

This was published 5 years ago

World leaders condemn Easter Sunday bombings in Sri Lanka

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten have condemned the "devastating" bomb blasts in Sri Lanka which left more than 200 people dead and hundreds more injured on Easter Sunday.

Six near-simultaneous blasts hit Colombo on Sunday morning, with a further two bombings later in the day.

"The devastating nature of this horrific attack on innocent lives, simply going about their day, going to worship on the holiest of days of the Christian calendar, is just absolutely devastating," Mr Morrison told reporters at Kirribilli House on Sunday.

"There are many Australians regularly travelling in Sri Lanka and our mission in Colombo will be following through on the safety of those Australians."

"I'm sure the information will become even more sickeningly real," he said.

Mr Shorten said the news was "devastating".

"We think also of Australia's beloved Sri Lankan community who will carry an immense sense of shock and sadness today," he wrote on Twitter on Sunday.


There were no immediate claims of responsibility for the attacks in a country which was at war for decades with Tamil separatists until 2009 during which bomb blasts in the capital were common.

"Sri Lanka hasn't seen this form of violence since 2009 when hostilities ceased in that country," Mr Morrison said.

"We do know that innocent lives have been stolen once again."

Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull also took to Twitter to share sympathy for the victims.

"The peace of Easter shattered by the senseless and cowardly attacks on Christian worshippers in Sri Lanka," he wrote on Sunday. "We send our love and sympathy to the families of the victims and pray the injured have a speedy recovery."

Australian Catholic Bishops' Conference president, Archbishop Mark Coleridge, also issued a statement.

"This attack has something demonic about its planning and execution," he said. "We also know that violence like this won't have the last word. That's what Easter is about."

World leaders condemn attacks

Politicians and religious leaders from around the world were united in their shock and condemnation. Here are some of their reactions.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres: "I condemn the heinous terrorist attacks on churches and hotels in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday, a sacred day for Christians. The UN stands in solidarity with Sri Lanka as the global community fights hatred and violent extremism together. Holy sites must be respected," he tweeted.

Pope Francis: "I learned with sadness and pain of the news of the grave attacks, that precisely today, Easter, brought mourning and pain to churches and other places where people were gathered in Sri Lanka," he told tens of thousands of people in St Peter's Square to hear his Easter Sunday message.

Close to the Christians of Sri Lanka: Pope Francis delivers his "Urbi et Orbi" ("to the city and the world") message in St Peter's Square at the Vatican.

Close to the Christians of Sri Lanka: Pope Francis delivers his "Urbi et Orbi" ("to the city and the world") message in St Peter's Square at the Vatican. Credit: AP

"I wish to express my affectionate closeness to the Christian community, hit while it was gathered in prayer, and to all the victims of such cruel violence."

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby: "The will to power leads to the murder of innocents in Sri Lanka. The utterly despicable destruction that on this holiest of days seeks to challenge the reality of the risen Christ. To say that darkness will conquer, that our choice is surrender or death. Jesus chose to defy this darkness and he is risen indeed."

World Jewish Congress President Ronald S. Lauder: "World Jewry - in fact all civilised people - denounce this heinous outrage and appeal for zero tolerance of those who use terror to advance their objectives. This truly barbarous assault on peaceful worshippers on one of the holiest days in the Christian calendar serves as a painful reminder that the war against terror must be at the top of the international agenda and pursued relentlessly," he said in a statement.


Secretary General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation Dr Yousef Al-Othaimeen: "Dr Yousef Al-Othaimeen strongly condemned the terrorist attacks carried out on churches & hotels in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Dr Al-Othaimeen extended the solidarity of OIC with Sri Lanka," the organisation posted on Twitter.

The Muslim Council of Sri Lanka and the All Ceylon Jammiyyathul Ulama, a body of Muslim clerics in Sri Lanka, also issued statements condemning the attacks.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi: "Strongly condemn the horrific blasts in Sri Lanka. There is no place for such barbarism in our region. India stands in solidarity with the people of Sri Lanka. My thoughts are with the bereaved families and prayers with the injured," he said on Twitter.

Pakistan's Prime Minster Imran Khan: "Strongly condemn the horrific terrorist attack in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday resulting in precious lives lost and hundreds injured. My profound condolences go to our Sri Lankan brethren. Pakistan stands in complete solidarity with Sri Lanka in their hour of grief," he tweeted.

US President Donald Trump: "Heartfelt condolences from the people of the United States to the people of Sri Lanka on the horrible terrorist attacks on churches and hotels," he tweeted. "... We stand ready to help!"

Russian President Vladimir Putin: "Vladimir Putin expressed condolences to Sri Lanka President Maithripala Sirisena in connection with tragic consequences of terrorist acts," his English Twitter account said.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel: "It is shocking that people who had gathered to celebrate Easter were the deliberate target of vicious attacks," she wrote in a letter of condolence to Sri Lanka's president.

French President Emmanuel Macron: "Deep sorrow following the terrorist attacks against churches and hotels in Sri Lanka. We firmly condemn these heinous acts. All our solidarity with the people of Sri Lanka and our thoughts go out to all victims’ relatives on this Easter Day," he said on Twitter.

British Prime Minister Theresa May: "The acts of violence against churches and hotels in Sri Lanka are truly appalling, and my deepest sympathies go out to all of those affected at this tragic time. We must stand together to make sure that no one should ever have to practise their faith in fear," she tweeted.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern: “New Zealand condemns all acts of terrorism, and our resolve has only been strengthened by the attack on our soil on the 15th of March. To see an attack in Sri Lanka while people were in churches and at hotels is devastating,” she said in a written statement. "New Zealand rejects all forms of extremism and stands for freedom of religion and the right to worship safely. Collectively we must find the will and the answers to end such violence."

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez: "Terror and barbarity will never defeat us," he wrote on Twitter.

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker: "It was with horror and sadness that I heard of the bombings in Sri Lanka costing the lives of so many people. I offer my heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims who had gathered to worship peacefully or come to visit this beautiful country. We stand ready to support," he said on Twitter.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: "Absolutely horrific news from Sri Lanka. Canada strongly condemns the heinous attacks on Christians at churches and hotels. Our hearts & thoughts are with the families & loved ones of those killed and all those injured," he tweeted.

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin: "The attacks in Sri Lanka, including those at prayer celebrating Easter Sunday are a despicable crime. We are all children of God; an attack on one religion is an attack on us all," he said on Twitter.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan: "I condemn in the strongest terms possible the Easter terror attacks in Sri Lanka. This is an assault on all of humanity," he tweeted.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif: "Terribly saddened by terrorist attacks on Sri Lankan worshippers during Easter. Condolences to friendly govt & people of Sri Lanka. Our thoughts & prayers with the victims & their families. Terrorism is a global menace with no religion: it must be condemned & confronted globally," he said on Twitter.

Support for Australians in Sri Lanka

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is still working to firm up the information as it relates to Australian travellers.

"Following several bomb blasts in Sri Lanka, the Australian High Commission in Colombo is making urgent enquiries with local authorities to determine the welfare of any Australians affected," a DFAT spokeswoman said in a statement on Sunday.

The spokeswoman said anyone concerned about friends and family in Sri Lanka should contact their loved ones directly and, if that fails, to then contact DFAT on 1300 555 135 (within Australia) or +61 2 6261 3305 (from overseas).


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