

This was published 5 years ago

'All of us were aghast': Inside Labor HQ, no one expected what came next

By Deborah Snow

Inside the Labor Party’s headquarters on Sussex Street, near Sydney’s Chinatown, you could hear a pin drop. It had been several hours since ABC journalist Ashleigh Raper had released her bombshell statement on Thursday at lunchtime, describing Opposition Leader Luke Foley sliding his hand inside her pants at a Christmas party two years ago. But where was his response?

Now, as the clock ticked towards 5.30pm, Foley strode out to face the cameras. All eyes inside the party’s nerve centre turned towards the screen. About 50 people were gathered, many of them party organisers and field directors who had only started that week in preparation for the state election campaign due in less than five months’ time. Several minutes before Foley began to speak, it is understood state party secretary Kaila Murnain learnt he was going to resign the leadership.

You could hear a pin drop: The moment Luke Foley announced his resignation on Thursday.

You could hear a pin drop: The moment Luke Foley announced his resignation on Thursday. Credit: Janie Barrett

But no one expected what came next. Foley, taking no questions, came out swinging at Raper. He was falsely accused, he said. He was going to take immediate legal advice on launching defamation proceedings.

An audible gasp went up from the onlookers as he delivered his terse, 48-second statement.
“All of us were aghast at that moment,” said one insider. “You could hear it, there was this intake of breath from everybody.”

After the shock came the fury. “We have just worked incredibly hard for 3½ years, we are just over four months’ away from the election, and this happens? We feel like we have all been lied to. And then he wants to litigate against a victim? It’s just out of control.”

Whatever sympathy there was left for Foley in that room – and there was not much among the women, in particular – ebbed away.

Foley says the allegations are false. He has not said what part he considers false. Does he dispute Raper’s charge that he placed a hand inside her underwear? Or does he dispute that he rang her last Sunday (a call party officers are understood to have known nothing about) apologising and offering to resign? Does he dispute telling the journalist, in Raper’s words, that he was “not a philanderer, not a groper, I’m just a drunk idiot”? Does he dispute ringing her again on Tuesday this week and saying he had changed his mind about resigning because of legal advice?

Raper has a witness: fellow ABC journalist Sean Nicholls, who at the time of the incident was the Herald’s state political correspondent. The Herald asked Foley’s office a fortnight ago – when Liberal Senator Eric Abetz started harrying the ABC in the Senate about the matter – whether there was a witness on his side who had a different account of the incident. Thus far, no answer has come back. ABC management, for their part, are staunchly backing their reporter.


What is now certain is that Foley, despite his declared intention on Thursday to remain the member for Auburn and fight the case from the backbench, will not be permitted by the party to do so.

There were tense negotiations between the left and right of the party over Thursday evening as to whether to refer Foley to the Candidate Review Committee, where he would face the threat of disendorsement. Foley is from the left, and that is where his personal friendships within the party lie. Some of those who retain sympathy for him were hoping he could be persuaded to give up the seat without a fight.


They seem to have succeeded. Late on Friday, the party's head office put out a statement confirming that "Mr Foley has sought permission to resign as NSW Labor's endorsed candidate for Auburn".

Party officers had accepted his resignation, the statement said.

Indeed, it was apparent throughout Friday that the tide was  running out for Foley.

ABC journalist Ashleigh Raper

ABC journalist Ashleigh RaperCredit: Twitter

On his own side, telling words came from both federal Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and Foley’s likely successor as state Labor leader, Michael Daley.

“The behaviour that Ashleigh described is clearly improper, inappropriate, it cannot be tolerated” Mr Shorten told ABC radio in Perth.

“Whatever the details, Ashleigh I think needs, deserves, our support and understanding at this time.” Modern politics, Shorten added, was “not some sort of episode of the 1960s Mad Men series, the world has moved on.”

Daley was blunt. “I believe Ashleigh ... If I’m the leader of the Labor party I would not be comfortable about Luke Foley coming back to Parliament.”

Daley said he had insisted Foley’s candidacy for Auburn should be referred to the Candidate Review Committee (a position insiders say Murnain had adopted from the outset) and said Foley should reconsider taking legal action as it would be “damaging for everyone, particularly Ashleigh Raper”.


Speaking from the Central Coast, shadow transport minister Jodi McKay – tipped as a potential future leader- spoke for many Labor women when she, too, called on the fallen leader to rethink the pursuit of defamation proceedings.

Sam Dastyari, whose own highly promising career in the federal Senate came to a shattering halt over dealings with Chinese donors to the party, wrote that party members had told him, “we wanted to be there for him”. But, Dastyari wrote, “they no longer can”.

Even Foley’s friends have been scratching their heads over his motivation for wanting to take the issue to court.

Equally, those friends have concerns for his emotional well-being. Those with a decent memory remember the near-tragic ending of former Liberal leader John Brogden’s time in politics in August 2005. Brogden, like Foley, had also appeared on the threshold of electoral success when he was brought undone by what he later described as “uninhibited” behaviour at a mid-year drinks hosted by the Australian Hotels Association.


