This was published 5 years ago
Inconvenient truths for our coal-cuddling PM
Peter Hartcher
Political and international editorAustralia this week farewelled its hottest summer on record and entered autumn with heatwave warnings across the southern part of the continent. And if you happen to be the Prime Minister famous for posing in Parliament holding a lump of coal, there was worse news to come.
The Bureau of Meteorology forecast that the outlook for all of autumn is for unusually warm and dry conditions. Which will keep the weather in the news all the way to election day and dismay farmers. But this can't have anything to do with the mythical beast known as "climate change", can it?
The coal cuddler and the green PM. Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:
Consider just the first two dot-points in the summary of the bureau's annual "State of the Climate" report for 2018. One: "Australia's climate has warmed just over 1°C since 1910 leading to an increase in the frequency of extreme heat events." Two: "Oceans around Australia have warmed by around 1°C since 1910, contributing to longer and more frequent marine heatwaves."
But surely we aren't supposed to attribute even a warmer, drier few months ahead to long-term climate change, too?
"We are observing cooler than average waters off the coast of Western Australia and we expect this may influence weather patterns during autumn," the bureau's manager of long-range forecasting, Andrew Watkins, said on Thursday.
Ah-ha! So the federal government is off the hook, at least for the next few months?
Not quite. Dr Watkins wasn't finished: "The other factor is the ongoing influence with of the long-term increases in global air temperatures." Bugger.
But at least Australia is cutting its carbon emissions according to plan, right? Or even ahead of plan, meeting its targets "in a canter", as Scott Morrison told us this week.
It seems no one told the federal Department of Environment and Energy. It reported its latest update on national emissions on Thursday. Australia's estimated greenhouse gas emissions for the year to September 2018 were up by nearly one percentage point – 0.9 per cent – according to the department. A drop in emissions from the electricity sector was overpowered by an increase from the LNG export industry, it said.
This is an untimely accumulation of inconvenient truths for the coal-fondling Prime Minister.
To top it off, the inconsiderate climate scientists at the California Institute of Technology this week produced a new glimpse of a possible long-term future for the planet if emissions stay as they are.
Their study, based on two years of complex supercomputer calculations and published in Nature Geoscience, shows that if the accumulation of carbon in the atmosphere continues at the current rate for another century or so, it could precipitate the breakup of the subtropical cloud belt that currently reflects back into space about 30 per cent of the sun's light.
With that giant stratocumulus reflector gone, the earth's surface temperature would rise quite abruptly. By about 8 degrees celsius, according to Tapio Schneider, Colleen Kaul and Kyle Pressel. That would be in addition to the approximately 4 degrees of extra warming generated directly by the carbon accumulation.
So much for the Paris accord's aim of keeping warming to 1.5 to 2 degrees. This scenario would see a total warming of some 12 degrees, completely transforming the planet into a condition not seen in the past 56 million years.
But, luckily for the government, Morrison pre-empted all of these unfortunate developments with a series of climate policy announcements earlier in the week under the rubric of "climate solutions".
First, he announced $2 billion of new funding over 10 years for the emissions reduction fund that Tony Abbott created. It was the centrepiece of Abbott's "direct action" plan to give him something to talk about after repealing Labor's carbon tax. "Direct action" under Morrison is
planned to be, as it was under Abbott, mostly tree-planting projects.
Next he announced $56 million to pay for a new electricity interconnector to transmit power from Tasmania to Victoria. This would all be surplus renewable energy, some 400 megawatts, drawing on Tasmania's formidable hydro power potential. As prime minister promoting this idea, Malcolm Turnbull called Tasmania the future "Battery of the Nation", a name that the Morrison government also is embracing.
Then Morrison announced the investment of an extra $1.38 billion to build Snowy 2.0, potentially a vast capability for storing renewable energy. This is another Turnbull initiative that Morrison has decided to back.
And on Friday the government released a discussion paper on possible strategies for developing a hydrogen energy industry, a technology to deliver limitless, emissions-free energy. The government is also promising to announce a policy for electric vehicles.
So what are we to make of all these announcements, renewing Abbott's "direct action" and simultaneously promoting Turnbull's plans for more renewable energy? Has the coal cuddler had a conversion? Is he now an enthusiast for renewable energy instead? Three takes on it.
First, the director of the ANU Centre for Climate Economics and Policy, Frank Jotzo, comments on it as an emissions policy: "It's a patchwork, it's not coherent and it's unlikely to achieve Australia's 2030 emissions target, although that's largely guesswork because it depends on the pace of coal-fired shutdowns – and, obviously, there's nothing in the Coalition's policy on that."
Second, the former Liberal leader, economics professor and renewables investor John Hewson is a little harsher: "It's a nightmare. They've got themselves into a terrible mess."
Illustration: Jim PavlidisCredit:
Hewson makes a killer point on the essential incoherence between the government's pro-coal stance and Morrison's new hydro storage policies. In particular, the "Battery of the Nation" to bring more Tasmanian renewable power to the mainland: "As the feasibility study suggests, this project would only be viable if there was an accelerated shutdown of existing coal-fired power stations – assumes we have a target to reduce emissions by some 52 per cent by 2030, double the Paris commitment, essentially what the opposition has been calling for. Of course, the government denies this reality."
But, of course, the government will not countenance any talk of an accelerated shutdown of coal-fired power. But the only alternative is that its big new investments in Snowy 2.0 and Tasmanian power will not be viable. Indeed, one of the reasons that Turnbull's plan for Snowy 2.0 was so shrewd was that it's potentially so vast that it not only makes renewable energy available, it makes it inevitable.
Third, a Liberal comments on the political provenance of the Morrison policy grab-bag: "He's trying to do a Malcolm Turnbull government without Malcolm Turnbull, and at the same time doing his best to prevent the right wing of the party from blowing him up."
That is, introducing a major reinforcement of renewables that imply a rapid shutdown of coal, but without admitting it. In this way Morrison is presiding over an uneasy truce in the endless civil war within the Liberal Party, between the moderates and the conservatives.
"The truth is," as Turnbull told a conference in November after losing the prime ministership, "the Liberal Party and the Coalition is not capable of dealing with climate change.
"It is just a fact I regret to say. It is like a third rail. We have at the present time in the Coalition, a group of, a constituency, that is the best way to describe it, who believe we should get out of [the Paris Agreement], that climate change is a fraud, the more you have the better, and are literally on another plane."
The government did once have a coherent energy and emissions policy, the National Energy Guarantee. Morrison was one of its authors and keenest supporters within the government. But it was also Turnbull's last gasp as prime minister and it brought on the conservative revolt that forced him out.
Morrison dumped the policy as a condition of winning the leadership and now has nothing but this bundle of contradictions to offer. The only way that his various random policy bits can be coherent is as a series of talking points, each designed for a different electorate, and each designed with only one aim in mind – winning the May election.
His moment fondling the lump of coal was not a demonstration of commitment but a job application, a credential to appeal to the conservatives in order to position for the prime ministership. Everything he announced this week is just another job application, but, this time, to the people. The fact that they are utterly inconsistent and unworkable is a testament to his political pragmatism.
Who can afford to think about the next century when the real crisis is an election in fewer than 100 days? Morrison's power policy is to keep power.
The voters, looking at all of this frenetic new talk about climate solutions, will not be sure how to interpret the specifics. But they will consider the future of energy and climate under Morrison and likely recall the indelible image of Morrison and his pet rock in parliament. No doubt it will feature heavily in Labor ads.
And the voters likely will come to the same conclusion that Abbott drew in November last year in writing of the future of Australia's electricity sector. Under Morrison, "it doesn't have to be coal – but it probably will be".