This was published 5 years ago
Make no mistake, Chevron doesn't care about Western Australia
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has said to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees will require nations to phase out coal by mid-century and leave most fossil fuel reserves in the ground. Even at 1.5 degrees, warmer, up to 90 per cent of the world's coral reefs will die.
Emma Young
JournalistOil and gas companies are pillars of our society. Requiring them to offset their pollution would amount to reckless endangerment of our jobs and economy.
The Gorgon site.Credit: AFR
Well, let’s take a closer look at this narrative.
Oil and gas production is causing Australia’s emissions to rise even as coal pollution drops. Reports last November indicated half of the increase in Australia’s annual carbon dioxide emissions can be attributed to Chevron’s failure to bury the carbon coming out of Gorgon in WA’s Pilbara.
WA’s emissions have seen the most rapid increase of any Australian jurisdiction, rising more than 27 per cent in the past 15 years.
So our Environmental Protection Authority had the gall to suggest Chevron, and the other oil and gas companies causing the rise in emissions should pay to offset their own pollution.
Shell, Santos, Chevron and Woodside sent their biggest wigs into town to talk to Premier Mark McGowan behind closed doors and hours later, the EPA backed down and withdrew its guidelines pending industry “consultation”.
I’m not saying that the guidelines were perfect or that business certainty counts for nothing.
The Macquarie Group warned the guidelines could delay projects and cost WA’s LNG industry billions.
But Macquarie and now the Reserve Bank of Australia have both warned, in the same breath, that the economic risks of climate change can no longer be ignored.
And let’s not forget we are talking about companies used to measuring costs and profits in the billions.
Children protested government inaction on climate change on Friday in Perth's CBD. Credit: Cameron Myles.
Chevron reported $2.1 billion in revenue for 2016. Gorgon is a $55 billion project. It’s reported Chevron can potentially make $32 million per day across Gorgon and Wheatstone. Canberra-based think-tank The Australia Institute has calculated – using the publicly reported potential earning above, Chevron’s publicly reported emissions and the price for a federal government carbon credit – that Chevron could go carbon-neutral for about 2 per cent of their profits.
This would drop to around 1.7 per cent if they managed to get their underground carbon storage facility at Gorgon working.
Promising they would take 80 per cent of the CO2 in the gas coming from the reservoir, and inject it beneath Barrow Island, was key to them getting their environmental approval to operate in the first place. But they have been permitted to operate without having fulfilled that promise – surprise, surprise.
A year after they began operating it still doesn’t work; they are releasing millions of tonnes of greenhouse gas.
They recently told media it was going to take another nine months. This was reported on March 5, the same day Chevron announced commencement of domestic gas deliveries from Wheatstone.
The WA government put out a media statement “celebrating” Chevron’s “important milestone” getting Wheatstone going, without ever mentioning Gorgon’s little problem.
If it was a problem stopping their gas flowing, you can bet your bottom dollar Chevron wouldn’t allow that situation to continue for a year and nine months. They’d throw everything at fixing it. Maybe even billions.
But taxes make resources companies pay for what they take, right?
Land tax
Chevron’s quibbled over $5 million in rates to the Shire of Ashburton for the land Gorgon and Wheatstone are occupying, with the result that the shire has had to adjust its bottom line and figure out how to maintain community services while missing a large chunk of its rates revenue.
Company tax
The Australian Tax Office in 2017 ruled Chevron had shifted profits offshore to avoid paying company tax; it paid none in five of seven financial years. A Senate inquiry was subsequently told the total amount of tax Chevron had in dispute with the Tax Office was more than $1 billion.
The petroleum resource rent tax
The share of the money generated from our natural resources on behalf of all Australian citizens. Concessions in the design of this tax means Gorgon won’t be paying this tax until about 2035; in effect, Chevron could pump and sell about 300 million tonnes of Australian LNG before paying a dollar in royalties.
Chevron said in its response to the above story that the company was "a significant taxpayer in Australia" and took “a long-term view of prices because our investments last for decades”.
Well, at least they’re providing WA jobs, right?
The oil and gas industry employs 11,423 people in WA, about 1 per cent of our state’s workforce of 1.1 million. Fewer people than the health system. Fewer than the construction industry, though I do acknowledge there are construction jobs in building oil and gas infrastructure.
Oil and gas also employs fewer people than retail, education, manufacturing, other mining, transport, administration or financial services.
These numbers were calculated using a “wide definition of gas industry, and census data” for a report The Australia Institute published in November, on which WA government MPs were not briefed because the government cancelled the briefing at the last minute amid controversy over its gas fracking announcement.
Oil and gas jobs in WA.Credit: TAI
Notwithstanding that oil and gas jobs represent only 1 per cent of our workforce, we don’t want job losses.
But would shaving 2 per cent off billions in profit really cause large-scale job losses in WA?
Reputex Energy research director Bret Harper has said “being accountable for their emissions doesn’t make any gas jobs go away – the projects either do or don’t go ahead based on other, much bigger factors. What it does do, is funnel a fraction of the profits back into the WA economy as part of a new growth industry by creating diverse and non-exportable jobs across the state”.
In fact, if LNG companies had to invest that 2 per cent into offsets, it could create 4000 additional jobs in WA, says the report by Reputex commissioned by the Conservation Council of WA.
The report says should enough demand be realised to create a carbon offset market in WA, the industry’s value might range between $81 million (low scenario) and $2.9 billion (high scenario) per year.
Protesters gathered on Friday in Perth. Credit: Cameron Myles.
It stayed conservative though, and modelled a medium scenario. This would mean 4000 jobs, mostly in regional areas, where employment is craved the most: 1190 jobs in reforestation plantings, 614 in renewable energy, 249 in rangeland regeneration, 186 in savanah burning and 1694 in other land-sector projects.
Premier Mark McGowan’s recently released KPIs for his own government’s performance announced they would create 150,000 new jobs by 2023-24.
This milestone is comfortably located beyond the next election, at which point he can trot out the well-worn political cliche that ‘we’ve achieved a lot but there’s so much more to do’.
It’s also conveniently right around the time one might expect WA’s naturally cyclical economy to have recovered from its current slump and be on the way back up, generating jobs by itself.
It’s also a ridiculous number. The entire health system, our biggest employer, employs about 136,000 people.
There is no policy lever any government could pull to create 150,000 jobs out of thin air.
But there is one lever they could pull: make LNG giants invest in an emerging industry that could create 4000 or more jobs.
The EPA presented the government with such a policy lever.
Environment Minister Stephen Dawson has confirmed in Parliament that he and the Premier were briefed on it on February 21, two weeks before the EPA’s public announcement.
The government could have told the EPA to withdraw the guidelines then, but it didn’t – it was only after speaking to the oil and gas company heads the Premier made his phone call to the EPA.
Greens MP Tim Clifford has described this as the government “effectively asking industry what regulation it is willing to accept in this space” and said “to ask the country’s biggest emitters how they would like to deal with emissions is like asking the banks what the terms of reference for the banking royal commission should be”.
So for now, Chevron will continue to purchase its social licence cheaply, through sponsorships and flashy presents, smoke and mirrors. Like the Chevron Gardens at Perth Festival, or the Chevron Parkland at Perth Stadium; a garden whose design celebrates just what the company paying for it is putting at risk.
Make no mistake. Chevron cares more about how much money it can squeeze out of us than it cares about climate change, WA jobs or WA’s environment.
And our government cares more about the next election than it does about preserving this land for our children’s children.
They are not standing up for us; so thousands of Perth schoolchildren went to the city on Friday to stand up for themselves.
Let’s hope someone listens before it’s too late.