


Cutting through the claims: the refugee medical debate, explained

What exactly are the changes that passed through Parliament against the government's wishes, and what will they mean?

Manus Island, in Papua New Guinea, is home to several hundred refugees under Australia's care.

Manus Island, in Papua New Guinea, is home to several hundred refugees under Australia's care. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

It was a chaotic and confusing week in federal politics, in which the Morrison government suffered a historic defeat and Labor opened up a clear difference with the Coalition on the thorny issue of asylum seekers and border protection just three months from the election.

But what exactly are the changes, how will they work and what happens next? The answers to many of these questions are contested by the major parties, and are likely to be debated all the way to polling day.

What is this law fundamentally about?

The law makes it easier for refugees and asylum seekers on Manus Island and Nauru to come to Australia for medical treatment. It takes control from bureaucrats and puts it in the hands of doctors. If two doctors recommend a transfer, the Immigration Minister must approve it – except in certain cases, explained later. There are about 1000 refugees and asylum seekers currently on the islands.

Where did this all start?

Refugee activists have pushed for changes to medical transfers for a long time, especially for sick children. Since 2013, about 900 people have been transferred to Australia for treatment – in many cases, only as a result of court action to challenge the government's refusal. Under pressure, the government had "quietly" transferred all children and their families off Nauru, but was opposed to any systemic changes.


However, once independent MP Kerryn Phelps was elected at the Wentworth byelection and Julia Banks defected from the Liberal Party to the crossbench, there was an opportunity to use the hung Parliament to change the law.

Crossbench MPs Rebekha Sharkie, Julia Banks, Kerryn Phelps and Cathy McGowan all voted for the bill.

Crossbench MPs Rebekha Sharkie, Julia Banks, Kerryn Phelps and Cathy McGowan all voted for the bill. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

How did it happen?

Even in a hung Parliament, it is hard to pass laws from opposition because the government still controls the agenda in the lower house. It takes an absolute majority of 76 votes to suspend standing orders and seize control. Labor and the crossbench had 75 at the most.

But the Greens worked out that if they could amend a piece of the government's own legislation in the Senate - where the government doesn't control the numbers - those amendments would be automatically sent back to the lower house for a debate. Labor and the crossbench could then feasibly win that debate with a simple majority of 75 votes.

Why did this emerge now?


The government had a miscellaneous bill in the Home Affairs portfolio that came up for debate late last year. Independent senator Tim Storer put up the medical transfer changes as amendments to that bill, and they passed the Senate on the final sitting day of 2018. It then sat in limbo over the summer, waiting to come to the lower house.

Shortly after Question Time on Tuesday, the bill arrived as a "message from the Senate". In a final attempt to prevent a debate, the government presented legal advice suggesting the amendments were unconstitutional (in short, arguing the Senate can't spend government money). It prompted an eleventh hour fix from Labor to make the doctors' panel unpaid rather than paid. The lower house ultimately voted to proceed with the debate, and to support the amendments.

That meant the government had to vote against its own bill, and it became the first time since 1941 that a government was defeated on legislation in the House of Representatives.

Is this change necessary?

The government argues this bill is unnecessary because refugees and asylum seekers on Manus and Nauru already have access to adequate healthcare, chiefly through a contractor, International Health and Medical Services (IHMS). For example, IHMS has about 60 staff on rotation in Nauru - including 33 mental health staff - although they are not all there at the one time. The government says transfers to Australia are considered on a case-by-case basis and are granted if necessary.

Advocates say the bill is needed because transfers should be decided by doctors, not the bureaucracy. They argue the appropriate healthcare is not available on the islands, and those seeking transfers are often forced into legal action because the Australian government won't let them come here. Dr Phelps, a GP, says "people are literally fighting for their lives through the courts to get the treatment that they need". Opposition Leader Bill Shorten says it is un-Australian to "have people in our care and not treat them properly and fairly".

Who is affected by these changes?


