

This was published 5 years ago

How academics are taking steps to be open to uncomfortable ideas

By Jordan Baker

It was Australia's answer to Rhodes Must Fall, a campaign to topple monuments honouring white supremacist and scholarship founder Cecil Rhodes.

Wentworth Must Fall made tabloid headlines earlier this month after University of Sydney students called for explorer William Wentworth's name to be stripped from a prominent building because his famous Blue Mountains crossing had been a catalyst for bloody conflict between settlers and Indigenous people.

The Wentworth Building at Sydney University.

The Wentworth Building at Sydney University.Credit: Ryan Stuart

"Political correctness gone mad!" was the reaction among some of the commentariat, which cited it as another example of universities captured by the extreme left. But they need not have worried. The Wentworth Must Fall campaign actually began in 2017; it attracted just 300-odd "likes" on Facebook and fizzled out a year ago. Despite the students' best efforts, most of their peers were not interested in debating  Wentworth's 200-year-old alleged misdeeds.

"My impression is that activist University of Sydney students are very eager to import fashionable United States and United Kingdom culture war campaigns, but have had little traction in doing so," says Salvatore Babones, one of the university's sociologists who is originally from the US. "When William Wentworth is the most evil person you can find in your history, you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel for statues to topple."

Wentworth-type incidents don't concern Babones. He has not observed a proliferation of "safe spaces" at Sydney and has never seen a trigger warning outside the student newspaper. He worries about something much more subtle, something difficult to quantify and something that poses a far more serious issue for universities – one that cannot be fixed by free speech codes, or ministerial edits, or even vice-chancellors' intervention. His fear is that academics have become resistant to considering uncomfortable ideas.


That left-wing academics block their ears to right-wing views is a common criticism from conservatives, and has driven culture wars for decades. Studies in the United States – which are extrapolated to Australia, since none have been undertaken here – show academia is dominated by progressives; one study suggested conservatives were the most under-represented group after Hispanics. The imbalance leaves the right feeling like a persecuted minority on campuses, so it rages at universities from outside the gates.

But these fears are no longer held by conservatives alone. As the left in the wider community shuts down controversial debates by "no-platforming" (refusing a platform for views deemed offensive), "cancelling" (rejecting someone because they have violated a social standard) and social media "call-outs" (publicly highlighting someone's social transgressions), even some left-leaning academics fear those practices are being adopted within academia, and worry about their long-term impact.

In 2015, New York University social psychologist Jonathan Haidt – famous for his book The Coddling Of The American Mind, in which he argued that sheltering young people was leading to the proliferation of safe spaces and trigger warnings on American campuses – set up Heterodox Academy, a "non-partisan collaborative" of academics dedicated to viewpoint diversity at universities.


Dozens of Australian academics have joined. Each has signed up to a personal version of the free speech code presently being debated by Australian universities: "I believe that university life requires that people with diverse viewpoints and perspectives encounter each other in an environment where they feel free to speak up and challenge each other," the pledge reads. "I am concerned that many academic fields and universities currently lack sufficient viewpoint diversity."

Babones, who describes himself as conservative, progressive and liberal in equal measure, is among them. He argues the erosion of viewpoint diversity has been a slow creep, the result of decades' worth of tiny biases in hiring, promotion and peer review processes. It's not because diverse viewpoints are not allowed; he does not fear being rapped on the knuckles by management for expressing an unpopular view, but the consequences would be subtle, such as resistance by colleagues to a promotion. He cites the example of a PhD student who struggled to find academic work because her research was critical of strategies used by Palestinians.

"I've found it impossible to even find a venue for publishing academic papers that would cast populism in a favourable light, because editors and the potential pool of peer reviewers are so strongly anti-populist that they won't consider any argument to the contrary," says Babones, author of The New Authoritarianism: Trump, Populism, and the Tyranny of Experts. "I have come across very few people who ...  say, 'I disagree with this, but it is of very high quality'."

It's the result of "millions of individual choices, not some grand plan," he says. "But the situation exists, and it is real. Is that a crisis in academic freedom? No, it's the ordinary outcome of human failings. Does it create an homogenous and intolerant academy? Of course, it does."

At the University of NSW, another Heterodox member, Jamie Roberts – who did his PhD in politics, and does not identify as a conservative – has often felt like he was walking on eggshells on race and gender issues. "But for me, more significantly, it's hard to talk about all the power and virtue stuff," he says. "I believe that some believe that completing a PhD in the arts and social sciences bestow on them a sort of moral authority about what are, ultimately, complex and debatable social issues."

Salvatore Babones is an associate professor at the University of Sydney.

Salvatore Babones is an associate professor at the University of Sydney.

"The danger is that universities – the arts and social sciences part – will become, if they haven't already become, the seminaries of the 21st century, where to climb the ranks you just have to repeat the dogma of the moment and close ranks with those around you."

Roberts does not believe a predominance of left-leaning academics is the problem. Universities are by their nature progressive; they challenge the status quo to come up with new ideas. "But it needs to be grounded in regard for truth."

On the last point, sociologist Walter Forrest agrees. He has never felt pressured to reveal his political views to colleagues at the University of Queensland – "we don't talk about politics" – and joined Heterodox for the teaching resources it provides to facilitate debate among students. "I am less concerned about whether there is a variety of political viewpoints than I am about people's basic attitude to openness and difference of opinions," he says.

