

This was published 5 years ago

Plan to cut youth offending includes keeping kids out of detention

By Felicity Caldwell

Juveniles locked up in youth detention are almost guaranteed to reoffend, Queensland's Youth Safety Minister Di Farmer says.

Ms Farmer released the state's first Youth Justice Strategy on Tuesday, which the government said would help cut juvenile crime by 5 per cent within two years.

Child Safety Minister Di Farmer has released the Youth Justice Strategy.

Child Safety Minister Di Farmer has released the Youth Justice Strategy.Credit: Fairfax Media

"The community doesn't want to see young people reoffending," she said.

"If we send them to detention, if we lock them up and throw away the key, we know that they are almost guaranteed to reoffend.

"We can't continue to keep doing the same things over and over and expect a different result."

The strategy includes reducing the number of young people entering detention on remand, making sure they have the opportunity to apply for bail and access to intensive support in the community.

It says detention should only be used for the small number of children who posed a serious risk to the community, while children in detention should be provided with health, rehabilitation services and educational and vocational programs.

Police will be given more training on appropriate use of diversionary options, including warnings, cautions and referrals for restorative justice conferences and other services.

Queensland will also participate in a national review of the age of criminal responsibility, which is currently 10 years old.


Ms Farmer said 75 per cent of young people who completed an alternative education and training program, Transition 2 Success, did not re-offend within six months, while 59 per cent who completed a restorative justice conference did not re-offend within six months.

A restorative justice conference is a meeting between a young person who has committed a crime and the people who were affected to discuss what happened, the impact and what can be done to start making things right.

A participant in the Transition 2 Success program said he loved his job and was in the process of moving into his own unit.

"Getting my first pay cheque was the best feeling ever. I will never forget that day," he said.

"When I first heard that I had a job it spun me out because I am the first male in my whole family to get a job."

More than 80 per cent of young people in detention in Queensland are on remand, above the national average of 61 per cent.


Police Minister Mark Ryan said young people who committed crimes and were sentenced to youth detention would still serve out their time.

The strategy is in response to former police commissioner Bob Atkinson's review of Queensland's youth justice system earlier this year.

It was based on the "four pillars" recommended by Mr Atkinson: intervene early, keep children out of court, keep children out of custody and reduce re-offending.

Mr Atkinson said young people should be kept out of court for minor offences, there should be more flexible options to keep them engaged in education and support for parents.

The review was sparked after attempts to shift 17-year-olds out of adult prisons were delayed because youth detention centres were full.

However, LNP leader Deb Frecklington said Labor's plan to cut youth offending by just 5 per cent by 2022 was "pathetic".

Ms Frecklington said restorative justice programs were already held in Queensland and Labor should put the interests of victims before offenders.

"No one wants to lock up kids and throw away the keys but young offenders need more than a ticking off to stop offending," she said.

"Youth crime is increasing and detention centres are overflowing."

The government's response will be followed by a detailed action plan in 2019.

The background of children and young people in Youth Justice

  • 31 per cent have a parent that has been held in adult custody
  • 58 per cent had a mental health or behavioural disorder diagnosed or suspected
  • More than half used two or more substances
  • 52 per cent were totally disengaged from education, employment and training
  • Almost one in five were homeless or had unsuitable accommodation
  • 51 per cent had some involvement with child protection
  • 33 per cent of children and young people in detention have used ice or other methamphetamines
  • 17 per cent of children and young people had a disability diagnosed or suspected

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