

This was published 5 years ago

Do customers need to start picking up the tab for the cost of proper wages?

By Anna Patty and Callan Boys

A "short" workday runs as long as 18 hours for Attila Yilmaz at his neighbourhood restaurant in the Sydney suburb of Canterbury.

“We survive because I do three full-time jobs as head chef, general manager and front-of-house manager,” he said. “An 18-hour day is a short day for me. It’s bloody hard work.”

Yilmaz, the owner-operator of Pazar Food Collective, which specialises in Turkish and Mexican inspired cuisine, pays his staff  their full wage entitlements under the hospitality award but must be  "very frugal and very careful" in order to keep the restaurant open.

Restaurateur Attila Yilmaz struggles to pay his staff their full wage and still keep the restaurant open.

Restaurateur Attila Yilmaz struggles to pay his staff their full wage and still keep the restaurant open.Credit: Louise Kennerley

Pay in the hospitality industry has become a national issue since The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald revealed deeply concerning cases of underpayment at a large proportion of restaurants and cafes, including those owned by high profile chefs George Calombaris, Heston Blumenthal and Neil Perry.

Calombaris and his partners were last week slapped with a fine after admitting to underpaying $7.8 million in wages to 515 current and former employees as part of an unprecedented deal with the Fair Work Ombudsman.

Attorney-General Christian Porter is among those who believe the fines they face are letting them off too lightly. The government is now preparing to criminalise wage theft.


But restaurant owners argue some breaches are accidental and current hospitality awards that dictate pay and working conditions are inflexible and complicated. At the same time rising costs of running a restaurant, including the rising cost of utilities, rents and supplies have outstripped the relatively stagnant price of a coffee or cafe meal, making profit margins very narrow.

Monty Koludrovic, executive chef across the Maurice Terzini-led Icebergs group which includes Bondi Icebergs and Surry Hills pub The Dolphin, says he looked at the menus of North Bondi Italian Food when Maurice Terzini co-owned it 12 years ago "and the prices where just the same as they are now".


Cooking icon Maggie Beer who has run an award-winning restaurant on a farm in South Australia's Barossa Valley says it is vitally important to be careful with "how you cut your cloth" to control costs including high rents in Sydney and Melbourne.

She has ensured her menu selection was innovative, simple and that she only used produce that was in season to help keep her costs down. And while businesses needed to be creative about buying well, Beer suggested it may also be time for consumers to start paying more at the restaurant counter.

"It is a really vexed situation. It is very hard to make a reasonable profit on running a restaurant and so you have to cut the cloth for what you do, but you have to pay your people properly," she says.

"We all want good restaurants to go to, but we have to pay for the quality we are aiming for. The customer has got to pay."

Restaurant & Catering Australia chief executive Wes Lambert admits his industry is under pressure and believes industry award rates have risen too far above inflation. He says the hospitality industry is covered by more than 20 different awards, not including penalty rates, overtime and calculations of annual rates, which are "very complex" to negotiate. But his organisation advocates for full compliance with workplace laws and does not condone underpayment.

In the past 10 years, Lambert says award rates have increased by 36 per cent while inflation has risen by 21 per cent. Home delivery services such as Uber Eats have become popular while skimming 30 per cent of revenue from supplying restaurants and cafes.

"All the costs of doing business are up," Lambert says.

Michael Ryan, owner-chef of two hatted restaurant Provenance in Beechworth, Victoria, says restaurant wage costs have increased considerably in the last decade, in some cases now pushing 45 per cent of all costs, partly as a result of operators adopting correct awards.

“The trick for restaurants now is how to make their businesses profitable in this new model,” he said.

But it doesn't stop many for taking a calculated risk in not getting caught. Ashleigh Mounser, who helped lift the lid on endemic underpayment of young people in the city of Wollongong in 2016, says she has continued to be offered below award rates of $10 to $15 per hour to work in restaurants and cafes locally and in Sydney's eastern suburbs. Last year she found a night job at a bottle shop that pays proper wages and writes novels and screenplays during the day.

She says businesses continue to rip off workers because they can.

Ashleigh Mounser was underpaid in numerous jobs in Wollongong.

Ashleigh Mounser was underpaid in numerous jobs in Wollongong. Credit: Janie Barrett

A recent investigation by hospitality worker union United Voice found workers still being paid as little as $10 per hour on a popular Melbourne eat street.

University of Adelaide professor of law, Joanna Howe, has some sympathy with industry when it comes to complaints about the complex nature of the hospitality award, but the bottom line is "if you can't operate legally, you shouldn't operate."

Stephen Clibborn, a senior lecturer from the University of Sydney Business School who has conducted extensive research on underpayment of workers in the hospitality industry, agrees "the law is the law".

Stephen Clibborn senior lecturer at the University of Sydney Business School has conducted extensive research on the underpayment of hospitality workers.

Stephen Clibborn senior lecturer at the University of Sydney Business School has conducted extensive research on the underpayment of hospitality workers.

Clibborn acknowledges that restaurants and cafes face tough competition and low profit margins, giving them little room to move.And if the cafe down the road can offer a cheaper coffee because they are underpaying staff, "all the ingredients are there in the recipe of temptation to underpay your workers".

"That's why it's in honest employers' interests to have employment laws properly enforced so they are able to operate on a level playing field," he says.

Clibborn warns that any move to criminalise wage theft or increase fines "will be hollow without significantly increased resources to implement the laws".

Australia's hospitality industry last year employed more than 881,000 people, according to Australian Bureau of Statistics figures, representing around 7.1 per cent of the total workforce. That includes about 94,000 chefs, 45,900 cooks and 65,800 cafe/restaurant managers.


Despite making up only seven per cent of the workforce, hospitality workers were represented in 18 per cent of disputes before the Fair Work Ombudsman last year. These professions are also among the most frequently sponsored for temporary skilled visas across all industries in Australia. Which links to another key reason for exploitation of hospitality workers.

Immigration policies in the past two decades have shifted from a focus on permanent migration to temporary migration on the basis that this could better serve the interests of employers and the economy. Clibborn says this has also created a vulnerable class of workers on temporary work visas who are to varying degrees dependent on their employer to stay in the country.

"With that dependence comes a reduced likelihood that the employee in that vulnerable dependent situation will ever report an employer who is breaching employment laws," he says.

Plummeting union membership has also removed a historic source of employment law enforcement. Today, a government agency, the Fair Work Ombudsman, has been charged with fulfilling that enforcement role. And while Clibborn says it does a great job with a limited budget, "the trouble is the Fair Work Ombudsman has never been resourced adequately to fully take over that role".

Former ACTU senior official Tim Lyons says greater enforcement of workplace laws by the Fair Work Ombudsman would help remove a structural incentive to underpay workers.

Andrew Spring, from the insolvency firm Jirsch Sutherland, says it requires a delicate balancing act. He has observed an upward trend in hospitality insolvency appointments. The businesses that close are most often the ones that fail to be innovative in the way they structure their costs to ensure they get the best value from their labour. That can include things like making the best use of online deliveries with existing staff ratios.

"The key is to knowing what it costs to open the doors. There are a lot of hidden costs including insurance, licences, utilities, workplace health and safety ... to operate. The businesses that don't do well are the ones that forget about those costs," Spring says.

"Historically there is a higher ratio of insolvency appointments in the restaurant space. The reason for that is the low margin environment. Businesses that are not adapting to that environment are the ones coming to us for help.

“If margins are not maintained, then liabilities may accrue in the background like a sleeping bear about to wake up."

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