

This was published 5 years ago

'Judges don’t get what journalists do': Australia's defamation law is having a chilling effect on the media

By Deborah Snow

Few topics generate conversation around the proverbial office water-cooler like a celebrity defamation trial.

Classic contests over the years have included the 1982 case where architect Harry Seidler sued well-known cartoonist, Patrick Cook, over a brutal drawing Seidler thought impugned his artistic genius.

Then there was the famous attempt by onetime 60 Minutes reporter Richard Carleton to challenge Media Watch over its claim that he’d plagiarised a story aired by the BBC.

Richard Carleton lost his defamation bid over a Media Watch segment.

Richard Carleton lost his defamation bid over a Media Watch segment. Credit: Jacky Ghossein

These were cases where the complainants fell well short of success.

Yet arguably they might have succeeded in today’s judicial climate. Increasingly, the nation’s leading media companies fear that defamation law – especially as judges are applying and interpreting it – has tilted ever further towards plaintiffs. And that is having a chilling effect on the kinds of stories that media companies might be prepared to pursue in the future.

Richard Ackland, editor of the Gazette of Law and Journalism, goes so far as to suggest that Australian courts have developed a “tribal hostility to journalists”.

Geoffrey Rush's legal action against The Daily Telegraph is still before the court.

Geoffrey Rush's legal action against The Daily Telegraph is still before the court. Credit: Joel Carrett

Such perceptions are being put to the test in a surge of high-profile defamation cases arising in Sydney and Melbourne over the last 18 months.

This includes Geoffrey Rush's case against Rupert Murdoch's The Daily Telegraph over a front-page report branding him "King Leer"; the suit being brought against Fairfax Media and the ABC by another well-known actor, Craig McLachlan, over sexual harassment allegations; the successful 2017 defamation action brought by cricketer Chris Gayle against Fairfax over claims he exposed himself to the team masseuse; the action by Hollywood star Rebel Wilson againstWoman's Day publisher Bauer Media; the case just getting underway against Fairfax by former special forces soldier and Victoria Cross winner Ben Roberts-Smith, and two cases brought by the Chinese-Australian businessman Chau Chak Wing, one against Fairfax and the other against both Fairfax and the ABC , with Chau claiming he was portrayed as a Chinese “spy".


Defending, or mounting, such actions has become hugely expensive. The judge in the Wilson case initially awarded Wilson a staggering $4.5 million in damages, though on later appeal that was reduced to $600,000.

However what has been left intact by the Wilson case is the encouragement to plaintiffs to seek so-called “aggravated damages” as a way of getting around a statutory cap on general damages in defamation cases, currently pegged at $398,500.

Chris Gayle won his defamation case against Fairfax Media.

Chris Gayle won his defamation case against Fairfax Media. Credit: AAP

McLachlan is seeking special damages for economic loss totalling $6.5 million, on top of an award for the reputational harm he alleges he has suffered.

Media insiders calculate that a full-blown trial will these days cost a publisher around $150,000 a week to run, based on senior barristers able to command about $9000 to $10,000 a day, their more junior colleagues around $6000 and experienced solicitors who provide the backup charging hefty fees of around $600 to $700 an hour.

For some plaintiffs that financial risk will be offset by barristers who offer a no-win no-fee deal (recently deceased luminary of the Sydney defamation bar, Clive Evatt, was a past master at this).

But there are other ways in which the balance of risk rests much more heavily on defendants in a defamation trial than plaintiffs.

Media lawyers say protections for good-faith journalism have been gradually whittled away, to leave truth as effectively the only defence a publisher can offer, and what the court will allow into evidence to prove truth is becoming increasingly circumscribed. In addition, plaintiffs can extract imputations (or meanings) from stories far more grievous ( and harder to defend) than those media companies say they intended.

Australia’s defamation laws are now widely considered to be among the most un-media friendly in the Western world.

“The heart of defamation law is obviously concerned with the inevitable tension between protecting a person’s reputation and the protection of free speech," says Sydney barrister Matthew Lewis. "In my view the pendulum appears to have swung too far in favour of the protection of reputation.”

He is backed by senior solicitor Peter Bartlett, who acts for The Age in Melbourne, and said recently “rules interpreted by the judiciary are preventing the media introducing evidence into a trial that is highly relevant to the issues [at stake] … It is time that Parliament corrected the absurd situation that has developed.”

Businessman Chau Chak Wing sued both Fairfax Media and the ABC over a series of news articles.

