

This was published 5 years ago

New modelling to unleash explosive row over climate change costings

By David Crowe

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten is facing an explosive political row over his climate change policy as industry warns of rising costs and a new economic study predicts 167,000 fewer jobs by 2030 under the Labor plan.

Business groups backed the ambition to reduce greenhouse gas emissions but said they deserved more detail given they would pay for the scheme, in a rebuke to Labor's claim it was "impossible" to model the cost of its policy on employers and the economy.

The dire new warning from economist Brian Fisher, which is hotly disputed by Labor and countered by other experts, marks a dramatic escalation in the political fight over the cost of taking action on climate change compared to the cost of inaction.

Dr Fisher concludes the Labor emissions target would subtract at least $264 billion from gross national product by 2030 and as much as $542 billion depending on the rules for big companies to buy international carbon permits to meet their targets.

"Negative consequences for real wages and employment are projected under all scenarios, with a minimum 3 per cent reduction in real wages and 167,000 less [sic] jobs in 2030 compared to what otherwise would have occurred," he concludes.

"Labor's plan results in a cumulative GNP loss over the period from 2021 to 2030 that is over three times larger than that occurring under the Coalition policy.

"Turning to other results, the wholesale electricity price under Labor's climate policy is around 20 per cent higher than that resulting from the Coalition policy."

Labor has been bracing for the release of Dr Fisher's report after weeks of conflicting claims over the cost of its policies, fuelling attacks from Prime Minister Scott Morrison over the impact on the economy.

Australian National University Professor Warwick McKibbin cautioned against some of the claims, telling The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age two weeks ago that the impact of Labor's proposals would be a "small fraction" of the economy by 2030.


Professor McKibbin estimates the Coalition and Labor policies would subtract about 0.4 per cent from the economy by 2030.

The cumulative value of economic output has been broadly tipped to be about $30 trillion by 2030, which means Dr Fisher's worst-case scenario equates to less than 2 per cent of output over that period.

An earlier version of Dr Fisher's modelling triggered headlines of a "carbon cut apocalypse" in March but was questioned by other economists who said he had assumed very high costs for renewable energy generation and the cost of reducing emissions.

ANU professor Frank Jotzo said in March that Dr Fisher's work had used "absurd cost assumptions" about emissions abatement.

Professor McKibbin said Dr Fisher had produced a carbon price forecast that was "way too high" and a "factor of ten" more than his own work.

Dr Fisher was the executive director of the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE) for many years and conducted the modelling at his firm, BAEconomics. He said this was not commissioned or paid for by the government.

While heavily disputed, Mr Morrison is expected to use the results to mount an escalating campaign against Mr Shorten ahead of the May 18 poll.

Mr Shorten fended off questions over the cost of his policy this week by saying Australians were fed up with the "excuses and delay and distraction" used to delay any action on climate change.

Employer groups ranging from the printing to transport industries said jobs could be "exported" if the climate policies went too far, even though some of them endorse the ambition to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

Refrigerants Australia chief Greg Picker said he could understand why it was difficult for both major parties to put cost estimates on their competing emission targets.

"Do I wish there was more detail? Of course I do. But in terms of specific costings, that detail is really hard to provide and that's a challenge for everyone," he said.

Mr Picker said the best solution would be a bipartisan agreement between the two major parties, in the same way they had agreed on laws two years ago to reduce hydrofluorocarbons.

"It's the uncertainty that kills everybody," he said.

Printing Industries Association of Australia chief Andrew Macauley was especially pessimistic about the impact of the Labor policy and said his sector had seen little detail from the opposition.

"Increasing costs are essentially driving business offshore," he said.


Mr Butler said the Labor plan included a response to "every single request" from business over the past 18 months to allow international permits, encourage a "reinvigorated" carbon farming market and allow for electricity offsets.

The government has previously claimed businesses would have to pay $35 billion to buy foreign carbon permits under the Labor scheme, only to have its estimate rejected by respected analysis firm Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

Dr Fisher endorses a key feature of the Labor scheme by concluding it is more efficient to allow Australian companies to buy international carbon permits to cut the cost of reducing emissions.

Mr Morrison refuses to allow the use of these permits, pushing up the cost of meeting his 26 per cent target to reduce emissions by 2030. Professor McKibbin said this plan cost the same as meeting Labor's 45 per cent target because Labor would allow international permits.

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