

This was published 5 years ago

What a difference a week makes: Michael Daley's turnaround

By Deborah Snow

“There’s no such thing as a killer blow in an election campaign,” Michael Daley tells me.

It's Monday, 19 days out from the state election, and we are tucked at the back of the Labor campaign bus where the Opposition Leader has been checking over briefing notes.

Opposition Leader Michael Daley.

Opposition Leader Michael Daley.Credit: James Alcock

There’s a sense the campaign is flagging. It's not for want of effort. Daley’s only had two days off (one of them at Christmas) since he was catapulted into the leader’s job after Luke Foley’s spectacular fall from grace last November.

No one denies the furious energy he’s throwing at it. But it’s been getting harder to gain traction, not helped by a looming federal election cutting into available airtime.


“I think business as usual for the next three weeks won’t get us there,” a senior party figure had told me that morning. “We need something to change, something that knocks Gladys Berejiklian off course. Labor has to be looking for an opportunity to shake the race up.”

Less than 24 hours later, Daley aims for the killer blow he’d disavowed.

Towards the end of a combative interview on Tuesday with Sydney’s breakfast radio “king”, 2GB’s Alan Jones, Daley drops a bombshell. He tells Jones he will sack him and a slew of other powerful business figures running the Sydney Cricket Ground Trust should he gain office, because of their “collusion” with the Berejiklian government over the planned demolition and rebuild of Allianz Stadium.

“If I’m elected, the board will go,” he tells Jones. “I want a new broom through, I know you’ve been on that board for 30 years ... but the board will go, it will be sacked.” He finishes the interview with a chilly “thanks for your service”.


Daley doubles down at a media conference later. Jones is a dangerous enemy, a reporter reminds him. Does he really want to pick this fight on the cusp of an election?

“I’ve told you since day one that one, I was going to stick up for ordinary people come hell or high water,” he says. “Two, I call it as it is. [Daley has a habit of enumerating his points]. And three, I don't care what enemies I pick around town ... I will take the side of the ordinary citizens of NSW every day, regardless of the peril it puts me personally in.”

It's an open declaration of war. But is this a planned masterstroke, or a rush of blood to the head, as Berejiklian and her ministers will later claim?

Daley insists the former. “I have been absolutely inundated with messages of support,” he tells the Herald. The clincher, he adds, was a letter he received the previous week from Andrew Andersons,  the former assistant government architect who helped assess the stadium plans before construction.

“He so debunked the trust’s rationale for knocking down the stadium I decided I would not be working with that board, so the announcement was going to happen whether I was invited onto the Jones program or not.”

Radio host Alan Jones.

Radio host Alan Jones.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Labor insiders back this up. “Jones was never going to deliver anything for him,” says one. “Jones has campaigned non-stop banging away for the Coalition. Promising to sack the board has worked a treat for Daley, on all the TV stations, and when you get the four major daily papers putting him on their front pages the next day, that goes a long way towards the electorate knowing something about the guy.”

Others, however, remain uneasy about the way the manoeuvre was carried out.

Jones had been needling Daley for more than 12 minutes before talk turned to the SCG, with Jones challenging him on his record as alderman and deputy mayor on Randwick City Council 15 to 20 years ago.

Jones’ attack leant heavily on material provided to The Daily Telegraph and its News Corp stablemate The Australian the previous week – by the “Liberal party dirt unit” Daley claims - none of which has thus far landed a knockout blow against the Labor leader, though it did highlight the strikingly lax attitude that prevailed towards developer donations in those years.


What felt odd was how Daley’s threat to sack Jones came so late in the interview, mid-sentence, after Jones switched topics to the stadium. The Opposition Leader accompanied it with the incorrect claim that the SCG had surreptitiously removed sprinkler systems from the existing stadium under cover of darkness, sparking defamation threats from at least one aggrieved board member.

