

This was published 5 years ago

Is Sally McManus the woman the Coalition fears most?

By Dana McCauley

Sally McManus does not enjoy being interviewed.

As the secretary of the peak union body, the Australian Council of Trade Unions, the 47-year-old would rather be standing in front of a crowd with a microphone in her hand than sitting across the table from a reporter with a tape recorder.

McManus knows that as the first woman to achieve that role in the ACTU there is significant interest in her but as a self-described introvert she finds it difficult to talk about herself and is visibly relieved once the interview is over. She would rather be talking about workers - or, even better, to workers, because it's talking about workers that has made her one of the most high-profile, and powerful, people in federal politics.

ACTU secretary Sally McManus  says she wants workers to have what's rightfully theirs.

ACTU secretary Sally McManus says she wants workers to have what's rightfully theirs.Credit: Paul Harris

A federal election is likely just over six months away but McManus has already been campaigning for years and her narrative - of workers missing out on the economic good times the Coalition government wants to talk about - is popular.

Labor will take that message to next year's election. If successful, as the polls suggest is likely, it will be in no small part due to the campaign run by the union movement.

Like all shrewd political players, McManus talks down her chances of success.


Asked if the Coalition should be scared of her, McManus says while she would consider this "a badge of honour, if they are scared, they actually don't really need to [be]- because all we actually want is for working people to have their fair share".

"Should they be scared in terms of our capacity when we get organised, well I don't know .... is it elections they're worried about maybe, probably," she concedes.


McManus's talk of working people getting their fair share is actually code, business groups and the Coalition say, for a radical rewriting of Australia's industrial relations system, including reviving wage arbitration and industry-wide bargaining powers that enable workers to negotiate with employers across whole industries.

Her enemies within the Coalition government and the business lobby have described this as a "destructive" agenda that would, if passed into law, usher in an era of "industrial conflict and chaos not seen since the 1970s".

But when McManus stands up on a weeknight in front of a crowded room of union members at Sydney's Revesby Workers Club, her slight figure and calm manner seem far from radical. She doesn't shout and yet everybody listens.

"Things are so seriously out of balance at the moment, and we see it every year as we see inequality increase," she tells the assembled group of activists and union organisers. "And part of what's told to us is that there's nothing we can do about it ... But you know what, that's a lie."

Her manner runs counter to the cliche of the union thug and that's a very useful thing, Labor deputy leader Tanya Plibersek notes, because it means McManus "can't be pigeon-holed that way".

But the first woman elected as ACTU secretary is no shrinking violet. McManus spent 21 years with the Australian Services Union - where she helped low-paid social and community service workers win pay rises of up to 45 per cent - has black belts in both tae kwon do and kung fu and is described by supporters as "laser-like", "focussed" and "unstoppable".

The Revesby speech is one of dozens made at campaign launches, picket lines and union delegate meetings across the nation, where McManus has been rallying the troops for a fight she hopes will convince thousands of Australians to join their unions and vote the Coalition out of government.

Her efforts will culminate in a mega rally to be held in Melbourne on October 23, which organisers have promised will be the city's largest in history, predicting crowds of up to 150,000 workers.

The ACTU is spending millions of dollars to help re-elect the Andrews government in Victoria in next month's state election and deliver victory to federal Labor leader Bill Shorten. Its "Change the Rules" campaign aims to secure new industrial relations laws to empower unions to negotiate better pay and condition on behalf of workers.

Shorten has singled out wage growth as a hot-button election issue, but how much influence McManus and the union movement will hold over him should he be elected prime minister remains to be seen. Shorten has promised only to"look very carefully" at the ACTU's broader industrial demands.

Earlier this year, then workplace relations minister Craig Laundy described McManus as "the shadow minister for workplace relations" and warned of "the dark future our country faces" if the ACTU and Bill Shorten "get their way".

In the Coalition's mind at least, Labor and the union movement are one and the same thing.

Industrial Relations Minister Kelly O'Dwyer describes union leader Sally McManus as a good campaigner with a dangerous agenda.

Industrial Relations Minister Kelly O'Dwyer describes union leader Sally McManus as a good campaigner with a dangerous agenda.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Industrial Relations Minister Kelly O'Dwyer has the same message. "There is no doubt Sally McManus is a skilled political operative for both the union movement and for Bill Shorten," O'Dwyer tells Fairfax Media. "But behind that smooth political operator is a person with a very radical and job-destroying agenda."

AI Group chief executive Innes Willox says McManus has "turned the ACTU from an industrial organisation into a political organisation".