Businessman Chau Chak Wing sued both Fairfax Media and the ABC over a series of news articles. Credit: Peter Rae

In two recent high profile cases - the most recent of the Chau cases, and the Rush case - judges have ruled they don’t believe media companies can seek additional evidence in support of a truth defence unless the journalists had the evidence in their possession at the time of publication. Yet this is not what many barristers and lawyers working in the field consider to be a reasonable interpretation of the law, and the Chau ruling on this point is now the subject of an appeal.

Yes, it is good journalism to have as much supporting material as possible available at the time of writing a story, says one long-time defamation practitioner. “But it should not preclude a media outlet from relying on a truth defence if they need to make further legal investigations before a trial to establish a truth defence. Or, to put it another way, you can’t publish on the sniff of an oily rag, and then subpoena the rag. But if you know the oil, and you know where the rag is ... because the mechanic has told you, why shouldn’t you be able to subpoena that?”

“There is a sense judges don’t get what journalists do,” says another lawyer with decades of experience in the field.


“They don’t get journalists’ ethics. And because we have never had a Watergate, or a dictator, or massive corruption, they don’t see the importance of it."

Dr Matt Collins, QC, presides over the Victorian Bar Association and is acting for Fairfax in several current cases. For that reason he will not comment on any individual matter before the courts. But he does make the general observation that “defamation laws exist to compensate plaintiffs whose reputations are unjustifiably impugned, not to punish the media for its shortcomings.

"On an orthodox understanding, where the truth comes out, a person’s reputation is brought to its proper level, and the state of mind of the media at the time of publication is irrelevant.”

In major courtroom battles, media companies are coming off decidedly the worse for wear at a time of declining revenues and ever-mounting commercial challenges from companies like Google and Facebook.

Despite the substantial reduction in damages that Bauer Media managed to achieve against Wilson, the case is still estimated to have cost the company around $2 million to fight.  The Daily Telegraph's legal bills against sports scientist Stephen Dank were also reportedly in the realm of $2 million, even though it won that 2016 case. It stands little chance of recovering them.

The Ben Roberts-Smith case could take Fairfax into expenses of well over $1 million, some experts estimate.

The Ben Roberts-Smith case could take Fairfax into expenses of well over $1 million, some experts estimate.

The Ben Roberts-Smith case could take Fairfax into expenses of well over $1 million, some experts estimate.Credit: Jay Cronan

Ackland recently calculated that media organisations had paid out $17 million in damages over the 10 years to 2017, and at least that much again in legal costs. This, however, was just the “tip of an iceberg” because most cases settled out of court, with damages in “multiples of that amount” he said, writing in The Walkley Magazine.

Mainstream media outlets enjoyed an outright victory in just 29 per cent, or 77 of 264, defamation cases in Australia between 2008 and 2017, according to research by Herald journalist Nick Bonyhady based on cases reported in the Gazette of Law and Journalism.

The data set includes many but not every defamation judgment in Australia over the past decade and cases that resulted in an appeal are counted twice – once for each outcome.

Barristers who take on the most high-profile media cases in defamation law tend to fall into two separate camps: those who act primarily for the big media companies and those who act against them, although there is some crossover.

Barristers Bruce McClintock, Tom Blackburn, and Sandy Dawson.

Barristers Bruce McClintock, Tom Blackburn, and Sandy Dawson.Credit: Fairfax Media

Well-known "silks" or senior barristers in the former camp include Tom Blackburn, SC, Sandy Dawson, SC, in Sydney, and Collins, who works in both Sydney and Melbourne. Dawson and Collins are frequently briefed by both the ABC and Fairfax.

These men often find themselves up against barristers like Sydney-based Bruce McClintock, SC, and Stuart Littlemore, QC, with juniors Matthew Richardson (son of the politician Graham) and Sue Chrysanthou, who also fall generally into the plaintiffs camp. Chrysanthou is sometimes joined at the bar table by her partner Kieran Smark, SC, the son of legendary Age correspondent Peter Smark.


McClintock, armed with a formidable reputation as an attack-dog , has recently appeared against the media for Chris Gayle, former federal treasurer Joe Hockey, Chau Chak Wing, and Geoffrey Rush among others, and is lining up to be part of the team for Roberts-Smith. He often partners in defamation actions with high-profile solicitor Mark O’Brien, who has acted for Gayle, Hockey, McLachlan, Roberts-Smith, Chau and Alan Jones.

