

This was published 5 years ago

New corruption scandal clouds Netanyahu's trip to bask in Trump's glow

By David M Halbfinger

Washington:  Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu landed in Washington on Sunday for what amounted to a two-day campaign swing through the White House, hoping that US President Donald Trump's praise and latest gift — recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights — would persuade wavering voters that his diplomatic achievements should offset any worries about his integrity.

Yet with barely two weeks left until Israel's parliamentary elections, in which he is running neck and neck with Benny Gantz, a retired army chief, a fresh new scandal has embroiled Netanyahu, delaying his flight to Washington by hours and dogging him even after he arrived.

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will face the voters in two weeks against a background of corruption allegations.

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will face the voters in two weeks against a background of corruption allegations.Credit: AP

Already facing indictment on bribery and other corruption charges, Netanyahu now faces two related accusations:

The first is that he improperly authorised the sale of advanced German-made submarines to Egypt without the approval of top military officials, possibly at a cost to Israel's national security. The second is that he engaged in self-dealing, through an undisclosed and enormously profitable financial stake in a company that supplied the German builder of both the Egyptian subs and several new Israeli warships.

The new scandal builds on an earlier one involving the multibillion-dollar purchase of submarines and missile boats from the same Germany manufacturer.

In November, police recommended charges against four of Netanyahu's confidants, including his cousin and personal lawyer, over corruption in buying the ships. Netanyahu was not named a suspect.

Retired Israeli military chief Benny Gantz  is running neck and neck against Benjamin Netanyahu in the lead-up to next month's poll.

Retired Israeli military chief Benny Gantz is running neck and neck against Benjamin Netanyahu in the lead-up to next month's poll.Credit: AP

But state prosecutors are said to be considering opening yet another investigation over the latest revelations.

With Gantz's allies in the Blue and White party pummelling the prime minister on television on Saturday night over the new submarine scandal, Netanyahu hastily invited himself into the newsroom of Channel 10, a television station he ordinarily treats as a mortal adversary, for his first interview in several years. He was "on my way to the airport", he said, and thought he "would stop by here and shatter this wave of lies."


He insisted that his investments had been unrelated to his role in buying submarines for Israel, and that he had sold his stock in the company before those deals were made.

"The basic false claim is that I made money on the submarines," he said. "That is a complete lie. I did not make a shekel."

Far from putting the matter to rest, however, the 40-minute television appearance confirmed much of the recent reporting on the submarine scandal and raised troubling new questions.

Benjamin Netanyahu, with Donald Trump on March 5, is hoping his latest visit to Washington will provide a fillip in the polls.

Benjamin Netanyahu, with Donald Trump on March 5, is hoping his latest visit to Washington will provide a fillip in the polls.Credit: AP

Netanyahu confirmed that the company on whose shares he had turned a sevenfold profit, clearing more than $US3 million, a year after returning to power as prime minister, was in the supply chain of the German shipyard that builds Israel's submarines. He admitted, after dodging the question for some time, that it was he who had told the Germans that Israel would not object to the sale of advanced submarines to Egypt.

And he acknowledged keeping both Gantz, who was then the army chief of staff, and Moshe Yaalon, then the defence minister, out of the loop about that decision. Yaalon is now the No 2 candidate of the Blue and White party.

"All of Netanyahu's first-time revelations connect to one main suspicion," wrote Amos Harel, the military analyst for Haaretz: "A cloud of conflict of interest hangs over him."

Netanyahu asserted that the decision not to object to the sale of submarines to Egypt was based on "state secrets" that justified his failure to consult either the military chief of staff or the defense minister.

An Israeli Merkava Mark 4 tank drives close to livestock during an exercise in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights, near the border with Syria. President Donald Trump’s move to recognise Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights turns the tables on decades of US diplomacy and international law.

An Israeli Merkava Mark 4 tank drives close to livestock during an exercise in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights, near the border with Syria. President Donald Trump’s move to recognise Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights turns the tables on decades of US diplomacy and international law.Credit: AP

But in Washington on Sunday, Gantz dismissed Netanyahu's state-secrets assertion as ludicrous.

"The sale of submarines, or to give permission to sell submarines to a neighbouring state, this is not a special operation in the middle of the night," he told reporters. "This is going to affect us for many years to come, and it cannot but take place through the formal channels."


"It makes no sense," he added. "Why do we have a National Security Council? Why do we have a Ministry of Defence? Why do we have a Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Why do we have so many official committees, if it comes to one of our most important strategic decisions, and we bypass them all by cousins and lawyers?"

This was not the storyline Netanyahu was aiming for as he headed to Washington. His trip had been carefully orchestrated to remind Israelis, who overwhelmingly admire Trump, of how effectively Netanyahu has managed their relationship. At their meeting, Trump is expected to sign a document formalising the United States' recognition of Israel's sovereignty in the Golan — a strategically important plateau that Israel captured from Syria in the Arab-Israeli War of 1967 but which under international law is considered occupied territory.

Later on Monday, Netanyahu said he would cut the trip short to return to Israel following a rocket attack near Tel Aviv from the Gaza Strip.

"In light of the security events I decided to cut short my visit to the US," Netanyahu said.

New York Times, Reuters

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