"I wouldn't want to see universities try to hire more people of particular viewpoints or to try to establish centres that favour a political viewpoint. Just because a person is on the left or right, doesn’t necessarily make them more or less open-minded. We should be able to openly engage with scholarship that presents a different point of view, irrespective of whether we agree with it. That's what research is about."

As former University of Melbourne vice-chancellor Glyn Davis pointed out last year, there is no evidence of a systemic issue. But each of the Heterodox academics contacted by the Herald  and The Age had a personal anecdote; one cited a conference last year at Sydney University, when academics debated – and ultimately decided against – withdrawing an invitation to a speaker who espoused an unfashionable view about the impact of transgender studies on feminism.

The danger is that universities - the arts and social sciences part - will become ... the seminaries of the 21st century

Dr Jamie Roberts, UNSW

Another was particularly annoyed by a tweet from a participant at an Australian Sociological Association conference. "Sociology demands that you have a social justice lens. Any right-wing sociologists should be booted out of the club,” it said. And a third, left-leaning academic from RMIT in Victoria, said his centre-right colleagues "self-marginalise". "They don't want to say what they believe in the way most people are prone to these days," he says.

Another centre-left academic who declined to be identified described Heterodox Academy as "a kind of collective ‘cry of pain’, driven by exasperation at what is happening at our universities ... the perspectives deemed acceptable at universities is narrowing and narrowing and narrowing."

Not everyone agrees with that proposition. Professor Katharine Gelber, a Queensland University specialist on academic freedom, says there is no evidence to support the assertion that Australian universities are bastions of the left. "You go into most economics faculties or an accounting faculty or some law faculties, and there are plenty of conservatives." Even if progressives were the majority, "lecturers are very capable of reflecting a diverse range of views", she says.


Some of those who support viewpoint diversity are sceptical of the Heterodox concept. Philosopher Patrick Stokes from Deakin University argues "it seems to be based on the idea that if there is some kind of vague consensus, that must be a bad thing that shows ideas are not being properly ventilated. Very often, bad ideas are just left aside," says Stokes. "Academia is a community like any other. It's always going to have an element of internal norm policing."

The John Howard-helmed Ramsay Centre's struggles to find a home for its degree in Western civilisation has prompted many to accuse campuses of left-wing bias, but one of the most outspoken Ramsay critics disagrees. Sydney University linguist Nick Riemer says universities are not full of lefties. "The faculty that's in focus is the arts faculty," he says. Claims it is dominated by cultural Marxists are "nonsense. Most academics there are centrists".

In fact, he argues, his more left-wing colleagues are the ones under most pressure. "The biggest irony about all of this is the freedom of speech code will I bet not be applied to the group that is most in need of it in my view, which is Palestine advocates," he says.

If diverse views did flow more freely on campus, there is still the question of when to draw the line. Earlier this year, controversy exploded in the particle physics community after a University of Pisa professor analysed citation records and came to the conclusion that, because the top authors were male, men were better than women at physics. He was expelled from the European research centre Cern. But was his sin gender discrimination, or just bad science?

ANU Chancellor Gareth Evans.

ANU Chancellor Gareth Evans.Credit: Daniel Munoz

As Forrest points out, viewpoint diversity in academia is different from free speech in the wider community. Ideas must be grounded in research and evidence. "You see an area where there's a lot of dispute, but over time consensus forms, and the contests start to decrease," he says. "But there have been lots of discoveries where consensus forms, there's an orthodox viewpoint, someone challenges it, there's more research, and it leads to change."

Chancellor of the Australian National University Gareth Evans has seen no evidence of academics feeling pressured into conformity. "All the academics at ANU seem to be utterly unconstrained by any consideration of that kind," he says. "They have all got often wildly divergent views on public policy issues and are very cheerful about articulating them."

Evans, a former foreign affairs minister and attorney-general, says the issue has been "wildly overstated", a controversy imported from the US that has left people "jumping at shadows" without local evidence.

Michael Spence, the vice-chancellor of Sydney University, did notice academics were occasionally failing to apply the same "epistemic rigour" to public debate that they applied to research.

"We did begin to think that people in the university more broadly were not listening to one another, weren't admitting that they might be wrong, were thinking you could address complex social issues in a Twitter feed," he says.

So the university began a conversation about how to disagree well. "Things like demonstrating epistemic humility – admitting you might be wrong, therefore that you might have to listen,"  Spence told the Please Explain podcast. "Choosing language commensurate with the goal of increasing understanding, and is not unnecessarily hyperbolic or combative.

University of Sydney vice-chancellor Michael Spence.

University of Sydney vice-chancellor Michael Spence.Credit: James Brickwood

"Trying to find points of commonality, while identifying with precision those things about which you disagree [so] that you can have a meaningful exchange. The need for paying respect to evidence, and also of paying respect to – but not being cowed by – expertise in a particular field. That conversation ... was really rich."

Even if criticism that universities lack viewpoint diversity is unfounded, the perception alone is worrying, says Forrest. "People would potentially lose confidence in the work we do," he says. "We can see evidence of that in the US; conservatives are less trustful of science. I would hate to see that happen here."

with Fergus Hunter

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