

This was published 5 years ago


Trump's in love with the US-China trade war, but markets feel differently

Donald Trump might "love the position we’re in" but financial markets, and US farmers, aren’t quite as happy about the Trump administration’s decision to ramp up the aggression in its trade conflict with China.

Over the weekend Trump raised the existing tariffs on $US200 billion ($288 billion) of China’s exports from 10 per cent to 25 per cent and threatened new tariffs on a further $US325 billion. China’s measured response was to lift the rates on its existing tariffs on $US60 billion of its $US120 billion of annual imports from the US.

Last chance for a trade deal? Chinese President Xi Jinping will meet US President Donald Trump at the G20 meeting in Japan next month.

Last chance for a trade deal? Chinese President Xi Jinping will meet US President Donald Trump at the G20 meeting in Japan next month.Credit: AP

That caused the US sharemarket to fall 2.4 per cent, volatility to spike, the US bond yield curve to flatten in expectation of lower growth, and soy bean prices to slide to their lowest levels in a decade.

China’s tariffs are targeted to cause maximum political effect. They target agricultural products like soy beans as well as LNG and some consumer products. They avoid impacting goods that would hurt China’s own economy.

Unlike the across-the-board increases in the US tariffs, China’s will range from as little as 5 per cent to as much as 25 per cent, presumably to maximise their impact on the US while minimising the damage to its own economy. Unlike Trump, China’s authorities recognise that tariffs on imports are a tax on their own economy.

Markets tumbled on Monday as investors started to get jittery.

Markets tumbled on Monday as investors started to get jittery.Credit: AP

They’ve also left the door open to a deal, deferring the imposition of the new tariff rates until June1.

Given how intractable Trump and the trade hawks around him have been, and the issues they regard as non-negotiable, however, that appears an unlikely outcome.

The US is firm that its tariffs would remain in place until it is satisfied, unilaterally, that China is complying with its demands on trade.


It is demanding China buy sufficient US goods, regardless of whether it wants or needs them – or whether the US can actually supply them – to wipe out the US trade deficit with China.


Most significantly, the US insists that China legislate its agreement to the US terms, which China sees as an assault on its sovereignty.

China wants the tariffs removed as soon as the deal is struck. It wants the amount of goods it is required to buy to be realistic. It doesn’t want its sovereignty undermined, and its leadership humiliated, by being forced to legislate terms that have been forced upon it.

Those don’t sound like the outlines of an amicably negotiated deal.

Trump is prepared to go "all in," convinced that China is paying tens of billions of dollars for his tariffs (it’s not, US companies and consumers are) and that the tariff war is good for the US and will devastate China.

There’s an element of political calculation as well, as the 2020 presidential election is now on his horizon. He believes the trade stoush plays well with his base even though US farm bankruptcies have been rising sharply.

The administration has had to put in place $US12 billion in emergency relief for its farmers to try to offset the impact of the trade conflict. Trump is now talking about redistributing the revenue from the increased tariffs to the farm sector; buying their products and then donating them to "needy" countries.

The working assumption within the White House appears to be that the US can do far more damage to China than China can do to the US and therefore they can bend China to their will and remove it as a threat to US economic and geopolitical supremacy.

That’s probably true to a point – the damage to China’s economy, relative to GDP, is likely to be multiples of that suffered by the US. China, however, appears to be prepared to absorb the hits.


China also has options to blunt the impact of Trump’s tariffs, and exaggerate the impacts of its counter-measures.

An obvious one would be, not just to impose higher tariffs on US agricultural products or LNG, but to stop buying them where there are (as there is for soy and LNG) alternate sources of supply.

It could take non-tariff action against US companies operating in China, costing US companies sales to Chinese consumers or disrupting US supply chains by targeting intermediate goods.

China could also devalue the renminbi to offset the tariffs. The renminbi has fallen nearly 3 per cent against the US dollar in the past month.

There is, however, probably a limit to what China is prepared to contemplate in terms of depreciation, given its experience in 2015 when it did devalue and provoked a massive flight of capital.

China's economy would suffer a huge hit from a protracted trade war.

China's economy would suffer a huge hit from a protracted trade war. Credit: AP

It could also do more of what it has already done, injecting liquidity into its banking system to encourage lending, increasing infrastructure spending and reducing taxes to stimulate its economy and providing tax rebates for trade-exposed enterprises.

In the absence of a deal – Trump and Xi Jinping will meet at the G20 summit in Japan next month – the trade war will be neither easy nor quick to win.

If it were to drag into 2020, hurting US farmers and consumers, undermining financial markets, slowing the US economy and entering the political calculus, the Chinese might, however, expect Trump’s understanding of trade to improve quite rapidly.

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