Willox describes McManus as an effective campaigner who is "obviously very smart and clever at what she does", but questions her depth of understanding of industrial relations, describing her approach as "shallow" and "more sloganeering than substance."

Deputy Labor leader Tanya Plibersek, who knew McManus during their university days, praises her as "an inspirational woman" who is "thoughtful, intelligent and strategic" and "pragmatic, a long-term thinker".

"I think the ACTU has really sharpened its focus [under McManus' leadership]," Plibersek says. "The Change the Rules campaign has a memorable slogan but it's also got a really clear ask: she is focused on the fact that pay rates haven't gone up and insecure work."

The slogan is catchy. As was "Your Rights at Work", the powerful union-run campaign that pushed back against John Howard's WorkChoices policy and contributed to his defeat in 2007.

In 2019 the campaign will, again, be about people's relationship to the workforce.

A key battleground will be Queensland, where McManus must not just convince voters to reject the "trickle-down economics" of the Coalition government, but to resist the lure of Pauline Hanson's One Nation.

While One Nation's performance in last year's state election was seen as "underwhelming", the party's influence in Queensland remains a concern for the major parties.

Hanson's message is difficult to counter even when McManus points to her mixed voting record in Canberra, where the One Nation leader's support for the government's income tax cuts was crucial to getting the legislation through the Senate, shortly after she had blocked then treasurer Scott Morrison's corporate tax cuts. Hanson initially supported penalty rate cuts, but reversed her position after a backlash from her supporters.

"Second- and third-generation Australians have this expectation that life was going to be like this; it's ended up being like this," McManus says, gesturing to indicate the rift between dream and reality.

"That's mainly because they've got insecure work, are in and out of employment, there's low wage growth - so they're looking for an explanation of that gap between what they thought life would be like - and, usually, what it was like for their parents - and what it actually is like."

Hanson, she says, was "filling that with false reasons - migrants, refugees, Muslims, whatever - where the truth is, of course, that the reason why people's jobs are insecure and [there are] no pay rises is because our workplace rights aren't strong enough."

Another challenge is lifting the number of union members. The proportion of Australian workers who belong to a union has plummeted from around 60 per cent in the 1950s, to just 15 per cent, the latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows.

"A lot of young people don't know what unions are," McManus admits. "Less people are growing up in families where their parents were in a union and so it's less normal in households."

McManus lives in Melbourne but spends about half her time travelling to other parts of the country. When she is in Sydney, she visits Margaret Jones, a radical lesbian feminist separatist aged in her 90s whom McManus met decades ago at Macquarie University. Jones says she always knew her friend was destined for big things. "There was a quiet strength about her," she says, describing McManus as "resolute".

McManus likes to unwind by watching Netflix, gaming on her PlayStation and birdwatching. Although she says she does not "identify as a twitcher", McManus says the hobby developed when she started taking a camera on bushwalks. "I really love the excitement of going out, trying to find what you're looking for, and taking a really good picture," she says.

"It's a skill, and it's a totally different skill than what I use every other day, and it's a different part of your brain you use. You're living in a different world - you're living in the bird's world, and they don't care."

It's hard to match the image of a bird watcher with someone pushing people to break the law. But that was the take home message in a memorable interview on ABC's 7.30 last year when McManus provoked outrage and condemnation from the government when she declared that she had no problem with workers breaking the law if the laws were "unjust".

"Our current laws are broken," she said in the interview.

McManus says the answer was unplanned. "I got a whole heap of media training, right, got a whole half day just practicing how to deal with the media, all these weird techniques like pivoting and deflecting and stuff," she says. "But I've spent my whole life standing up in front of working people and telling them the truth, and if your job is to do that - and even if it's not what they want to hear, your job is to be honest."

She stands by her statement, saying strike laws in Australia "need to change and be brought into line with the rest of the world".

For Kelly O'Dwyer, conflict between employers and employees "benefits neither" and she views that McManus interview as an attempt to ensure "the continued relevance of trade unions and their financial security in the face of a dwindling membership base".

"It seems she wants Australia to return to the workplace conflict of last century, a time where industrial action was 40 times higher than it is today,” O'Dwyer says. "If Sally McManus was serious about increasing prosperity for all Australians, she would promote co-operation and collaboration between business and employees, not chaos and conflict."

From where she sits, McManus sees things differently. She says decades of neoliberalism have cemented a reverence for individual action over collective bargaining - but that the only way to increase wages is to give workers more power.

"This whole idea that you can all do it by yourselves, that seeps through people's thinking," McManus says. "But things aren't inevitable, it doesn't mean we're always going to keep going that way. Things also turn around."

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