

This was published 5 years ago

'Trump of the tropics': Brazil's far-right candidate and elections explained

By Lia Timson

Tiradentes, Brazil: Brazilians will vote in one of the most consequential elections in years, with the public divided about the future direction of the nation. The run-off poll, held on Sunday (Brazil-time), will see two candidates who were unlikely to face each other only months ago in a contest that has gripped the nation.

A woman poses for a photo with the words "Not him" written in Portuguese on her face during a protest against Jair Bolsonaro, a far-right presidential candidate in Sao Paulo.

A woman poses for a photo with the words "Not him" written in Portuguese on her face during a protest against Jair Bolsonaro, a far-right presidential candidate in Sao Paulo.Credit: AP

Some 147 million voters – voting is compulsory here – were asked to choose between Jair Bolsonaro, a controversial far-right candidate, and Fernando Haddad, a former education minister and stand-in for jailed president Luis Inacio Lula da Silva.

Who is Jair Bolsonaro?

A congressman for 27 years, conservative Bolsonaro has changed allegiance several times. This year he joined the Social Liberal Party (PSL) to run for president promising to return Brazil to “family values” and tackle rampant crime and corruption.

Nicknamed the “Trump of the tropics” by international media, politically-incorrect Bolsonaro has over the years famously denigrated gays, blacks and women, and praised former dictatorship regimes ingrained in the Brazilian psyche as a period of repression and state-sponsored executions.

Presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro, with the Social Liberal Party, talks to the press after visiting Federal Police headquarters in Rio de Janeiro,.

Presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro, with the Social Liberal Party, talks to the press after visiting Federal Police headquarters in Rio de Janeiro,.Credit: AP

He is against same-sex marriage, abortion and affirmative action. He was convicted in 2016 of inciting rape and defaming a fellow congresswoman whom he accused of being “too ugly to rape” during a heated discussion about lowering the age of criminal responsibility. On appeal, he was confirmed guilty and fined 10,000 reais ($3800).

He has made a number of homophobic statements, including telling BBC’s Stephen Fry in 2013 “Your culture is different to ours. No father in Brazil is proud of having a gay son. Brazilians don’t like homosexuals.”

He has denied police assertions that homophobic crimes are on the rise, stating there is no homophobia in Brazil and implying victims are at fault: “Ninety per cent of homosexuals who die, die in places of drug consumption or in places of prostitution or by the hands of their own partners,” he told Fry who last month asked Brazilians not to vote for the candidate.


It is on law and order, however, that Bolsonaro, 63, a former army captain, has attracted followers willing to overlook his flaws and dismiss his prejudices as things of the past.

Presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro grimaces right after being stabbed in the stomach during a campaign rally in Juiz de Fora.

Presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro grimaces right after being stabbed in the stomach during a campaign rally in Juiz de Fora.Credit: AP

He believes “a good criminal is a dead criminal” and that the Armed Forces must play a role in crime prevention. His tough stance and his team of retired generals (including his vice presidential running mate and several proposed ministers) have appealed to many Brazilians sick of rampant crime and corruption. The country registered a record 62,517 murders last year (or 175 a day on average). Millions feel only an extreme response can bring about change.

He has promised to reduce the number of parliamentarians, currently more than 500, by up to 20 per cent to combat corruption and help control public finances; reconsider Brazil’s commitment to the Paris agreement on sovereignty grounds, reduce the severity of fines for environmental degradation and fold the environment portfolio into agriculture “to minimise conflict between their opposing policies”.

He has the support of conservative religious factions – many priests and pastors told their congregations to vote for him – and military personnel whose rights to fair pay and work conditions he has defended throughout his congressional career.

He has also received the support of controversial far-right figures, including former KKK leader David Duke. Two of his sons have also been elected to office last month with record numbers of votes, including one who tweeted photos of with former Trump adviser Steve Bannon. Bolsonaro himself has said he could not afford Bannon’s services.

Fernando Haddad, presidential candidate for the Workers' Party.

Fernando Haddad, presidential candidate for the Workers' Party.Credit: Bloomberg

Bolsonaro was stabbed by a mentally ill man during the campaign and he has declined to appear in all televised debates for health reasons.

Who is he up against?

Bolsonaro beat 11 other candidates to dispute the run-off with Fernando Haddad, a protégé of Lula, the former president now serving a 12-year sentence for corruption and money laundering.

They went to the second round after Bolsonaro secured 46 per cent of valid votes (49.2 million), to Haddad’s 29 per cent (or 31.3 million votes). Fifty-percent plus one vote is needed in Brazil to elect candidates outright.


