

This was published 5 years ago

Bill Shorten's Labor conference address derailed by protesters

By Michael Koziol

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten collided with protesters for the second time in as many days after activists stormed the stage to derail his opening address to Labor’s national conference.

About half a dozen protesters calling on Labor to stop the Adani coal mine in Queensland and close the offshore processing centres on Manus Island and Nauru had to be dragged off stage by security at the Adelaide Convention Centre on Sunday morning.

Protesters take to the stage as Bill Shorten delivers his opening address to Labor's triennial national conference.

Protesters take to the stage as Bill Shorten delivers his opening address to Labor's triennial national conference.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Some of the protesters were dressed in "It’s Time" T-shirts, referencing Labor Prime Minister Gough Whitlam’s famous 1972 campaign theme song. The group carried a banner on stage that read: “ALP - stop playing politics with peoples lives - #closethecamps."

As the party faithful booed, heckled and yelled "where’s security?", Mr Shorten quipped: "I’ve waited as Opposition Leader for the next election for five years and two months, and if I've got to wait a couple of more minutes, I just will."

Mr Shorten and ALP national president Wayne Swan also suggested the protesters were only helping the Coalition government.

"We all understand the right to protest but that doesn't involve the right to drown out the leader of the opposition," Mr Swan said.

A protester is dragged off stage by security at Labor's national conference in Adelaide.

A protester is dragged off stage by security at Labor's national conference in Adelaide.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Asylum seeker and environment policies are on the agenda at this year’s Labor conference, although there will be no serious push to end boat turn backs or abandon offshore processing. It is not unusual for protesters to target the triennial event.

In his address, Mr Shorten announced a Labor government would bring superannuation into the core National Employment Standards under the Fair Work Act, empowering employees to pursue lost or unpaid super.


Currently, unpaid or underpaid employer contributions to superannuation are owed to the Tax Office. Mr Shorten said Labor would also toughen the enforcement regime and increase penalties for bosses who dud workers on super.


"The retirement savings of Australian workers are a workplace right. They deserve the same strong protection as other workplace rights," Mr Shorten said.

"And bosses who rip off their staff, who don't pay their super, who steal their super, should receive the same punishments and penalties as those who violate other workplace rights."

Mr Shorten also said one of his first acts as Prime Minister would be to commence talks with Indigenous representatives about constitutional recognition and closing the gap, pledging to take action within his first week in office if elected.

The Labor leader headed off a possible fight on the conference floor by committing the party to creating a new Environment Act and an Environmental Protection Authority to regulate development approvals. The promise drew enormous cheers from the Labor Environment Action Group, which had run an aggressive and prominent campaign for those changes.

On the thorny issue of the Newstart allowance for jobseekers, Mr Shorten pledged only to "review and reform" the payment, rather than committing to an increase.


He also said a Labor government would "rescue the NDIS", create a "fair dinkum population policy" and build 250,000 new affordable homes, which he touted as "the biggest national housing program since the Second World War".

Labor's triennial conference is the party's supreme policymaking body, and Labor prides itself on having robust and democratic debates that are open to the media. This year, the delayed conference comes just months before a federal election which Labor is well-positioned to win.

Revving up the party faithful, Mr Swan described the conference was a "springboard for government", and told delegates: "As social democrats today, you are bold or you are dead."

Mr Shorten joked that the Greens "assemble in a secret treehouse somewhere" for their closed-door party conferences, while deputy leader Tanya Plibersek likened Prime Minister Scott Morrison to the hapless Darrin from Bewitched.

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