Occasionally camp lines will be crossed. It was Collins, for example, who took Wilson’s side in her recent appeal to the High Court, and McClintock often acts for Channel Nine.

Not every barrister working in defamation law has deep wells of concern for media defendants, of course. One said he understood the “natural sympathy” many judges seemed to have for plaintiffs. “Most plaintiffs are little people who are up against the media who are big people” said this silk, who regularly appears for plaintiffs.

Yet despite this, there is near universal agreement that Australia's defamation laws are working badly for everybody.

Technological change and the easy pathways which social media provide for non-journalists to slur others are a dangerous trap for the unwary. And most defamation barristers agree that Australia is seriously lagging the kinds of reforms that comparable democracies have undertaken to shore up the role of public interest journalism.  In the United States, for example, public figures have to face a higher bar to bringing a claim than they do here.

A coalition of media organisations that have pushed aside rivalries to fight for a more level playing field is now actively lobbying federal and state attorneys-general and shadow justice ministers to commit to major reform by 2020.

That coalition, known as Australia's Right to Know, is made up of media groups including the ABC, Fairfax, News Corp, The Guardian, The West Australian, Bauer Media Group, Free TV (which represents all Australia’s commercial free-to-air TV networks), Commercial Radio Australia and Australian Associated Press.

For historical reasons, NSW is taking the lead in co-ordinating a response. In a letter to the state’s Attorney-General, Mark Speakman, the alliance of media groups points out that it has been 13 years since the laws were last amended – a time when a fledgling Facebook was into its second year of existence, and the dizzying possibilities of digital media were still just a blip on the horizon.

The Right to Know companies want major change, both to make “broken” defamation law fit for the modern media landscape, and to protect the traditional public interest function of journalism.

These reforms could include reinstating a firm cap on damages; setting a "serious harm" threshold to winnow out trivial claims; and bringing in a presumption in favour of jury trials, to eliminate a recent practice whereby plaintiffs can almost certainly avoid having a jury if they launch proceedings in the Federal Court rather than the Supreme and District courts.

The media companies are also lobbying for a standard “single publication” rule, which would stop cases being brought over online publication years after they first appeared, and make them subject to the general one-year limitation period that applies to offline publications.

Most crucial, perhaps, is the introduction of a new public interest defence or tweaking existing defences designed to afford some protection to publications in the public interest.

“A robust defence for investigative journalists and investigative journalism is critical,” says Associate Professor Jason Bosland, of Melbourne Law School.


Fairfax's outgoing group general counsel Gail Hambly warns:"if something isn't done to urgently address defamation law in Australia, to adequately acknowledge the essential work journalists do bringing into the light issues of public importance, there is a real risk that investigative journalism will just become too risky and too expensive. The outcome will be serious for the functioning of our society."

Media lawyers say Australian publishers are hamstrung by defamation defences that don't work in practice.

In a series of recent cases, the media’s ability to defend stories that may carry great potential weight in the national interest is severely constrained by journalists having to rely on confidential sources.

Where confidential sources won't appear in court to support a truth defence, publishers must cast about for a range of less effective and highly technical defences to fend off a defamation claim.

One of those defences is qualified privilege, where a defendant seeks to show that they acted reasonably in publishing a story that is of public interest - even if mistakes were made.

But in Australia that defence almost never succeeds when pleaded by media outlets. Another that has been rendered ineffective is “contextual truth” which is designed to allow defendants to argue that a plaintiff’s reputation has not been lowered by particular allegations because the publisher can prove even more damaging claims are true.

Experts say Australian judges are holding journalists to a standard of perfection rather than reasonableness in cases where a qualified privilege defence should be available.

They would like to see a regime closer to that of the UK, where a broader public interest defence was introduced in 2013 giving media companies more room to move.

Matt Collins, QC, wants to see the developments that have occurred in the United States, the UK and Europe to support public interest journalism reflected in reforms adopted here.

He would also like to see the onus of proof effectively reversed in defamation cases, putting the responsibility on the plaintiff to prove falsity as part of their case rather than the defendant having to prove truth, though there is little prospect of that view prevailing.

“In a vibrant democracy, I would contend that sometimes the media has to be allowed the breathing space to get things wrong, in order to expose matters of high public interest” he says.

“In Australia there is not a single case where the media has been forgiven for getting its facts wrong, not matter how compelling the reason or how important the subject matter. Every other country that we like to compare ourselves with has moved past that, long ago.”

with Michaela Whitbourn 

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