Haddad, 55, a leftist lawyer and academic, is a former education minister in the Dilma Rousseff and Lula governments, and a former Sao Paulo mayor. He was chosen by Lula only in September to run in his place after Lula was confirmed ineligible. He has the support of millions of Workers’ Party (PT) voters who don’t know him well, but believe their hero was unfairly jailed and that only a return to PT rule will see the the continuation of social responsible programs which have benefited the poor and minorities.

The son of Lebanese migrants, university professor Haddad has a PhD in Marxist theory, is a former member of the original Soviet-aligned communist party in his youth.

He has promised to put social and economic inclusion at the heart of his agenda, further overhaul the education system and reverse some the recent austerity measures to create jobs.

He is the target of a number of lawsuits brought by state public prosecutors over alleged improprieties during his term in Sao Paulo.


How much support does Bolsonaro have?

On Friday, a Datafolha poll put Bolsonaro’s chances of winning at 56 per cent, down from 59 the previous week to Haddad’s 44, up from 41. It was a rare drop for a candidate that has swept the electorate.

And a new Ipobe/Estado poll just out today is showing Bolsonaro on 54 per cent, Haddad on per cent.

For Haddad to win, however, he has to capture most of the votes given earlier to candidates who came third and fourth in the first round - a difficult task, given a large number of those voters are against PT on ideological grounds.

In recent weeks, the Workers' Party has fine-tuned its campaign, changing its colours to green, yellow and blue, hence distancing itself somewhat from the militant red beloved of left factions and loathed by right-leaning voters. It has also dialled down the number of Lula images used, including Haddad’s own outfits which no longer include t-shirts emblazoned with Lula’s face. It has adopted the slogan “Brazil for all” hoping to conquer a middle class alienated by both the right-leaning elite and the left-leaning workers’ unions.

Luis Angosto-Ferrandez, senior lecturer in Latin American studies at the University of Sydney, says Haddad’s only hope is to capture votes cast as informal in the previous round, as well as those offended by Bolsonaro who may decide to make a last stand against him.

A Haddad victory however could be short-lived, he says, given congressional animosity.

“If he succeeds the Congress will probably show a very high degree of hostility – it’s clear now there is a right-leaning composition in that chamber [following the first round poll].”

Alberto Posso, associate professor of economics at RMIT, agrees. He says Haddad might struggle to get anything done and will be at the mercy of a Congress tempted to impeach presidents often.

The role of fake news

Haddad has accused Bolsonaro of spreading fake news to hurt his candidacy. Like recent elections in the United States, France and Mexico, fake news has played a huge role in causing division and inflaming emotions among the angst-filled population.

Facebook recently deleted dozens of accounts created by marketing agencies funded by Bolsonaro supporters which it said violated its policies.

Facebook-owned WhatsApp however, has resisted calls to curb the spread of fake news on its platform which is Brazilians’ favourite method of communication and a fertile ground for conspiracy theories, doctored photographs, fake videos and fake data polls.

Several hoax-busting sites have sprung up to debunk the blatant posts from both sides, including a one by the Brazilian electoral commission concerned with the spread of misinformation, but they are constantly outrun but the viral nature of fake news and the rediness of supporters of both candidates to share dubious posts.

Regional and global repercussions

Bolsonaro has used Brazilians’ desperation with the chaotic economy and stratospheric crime rates to campaign on a platform that promises “to stop Brazil becoming a new Venezuela”. It is a similar approach taken in Chile and elsewhere, says Angosto-Ferrandez.

“But I don’t think his hardline approach can be successful. Some experts have been arguing that insecurity is co-produced in Brazil by criminal gangs and the state apparatus – the corruption in the police and the military. It’s a system that increases the pool of inequality. The iron-fist approach does not solve the problem, it actually multiplies the problem and crime in Latin American countries.”

Angosto-Ferrandez says the world, including Australia, should be worried about a possible Bolsonaro victory.

“Any serious democratic government around the world should be concerned with the shift to anti-democratic approaches to government. That is a possibility in Brazil at the moment.

“Unfortunately Australia is too closely aligned with the United States and doesn’t seem to respond to threats to democracy in other countries.”

RMIT’s Posso says Australia should be concerned about what happens in Brazil not only because it is an important global economy but also because it’s a major competitor in mining, education and currently a supporter of the global effort to reduce the impact of climate change.

“If Bolsonaro wins, there’s strong expectation that he will not be backing any of the common environmental international policies,” he says adding that without Brazil’s (and the US) vote in international forums, Australia is likely to have to make changes in its own approach to the Paris agreement.

He says any other speculation about how trade tariffs, mining interests and economic impacts might fare with the election of either candidate is likely to be just that.

“We have no idea how these presidents are likely to react and the amount of power they will have.”

Bolsonaro was elected president in the run-off with 55 per cent of the votes, or more than 57 million votes to Haddad's 47 million (nearly 45 per cent). More than 11 million votes were annulled or left blank.

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