

This was published 5 years ago

Sacking of James Cook University professor was 'unlawful', court rules

By Fergus Hunter

The Federal Circuit Court has found that James Cook University acted unlawfully in dismissing a physics professor for his criticisms of colleagues' work.

Peter Ridd was sacked last year after he repeatedly questioned the quality of research about the impact of global warming on the Great Barrier Reef.

Former James Cook University professor Peter Ridd.

Former James Cook University professor Peter Ridd.

Dr Ridd had disparaged colleagues' work as untrustworthy and "misleading" in correspondence with a journalist and in television interviews.

Dr Ridd's subsequent legal action against JCU's treatment of him has received significant attention in the media. Because of his outspoken scepticism of climate change science, the example has been at the centre of debate about the state of free speech in academia.

Judge Salvatore Vasta found the university's actions against Dr Ridd, including his dismissal, were all unlawful.


Noting some coverage had painted the matter as an example of controversial views being silenced, Judge Vasta said the trial was "purely and simply about the proper construction of a clause in an enterprise agreement".

The judgement also said the university had failed to fully understand the importance of intellectual freedom.

In a statement, JCU provost Chris Cocklin questioned the judgement and said the university was "considering its options".


"Dr Ridd was not sacked because of his scientific views. Peter Ridd was never gagged or silenced about his scientific views, a matter which was admitted during the court hearing," Professor Cocklin said.

"What was in issue, was how to he communicated about others, how he denigrated others and how he breached confidentiality which impacted not only on him, but on others."

The university says Dr Ridd breached of a code of conduct that is intended to protect a safe, respectful and professional workplace.

JCU's treatment of Dr Ridd has been criticised by the National Tertiary Education Union and conservative think-tank the Institute of Public Affairs.

The IPA welcomed the court's decision as a "huge win for academic freedom and for freedom of speech" in Australia.

“This judgement should rightly send shockwaves through Australian universities regarding their commitment to academic freedom and how they deal with academics who hold a contrary view to established group think,” said Gideon Rozner, director of policy at the IPA.

Mr Rozner urged universities to sign up to a free speech code recently proposed by former High Court chief justice Robert French.

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