

This was published 5 years ago

What Rupert Murdoch really wants from Google and Facebook

By John McDuling

Only a short time ago, if you had drawn a Venn diagram of Rupert Murdoch and Elizabeth Warren's policy interests and concerns, it would have looked something like two discrete circles with no overlap. But that changed last week when the conservative, Australian-born media magnate and the left-wing US senator became unlikely allies in a quest to rein in America's tech giants.

Murdoch’s Australian publishing house, News Corp, created global headlines when it provocatively called for search advertising giant Google to be broken up. The suggestion - made in a submission to the Australian competition regulator's inquiry into digital platforms - surfaced just days after Warren unveiled her own plan to break up Google (and fellow internet giants Facebook and Amazon) at the high-profile South by Southwest conference in Texas.

What are Rupert Murdoch and News Corp really up to?

What are Rupert Murdoch and News Corp really up to?Credit: AP

Disclosure: News Corp is the owner of newspapers that compete with the news publication you are reading right now. And The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age have an advertising partnership with Google.

Before going any further it is worth making one thing clear: the likelihood that Google (or any of its Big Tech peers) is actually forcibly broken apart in Australia probably falls somewhere between remote and non-existent.

For starters, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) actually doesn't have the power to force a Google break-up. Doing so would require new legislation. The appetite in Canberra to unilaterally split one of the world's biggest and most powerful tech companies, which is also a prominent donor to both sides of politics, seems questionable. It would also invariably be challenged by Google in the courts.


Even in the unlikely event all of these hurdles were overcome, the break-up would apply only in Australia, where people tend to not enjoy being threatened with a different internet to the rest of the world.

So, what are Murdoch and News Corp really up to then?

Playing hardball, as usual.  The call to break up Google kept the pressure on the search giant, and made the ACCC's existing proposals to regulate it (and Facebook) seem tame by comparison.


Back in December, the ACCC proposed a new body to scrutinise the opaque algorithms that power Google searches and Facebook's news feed, and their conduct in the ad market.


The tech giants and their supporters have dismissed the proposal as a weird, intrusive overreach. But now, all of a sudden, with the global media talking about a Google split, it seems relatively uncontroversial.

The call to break up Google consumed all of the oxygen last week, meaning another important and interesting suggestion made by News Corp passed by relatively unnoticed.

The company also proposed a system where Google (and presumably Facebook) could pay "licence fees" to publishers to compensate them for the benefit they derived from their content.

This appears to be a subtly different proposal to earlier calls from News Corp and Murdoch himself for digital platforms to pay publishers "carriage fees" - akin to the payments made by cable companies in the US to TV channel owners (such as Murdoch's Fox News).

The new proposal sounds more like the systems used around the world to decide royalties paid by streaming services and radio stations to songwriters and record labels. It would involve a new statutory framework, and independent economic analysis of the benefits of news to the platforms to help determine payments to publishers.


As for Warren, her motivation for taking on Big Tech is clear.  The Massachusetts senator is campaigning to be the nominee for the Democratic Party at next year's presidential election, and she clearly think's there is mileage in this issue with voters.  And so do key figures on the other side of the political spectrum, including Republican senator Ted Cruz and even President Donald Trump himself.

Whether the growing unease with the dominance of big tech companies in American politics translates into any concrete proposals to rein them in in Washington is far from certain. It's been a long time since the bitterly divided US Congress produced any reforms of such magnitude.

The US is also engaged in an unfolding, tech-driven cold war with China. Anything that weakens America's tech giants could give China the upper hand in the race to control a raft of emerging technologies that could be economically lucrative, and militarily critical, in the near future. As a result, expect to start hearing arguments that weakening Big Tech could weaken the US geo-politically.

Then again, what's the use of geopolitical supremacy when your democracy and society is crumbling, in no small part due to the actions of a few giant companies?

The situation is fluid and unpredictable, as underlined by the tragedy in Christchurch on Friday. Facebook's actions - or lack thereof - have attracted swift criticism at the highest levels.

With each such event, Facebook's position weakens and that of its media critics strengthens.

Reining in the tech giants is a deeply complex issue. Yet one thing about it is certain: with figures as diverse as Murdoch and Warren champing at the bit for action, it's not going to go away anytime soon.

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