by both the Registered Aboriginal Party and the Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation and has already been significantly redesigned to avoid the trees that are at the heart of the protest."