“I felt his execution was pretty poor,” one Labor source said later. “It should have been, ‘Alan, I’ve got something to say to you’, calm and controlled. It looked like he’d lost his temper. Now he didn’t, but it gave that impression. If he had gone on calmly it could have been a knockout victory, but at the moment I think it's a points victory.”

The claim about the sprinklers (which were never been installed in the first place) also left Daley vulnerable to senior government ministers accusing him of being a liar, which they did with gusto on Jones' program the next day.

Daley denies there was anything clumsy about how he lobbed his grenade. “If you look at the video [from Jones’ studio] you will see that I’m very calm and measured,” he insists. As to timing: “That was not up to me. It was coming to the end of the interview … I took the opportunity of the last minute or two that was left available to me to make sure the announcement was made.”

Nor does he regret his line about the sprinklers. “I could equally have said carpets, doors, window frames, TVs, deep fryers, lounges, toilets, taps, basins, floor panels,” he says. “The point I was trying to make was that they were gutting it [pending a resolution of court orders on heavy demolition work] from the inside.”

By the end of the week, planting himself in front of the cameras near the stadium entrance with the sound of bulldozers rumbling in the background and the heavy machinery about to move in, excoriating the government for its arrogance, Daley had regained what he needed: momentum.

Michael Daley holds a press conference outside Allianz Stadium on Thursday.

Michael Daley holds a press conference outside Allianz Stadium on Thursday.Credit: AAP

The campaign grind

If election campaigns were won by bus kilometres travelled, the Opposition would be streaking ahead. Labor’s bright red bus, emblazoned with its giant slogan “Schools and Hospitals before Stadiums” has been traversing the state since February 10. Berejiklian’s just got underway this week.

Before a crowd of enthusiastic party volunteers, Daley walks onto a makeshift stage in Kings Langley in north-west Sydney to launch the bus, in a park surrounded by neat brick homes and spotless driveways. In attendance are members of his shadow cabinet, a raft of female Labor candidates, the indefatigable ALP state secretary Kaila Murnain (who once worked for Daley as a staffer) and wife Christina, together with the couple’s two younger children, Olivia and Austin.

Michael Daley, with his wife Christina and children Olivia and Austin, officially launches his campaign in Kings Langley.

Michael Daley, with his wife Christina and children Olivia and Austin, officially launches his campaign in Kings Langley.Credit: Dean Sewell

Daley is doing what he’s had to do ad nauseum at events like this: recap his personal narrative. He’s acutely aware that beyond political circles, he was a virtual unknown until his abrupt elevation in November. His days as a minister (for roads, police and finance) are long forgotten by most, coming into cabinet as he did at the tail end Labor’s long unbroken years of office between 1995 and 2011.

Daley had circled the leadership twice before landing it in November – once in the aftermath of the 2011 election defeat, when it went to former union leader John Robertson, and again in late 2014 when Robertson fell on his sword and Foley was backed into the job by Labor’s factional bosses.


Between Daley and Foley there was little love lost when Foley demoted him from shadow treasurer to planning spokesman. But Daley has always denied Foley’s suspicions that he had been dragging his heels. “Demonstrably untrue. My work ethic is as good as anyone’s.”

The grind of the campaign means rising at 5.30am followed by the endless schedule of meet-and greets, local media interviews at each stop, and a steady stream of announceables, focusing on hospitals, schools and the bush.

Daley derives a palpable charge of energy from the Labor rallies. People will vote for him because “I am one of them,” he says. He gives the Kings Langley crowd the potted version of his life story: grandson of a Kempsey dairy farmer, the Maroubra paper boy who became a customs officer, worked hard, studied law at night and became a solicitor and local councillor before entering Parliament – against the wishes of the then party machine, he always adds.

He succeeded Bob Carr in the seat of Maroubra in a byelection in 2005. It was the year he turned 40, married Christina, and “got preselected in a bloodbath”.

He makes a virtue of the fact that he walked away from Sydney University as a student just three months into his course, and went into full-time work.