Labor made a last-minute amendment to the law that restricts it to the people currently on Manus Island and Nauru. Any asylum seekers who arrive on a boat and are put into offshore detention would not be eligible for a medical transfer under this legislation. Labor says this means the changes will not entice asylum seekers to jump on boats.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison says this "nuance" will be ignored by people smugglers trying to sell people a boat journey to Australia. Defence Minister Christopher Pyne says it is "irrelevant" and a "mere technicality". He also argues it would be inconsistent and illogical to offer one level of medical treatment to the cohort currently on the islands but deny it to any future arrivals.

What are the border security implications?

This has been a key point of contention. Declassified advice from the Department of Home Affairs said the changes that were originally planned would remove the "third pillar" of Operation Sovereign Borders - regional processing. It also said asylum seekers who had decided not to make the risky journey to Australia might be encouraged to do so. But this advice was based on the first iteration of the bill, which was not restricted to the cohort of people currently on Manus and Nauru.

Labor did not seek or receive this advice when it first voted for the bill in the Senate late last year. It took a briefing on Monday, and subsequently made changes to the bill it had already voted for. Mr Morrison says any boat that arrives from now on will be Mr Shorten's fault. Labor says it is still committed to boat turnbacks and the changes do not weaken the border.

Who gets to come here? Are we allowing criminals into the country?


The law applies to all the asylum seekers sent by Australia to Manus Island and Nauru, regardless of whether they have been granted refugee status or not. Most of the thousand people who are still there are refugees, though some have been rejected and some never participated in the assessment process. Dr Phelps says about 70 people need urgent treatment, while the government says it is preparing to move about 300 people in the short term.

The final version of the law gives the minister the capacity to reject a transfer on several grounds. Firstly, if they "reasonably suspect" that transferring the person involved would harm Australia's national security. Secondly, if the person has a "substantial criminal record" and the minister believes they would pose a danger to society. Under the Act, a person has a substantial criminal record if they have been sentenced to longer than 12 months in prison.

The government points out that a person who has been charged with a serious crime but not convicted - or convicted but not sentenced - could still be transferred to Australia under the new law. The government has not said how many people on the islands are in that category. Attorney-General Christian Porter says the government is now "in a race against time" to check the circumstances of the thousand people on Manus Island and Nauru.

Even if such a person were to be transferred, they would remain in immigration detention. Currently, transferees are initially put into held detention - not the community - but they can be released into community detention at the discretion of the minister.

Australian Customs officials and navy personnel escort asylum seekers to Christmas Island in 2013.

Australian Customs officials and navy personnel escort asylum seekers to Christmas Island in 2013. Credit: Reuters

The government will also reopen the Christmas Island detention centre to accommodate some transferees - those whom Mr Pyne says are "very dangerous". However, it is still envisaged they would require some medical treatment on the mainland. They would remain in the custody of the immigration department.

Which doctors get to decide?


The law states that any two "treating doctors" can recommend a transfer. Immigration Minister David Coleman says this could be "two doctors from Dapto" who have only consulted the patient over Skype. There is nothing in the bill that precludes this.

Phelps argues that in practice, any recommendation to transfer someone would generally originate with a treating doctor on Manus or Nauru, and the second opinion would be sought from an expert in the relevant field - perhaps using tele-medicine, which is commonplace in remote areas.

What powers will the Immigration Minister keep?

In addition to security and criminal matters, the minister can reject a transfer if they do not believe it is medically necessary. However, in that instance, the decision would immediately be reviewed by a panel of doctors. By law, the panel will include the Department of Home Affairs' chief medical officer, the government's chief medical officer and six other doctors, including doctors nominated by the Australian Medical Association and other peak bodies.

If the panel disagrees with the minister and decides the refugee or asylum seeker should be transferred, the minister would still be able to overrule the panel, but only on the grounds of national security or criminality.

What will happen to people once they receive treatment?

This is an open question. The official line from both the Coalition and Labor is that any refugee or asylum seeker brought here for medical treatment is only here temporarily and must return to Manus or Nauru - but history indicates this does not happen. Generally, refugees and lawyers apply for injunctions to prevent their forced removal back offshore.

Jana Favero of the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre says the immediate priority is to get people medical treatment and "those next steps have not been thought through" yet.

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