

This was published 5 years ago


Global slowdown is becoming more intense - and no one knows why

One of the great post-crisis conundrums has been why, with interest rates at historic lows, debt and deficits at historic highs and, in some developed economies, unemployment at their lowest levels for decades, economic growth, inflation and wages growth have remained so stubbornly weak.

Recent US economic data illustrates the question.

US economic growth has been quite strong, in a post-crisis context, at 2.9 per cent in 2018 and, more recently, around 2.6 per cent. The US 10-year bond rate is 2.6 per cent and the two-year rate 2.5 per cent. The Federal Funds rate ranges between 2.25 per cent and 2.5 per cent. US government fiscal settings are highly expansionary, with deficits approaching $US1 trillion ($1.4 trillion).

Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The more progressive Democrats are advocating a novel response to economic stagnation.

Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The more progressive Democrats are advocating a novel response to economic stagnation.Credit: Bloomberg, AP

Yet, even though the unemployment rate is only 3.8 per cent, inflation is running at only 1.5 per cent. It is only relatively recently that, despite near full-employment, US wages growth has become meaningful.

The settings in Australia differ but the themes are similar, other than a budget deficit that has been narrowing rapidly, unlike the US where deficits have been exploding. GDP growth is around 2.3 per cent; the unemployment rate is about 5 per cent; the cash rate is 1.5 per cent and the 10-year bond rate is 2.6 per cent. The underlying inflation rate is around 2 per cent.

The persistently weak conditions of the major developed economies - despite a decade of unprecedented stimulus via unconventional monetary policies and the ultra-low rate environments they created and against the backdrop of relatively expansionary fiscal policies - have economists befuddled.

The question of why it should be so has become sharper recently as, while the sugar hit of the Trump tax cuts and surge in US government spending continues to course through the US economy and unemployment remains at extremely low levels, its growth is also tapering.

This has caused the Federal Reserve to freeze a gradual increase in US rates and a steady winding down of its bloated post-crisis balance sheet.

While some of the current influences may relate to the uncertainty over US trade policies and volatile political environment, the underlying post-crisis settings remain novel and challenging. The inability of the developed economies to generate any momentum is spawning novel suggestions for how to spur some growth, including the radical Modern Monetary Policy (MMT) embraced by the Democratic Party progressives.


In Australia, while much of the international discussion has focused on the stagnating incomes of middle class households, it has resulted in Labor adopting a redistributive "tax and spend’’ suite of policies and Bill Shorten’s suggestion that he would legislate to force increases in the minimum wage through the Fair Work Commission rather than leave it to the independent, and expert, body.

There is a consensus that the financial crisis marked a punctuation point in the development of advanced economies.

Whether it was a cause, an influence or just coincided with structural changes within economies isn't clear but it is apparent that, despite the unprecedented stimulatory measures adopted by central banks and governments, there was a structural shift – downwards – in developed world growth.

Changes to the global banking system, the incentives the monetary policies created for the diversion of savings towards financial assets and for increasing debt, and the cautionary impacts of the crisis on businesses and households might be factors.

More fundamentally, however, demographics – ageing and stagnating populations in most of the developed world – and rapid developments in technology while labour productivity growth flatlines are probably the longer-term causes of structural change.

Less demand for physical capital while savings within both the developed and developing world are rising are probably part of the explanation for why investment and growth rates haven’t developed as might have been expected in a world of ultra-low interest rates and expansionary fiscal policies and why inflation rates remain so low.

There is a consensus that the financial crisis marked a punctuation point in the development of advanced economies.

If the drivers of the low-growth settings are fundamental rather than transitory and structural rather than part of an elongated post-crisis cycle, then ultra-expansionary fiscal policies - like the MMT thesis that deficits don’t matter for countries that can borrow in their own currency and can print more currency to fund their increased spending - probably aren’t going to provide a solution.

Equally, simply redistributing existing wealth from the haves to the have-nots within stagnating or low-growth economies is more likely to detract from growth than generate it.

The debates about the appropriate policy responses to settings that are broadly common in most of the developed economies will become more intense if the global economy, laden as it is with existing debt and deficits and facing the uncertainties and the prospective further damage of Trump’s "America First’’ trade policies, continues to slow.

The Australian economy, while facing some domestic challenges – the housing market downturn and tighter credit conditions and introspective banks in the wake of the royal commission – has more scope for conventional fiscal and monetary policy stimulus than most advanced economies.

Ultimately, however, for a trade-exposed economy operating in a global economy, the global macro settings and structural shifts have greater long-term significance than the near-term domestic settings.

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