Again, unacceptable behaviour towards women – one a female journalist whom he pinched on the bottom – was involved. He was also heard calling Bob Carr’s Malaysian-born wife a “mail-order bride”. When the details came out several weeks later, Brogden, overcome by shame, attempted to take his own life.

What the party wants for Foley now is a dignified retreat to private life and no compounding of the damage to him, his family, to the journalist involved, or to his party.

The sheer abruptness of this seismic upheaval for Labor will throw the party, organisationally at least, into disarray for weeks. TV ads had been filmed, with Foley front and centre. These are costly, and will now have to be re-shot. Websites will have to be redesigned. The party has dropped a “lot of money” on the TV advertising in particular, according to several sources. “It’s going to cost a significant chunk of the spend, we are going to have to do all of that pretty quickly,” one said. “We have 130 or so days to go, every day we lose now is one per cent of the campaign.”

Compounding the party’s money woes is that unions can no longer tip in so generously for Labor campaigns in the way they once could before state donations laws were tightened up. And there remains the hole left by the $230,000 donated to the party between 2003 and 2007 by Ron Medich, which Foley insisted the party had to give up once Medich was convicted of murder.

In a statement, former NSW Opposition Leader Luke Foley came out swinging at ABC journalist Ashleigh Raper.

In a statement, former NSW Opposition Leader Luke Foley came out swinging at ABC journalist Ashleigh Raper.Credit: AAP

As for Foley’s successor, the party machine has locked in firmly behind deputy Opposition Leader Michael Daley to take the post, though this will not be formalised until this afternoon.

Daley, a former customs officer and corporate lawyer for the NRMA, had extensive ministerial experience in the short-lived Labor governments of Nathan Rees, Kristina Kenneally and Morris Iemma which followed the long reign of Premier Bob Carr in the decade up to 2005.

In mid 2005, following Carr’s retirement from parliament, Daley stood for preselection in Carr’s seat of Maroubra and won the hotly-fought contest, leading to his subsequent victory in the byelection. The seat, as he noted in his inaugural address to parliament, has already produced two Labor premiers: Carr and Bob Heffron, (1959-64). He may take that as a favourable omen.

But Daley will have his work cut out to cement his authority as the new Labor leader in the time remaining before the state poll, and to establish himself in the public mind as a credible alternative to Premier Gladys Berejiklian.

Unlike Foley, Daley is from the right of the party, the dominant faction in NSW, and this is likely to stand him in good stead with party secretary Murnain, whose relations with Foley had been rocky earlier in the year.


A strike against Daley, in the eyes of some, is that he singled out since-disgraced MPs Joe Tripodi and Eddie Obeid for thanks in his inaugural parliamentary speech. His defenders say this overlooks the fact that neither of the disreputable pair had accusations being openly levelled against them at the time, and that Tripodi was still serving as a minister. They argue that there was a long list of others that Daley thanked.

Daley might do well to emphasise that he is the grandson of a prominent dairy farmer, given that part of the election strategy Foley had been planning was to focus on a handful of rural and regional seats where the Nationals might be vulnerable. Daley has stellar credentials on climate issues, telling parliament in 2005 that “I nominate global warming as the most pressing environmental threat of our times”.

However, Daley was tarnished in 2012 when he was accused of being under the influence of alcohol during a late night parliamentary debate. Asked about this recently, he told the Herald he had sworn off alcohol completely during parliamentary sitting weeks since then.

Bob Carr, for one, is talking up Daley’s chances and insisting there might be some kind of silver lining to Foley’s political demise.

“I think [Daley’s] judgment is pretty good” Carr told the Herald on Friday. “Daley knows the electorate, he knows the politics of suburban NSW, when I’ve heard him in interviews he has sounded forceful and strong, he can burrow in to issues, and get to the nub of something. As sad as this is for Luke, I think getting a ... fresh voice, a fresh face, could be advantageous to them.”

Carr said he had been sceptical when the Victorian party dumped then leader John Brumby for Steve Bracks in 1999 shortly before an election, but it had worked, with the party trouncing Jeff Kennett’s government which was “more popular than this one”.

The last 48 hours have been a nightmare for Labor. No doubt Foley and his family are in a world of pain. He’d led Labor to a position where it was level-pegging the coalition in the polls, where it looked like it might be poised to come out of the wilderness. Now, that chance has been dashed from his grip by his own alleged actions. Ashleigh Raper, too, has spoken of the “profound” consequence of all this for herself and her young family as have many others.

Sean Nicholls, her colleague and a witness to that fateful interaction between Foley and Raper at the Martin Place bar two years ago, has also been swept up in the turmoil.

On Friday, ABC management put out and endorsed a statement from Nicholls in which he forcefully denied a claim by The Australian’s state political reporter, Andrew Clennell, ( also a former Herald political correspondent) that Nicholls had been responsible for passing information about the incident to a Liberal member.

Nicholls said the claim was “an outrageous slur” on his integrity and for the past two years he had completely honoured Raper’s request for confidentiality. Despite her wish for privacy, Clennell is understood to have made repeated approaches to Raper about the story.

For those at the centre of this storm, public attention might soon move on, but the key players will be living with the aftermath for years to come.

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