

This was published 5 years ago

The pair who have cleaned every prime minister's office since Bob Hawke

By Jane Cadzow

Angolan-born Luzia Borges (left), 61, and Croatian-born Anna Jancevski, 70, have worked together at Parliament House in Canberra for 30 years.

"We’ve got a special room, just for the two of us, behind the Prime Minister’s office," says Anna.

"We’ve got a special room, just for the two of us, behind the Prime Minister’s office," says Anna.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

LUZIA: A lot of ministers and former ministers, when they see me, they ask, "Where's the other one?" They say the same thing when they see Anna. Because we are a pair. We are always together. Between 6am and 9am, we clean the Prime Minister's office and the Cabinet area. It's full-on. Then we go to the ministers' offices. They're cleaned at night but we provide the support during the day if they need anything or something needs to be cleaned.

I came to work at Parliament House in 1988, when Bob Hawke was prime minister. They were still building the place. Anna was working in the staff cafeteria – she started cleaning about a year later. When Paul Keating became prime minister [in 1991], he made a point of telling all his staff to treat the cleaners with respect. I'll never forget that. It meant a lot to me. But all the prime ministers have been good to us. Really very respectful. You get a bit attached to them and when they go, you feel sad.

When Mr Howard comes back to Parliament House, I always try to see him. Last time he was here, I gave him a big hug. And Bob Hawke, when he came, Anna and I went and said hello to him. He said to me, "Are you still here?" People get so surprised: "You two are still here!" We say, "Yes. Don't forget we are part of the furniture." And they are so happy to see us.

I'm always careful with the prime minister and the ministers. I know when to say "good morning" or not. Sometimes they're busy. They're talking to their advisers. You don't interrupt them. If I say "good morning" to a prime minister and he doesn't answer me, I don't take offence. They've got so much on their minds.

When somebody important comes to Parliament House, Anna and I look forward to seeing them. The thrill we had was meeting President Obama. He went out of his way to shake our hands. The two of us, we were just beside ourselves. Anna said, "Oh my god, he's got such soft hands." And we met the president of Japan when he came. The Dalai Lama has come to parliament a couple of times. The last time he was here, he recognised me and waved.

All the cleaners in Parliament House, we work really hard. It's so physical. For a while, Anna and I worked extra shifts on weekends. Anna's daughter was at university, doing medicine. My three daughters were all studying, too. We were supporting them, and cleaners' wages are so low. At that time, I was earning $16 an hour. I'm the union rep on the day shift and on International Cleaners' Day in 2015, we all walked out. We'd been fighting for a pay rise, and we went outside with our union flags and placards.

Anna and I laugh a lot. I say to Anna, "You're wasting your time being a cleaner. You should be a comedian. You would make millions." She makes everybody laugh. She's hilarious. We also tell each other our problems. We've been supporting each other for many years, through good and bad, like an old married couple.


ANNA: I've been with Luzia every day for years and years. I don't see her outside work but we know each other really well. We talk about our families and all of that. We talk about husbands; Luzia's got a really nice husband.

We don't talk to each other while we're cleaning. Only when we have morning tea and lunch. We've got a special room, just for the two of us, behind the Prime Minister's office. We've got everything there. I said, "I want a fridge, I want a cupboard for the linen, I want a microwave." We got everything. Toaster, telephone and a table, everything, they fixed it for us. The prime ministers have all been good to us, really. All eight of them. We can't complain.

I treat them like human beings and that's how I like to be treated. John Howard, he was very nice. Once when he had a new secretary, some younger sheila, I said, "I have to water the prime minister's flowers." She said, "You can't go in there." I said, "What's the matter with you? I've been doing it all this time." She said, "You can't go in." Then the prime minister came out. I said, "Prime minister, good morning. Can I water your flowers?" He said, "Please do." I said, "Thank you, pumpkin."

I like to make them happy, make them smile. I always say, "Good morning, prime minister." They say, "Good morning, Anna." Just Keating, he was really ... I said to Linda, his secretary, "Why doesn't he say 'Good morning' when I say, 'Good morning'?" She said, "He's putting his head down and thinking about a lot of things. That's why, love. He's occupied." Then I understood. I said, "Okay, but I'm going to keep saying 'Good morning' until he says it back to me." It took him three months.

Tony Abbott used to arrive really early and have a shower. I said, 'Tony, can you come a little bit later so I can have my coffee in peace?" He said, "You can have a coffee around me." I said, "No, you make me nervous." He was really good fun. And Julia Gillard, she was really good. If she came in for an early interview and she had someone fixing her hair, I'd say, "Make my prime minister look nice and sexy." She laughed.

I like Penny Wong. When she was a minister, she always talked to us and asked how we were. And Josh Frydenberg, I call him Joshie. I said, "You don't mind?" He said, "Nah, I love it."

Luzia talks with them more than I do. Usually I just say, "Hi pumpkin, how are you?" But Luzia stays and talks. That's her personality. I say, "Come on, woman. We have to go."

I love working here. It's really nice. If I retired, I would miss it very much. And yes, I would miss Luzia.

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