“I didn’t like it [uni]” he tells the Herald. “You’d have a lecture at 10, another one at 3 - I hated the waste of time, and hated having no money, working in a bar two shifts a week; I had a car [but] didn't have enough money for petrol”. He took his father’s suggestion and answered the ad for the customs job.

'This battle is seat by seat'

At the Country Labor launch in late February, the bus rolls into the Nabiac showgrounds in the Nationals-held seat of Myall Lakes.

Here, Daley warms again to his ‘man of the people’ theme. “You are getting ripped off by the people in Sydney because the Nationals, the Liberals in tan pants, won’t stick up for you,” he tells the country crowd. He promises a Labor government will “stop sending country jobs overseas”, announcing a scheme whereby state government contracts worth more than $50 million would trigger a target of 50 per cent local workforce and materials.

“I care more about your children, your grandchildren, and you and your jobs than I do about people overseas,” he tells them. It's the kind of rhetoric you might expect to hear from a One Nation candidate.

On paper Myall Lakes is safe Nationals territory, but Labor is serious about its tilt here. If Daley is to win office, or at the very least rob the Coalition of the six seats which would force Berejiklian’s team into minority government, he will do so by picking up seats in the regions.

“This battle is seat by seat – we don’t live and die by the pendulum any more,” a staffer says.

In Sydney, Labor sees Coogee - held on a slim 2.9 per cent margin by Liberal MP Bruce Notley-Smith- as ripe for the plucking. The seat neighbours Daley’s seat of Maroubra, and on its north-western border edges close towards Oxford Street, which became Mardi Gras central last weekend.

It made perfect political sense then for Daley and his wife Christina, clad in a pale gold dress, to march the length of the parade in front of the Rainbow Labor float, flanked by Daley’s deputy, Penny Sharpe, and a clutch of federal colleagues – Tanya Plibersek, Linda Burney and Anthony Albanese.


Notley-Smith and Daley overlapped as aldermen on Randwick Council for around eight years in the decade after 2000, and the Liberal MP has been taking a keen interest in the exhumation of Daley’s record during that period. He remains sceptical of Daley’s insistence that he was not aware of the identity of party donors when their development applications came before council.

The dossier handed to News Corp papers identified 32 developments approved by councillors in those years, worth a total of $71 million, where proponents had donated a total of $1.2 million to Labor.

Questioned repeatedly on this issue, Daley has not budged from his original position that he did not know the identity of donors because their payments went to party head office and were often made under different company names. In any case, he argues developer donations were then legal, he was one of 15 councillors involved in the decisions and donations went to Liberal councillors as well.

Notley-Smith remains unconvinced. “If people are donating then they are hovering around,” he says. “I was very conscious from early on whether there was a donation or relationships with people.”

By 2005 the issue of developer donations had become hotly contested on council, with the Greens and Liberals joining forces to push for greater transparency while Daley and Labor pushed an alternative argument that DAs should be removed from councillors altogether and handed to Independent Assessment Panels. By 2009 NSW had banned developer donations entirely.

Bob Carr, the former Labor premier and Daley mentor, tells the Herald: “Look, during Daley’s career on Randwick council there was not the remotest suggestion there’d been anything wrong with any vote he made or any action he’d taken ... No one even hinted, in any of his re-election campaigns, or his byelection that he had done anything inappropriate.”

Daley says he always expected the government would “go negative on him”. “They’ve got dozens of people, some of the ministerial staff, not working out what to do for the betterment of the lives of the people of NSW but how to attack me. That's fine. But it's not fine for the people of NSW.”

Daley continues to pump out his core message – money for schools, hospitals and the regions before spending on an “extravagant” stadium for the eastern suburbs. He’s got a strong message on climate change, promising a new state-owned corporation to boost investment in renewable energy. It's an issue he picked up on early, flagging it as a concern as far back as his 2005 maiden speech.

Lately he’s been reading Watergate investigative reporter Bob Woodward’s book Fear about the chaos inside the Trump White House. It must be one way to keep the roller-coaster ride of the NSW campaign in perspective, as it enters its crucial final fortnight.

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