

This was published 6 years ago


World has been slow to wake up to Saudi depravity

It's reassuring to see that the Western world still has the capacity to be outraged at the abuse of human rights. Specifically, a government that appears to have murdered a journalist.

Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was an outspoken critic of the Saudi regime.

Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was an outspoken critic of the Saudi regime.Credit: AP

The Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi walked into a Saudi consulate in Turkey two weeks ago. He was a critic of the Saudi dictator and living outside his home country for his safety. By setting foot in a Saudi diplomatic property to pick up marriage papers he was putting himself at risk. The risk seems to have been fatal. The government of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman stands accused of ordering the torture, murder and dismembering of Khashoggi inside the consulate. For the great crime of criticising the prince.

Britain, France and Germany on the weekend demanded answers from the prince. On Monday Australia's Foreign Affairs Minister Marise Payne expressed "very deep concerns" and her shadow, Penny Wong, called for an explanation from Saudi Arabia.

It seems to have been so extreme and so brazen an attack on free speech and political freedom on the soil of a NATO country that even Donald Trump has demanded an explanation from Saudi Arabia. He threatened Riyadh with "severe punishment" if the accusations prove true.

The Saudis deny harming Khashoggi, but cannot explain where he went after entering their consulate. How dare Mohammed? Because he's been doing far worse, and yet the West continued to gush and swoon over him. "Where were these cries of protest and condemnation when Saudi Arabia dropped a bomb on a Yemeni school bus in August, killing 40 boys under age eleven?" asked Marlo Safi in the US journal National Review on the weekend.

"Or when Saudi-funded mosques in Europe for years preached Salafist-Wahhabist ideology, creating hotbeds of extremism?" Specifically, manufacturing terrorists who then murdered citizens of Europe and beyond.

Illustration: Andrew Dyson

Illustration: Andrew DysonCredit:

And then there's the so-called "forgotten war", the civil war in Yemen, where a Saudi-led siege has created a famine and killed more than 16,000 civilians. To answer her question, the cries of protest and condemnation were nowhere. Which is why Salman presumably thought he could keep acting with impunity.


The Saudis have long thought they were untouchable, protected by the sacred god of oil. Recently they've had the extra protection of the prince's new political alliance with Trump, in league against Iran. Even after the global outcry over Khashoggi, Riyadh continued to push the "oil" button, issuing furious threats to retaliate against any sanctions with cuts to oil output. That would mean higher oil prices.

The head of the regime's official news channel Al-Arabiya said that "if Washington imposes sanctions on Riyadh, it will stab its own economy to death". In earlier times the oil market would have gone berserk. Now, with the world weaning itself off oil, the oil futures price barely registers such a threat, rising by 2 per cent.

If the world has, in fact, reached the limit of tolerance for Saudi depravity, that is a good thing.
But must we be similarly slow to awaken to other great outrages? The two great atrocities of our time are both under way in the Asia-Pacific today. Yet they receive scant attention from the wider world, and almost none in Australia. Each involves around a million people, and in each the situation is today deteriorating.


One is the genocide against the Rohingya people. Almost a million fled Myanmar's army and angry mobs. About 700,000, half of them children, remain stuck in Bangladesh in refugee camps, terrified of returning home but with nowhere to go.

The International Criminal Court is holding a preliminary investigation into possible crimes against humanity committed by Myanmar's army, with its chief apologist, the fallen angel Aung San Suu Kyi, busily making excuses for the mass murders and organised rape. But these recriminations are no help to the refugees.

Cyclone season is arriving. "Cyclone preparedness remains the top priority," says the international relief operation. "Weather-related hazards during October and November are expected to increase protection risks." Bluntly, hundreds of thousands of vulnerable people are a few solid rainfalls away from mass drownings in monsoonal downpours. Yet the fundraising target for this year is only 40 per cent met. Only 3,400 families, or 5 per cent of the relief agencies' target, have so far been given tents capable of withstanding winds of 80 km/h.

The other is the emergence of the modern gulag state in northern China, where about a million people are held in mass detention camps, locked up indefinitely without charge or due process. Their crime? To be ethnic Uighurs living in China.

It was in April that the voice of the Uighurs, Rebiya Kadeer, told me that a million of her people were locked up in the camps, including thirty-seven members of her extended family, among them 11 children under the age of 10. That figure seemed outlandishly large, yet everything that has emerged since has vindicated her. And the Chinese authorities are still building new camps, according to the government's public tender documents.


Until recently, Beijing said that the camps were career re-training centres. How benign. But Kadeer, free to speak because she lives in exile in the US, describes them as concentration camps where propaganda sessions are compulsory and contact with the outside world prohibited. An expert on China's legal system, Jerome Cohen of New York University, had called the program the largest-scale detentions outside the judicial system in China since the 1950s Mao era.

With international criticism starting to emerge, the Chinese authorities last week rewrote the law to give retrospective legality to the camps. The new law allows authorities to use “vocational skills training centres” to “deradicalise” people suspected of extremism. Regardless of the cover story, it has become undeniable that a vast program of ethnic and religious persecution is under way.


Why is there scant outrage over these two Asia-Pacific atrocities? One reason is that Western media access is difficult in Bangladesh and almost impossible in China. Another is that the victims in both cases are overwhelmingly Muslim, an unfashionable cause in the West at the moment. And the biggest explanation in the case of the Uighurs is that anyone who takes up their cause risks the ire of the Chinese Communist Party, powerful, vengeful and rich in opportunities to inflict commercial and economic pain.

A forthright Australia could take up these causes in the name of the values that it claims to represent. That would not only take deft management, it would also take bold leadership in a country long settled into the complacency and comfort of followership.

Peter Hartcher is international editor.

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