

This was published 5 years ago

ANZ failed to meet human rights standards: government report

By Richard Baker & Nick McKenzie

ANZ Bank failed to meet its own human rights standards when it financed a Cambodian sugar plantation that was linked to forced evictions, child labour and workplace deaths, according to an Australian government investigation.

The criticism of the banking giant is made in a report by the Australian National Contact Point, a little-known Treasury division responsible for overseeing the nation’s corporate commitments to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Cambodian villagers protesting in 2014 after they were forcibly evicted from land to make way for a sugar plant financed by the ANZ bank.

Cambodian villagers protesting in 2014 after they were forcibly evicted from land to make way for a sugar plant financed by the ANZ bank.

“When its human rights standards were applied to ANZ’s commercial relationship with its former client Phnom Penh Sugar, it is arguable that most (if not all) of them would not be satisfactorily met,” the Australian Treasury division found.

But the Australian Treasury division stopped short of endorsing a suggestion by non-government organisations that ANZ be forced to divest its profts from the sugar plantation loan to provide financial redress to hundreds of Cambodian families.

The human rights criticism comes at a bad time for Australia's banking industry, which has been found by the Hayne Royal Commission to have been motivated by greed and to have regularly put profit ahead of its clients' best interests.


The OECD is made up of 36 countries committed to ethical and transparent trade and commerce policies. Australia has been a member since 1971.

Fairfax Media revealed in 2014 that ANZ had backed Phnom Penh Sugar’s plantation and refinery through its Cambodian banking subsidiary, ANZ Royal Bank.

Hundreds of poor Cambodian families were forcibly removed from their homes to make way for the sugar crop, with many receiving just $100 in compensation.


The sugar company is owned by a prominent Cambodian politician, Senator Ly Yong Phat, who is also one of the country’s richest men. The Royal Group is owned by another tycoon, Kith Meng. Both Mr Meng and Senator Phat are close associates of Cambodia’s recently re-elected Prime Minister Hun Sen.

Almost 700 poor Cambodian farming families were behind the ANZ complaint, which was lodged with the Australian Treasury division in late 2014 by non-government organisations, Equitable Cambodia and Inclusive Development International.

Machinery is used to load trucks with sugar cane at the Phnom Penh Sugar plantation in Cambodia.

Machinery is used to load trucks with sugar cane at the Phnom Penh Sugar plantation in Cambodia.Credit: Nicolas Axelrod

After an assessment and investigation process that took almost four years, the Australian Treasury division found, “it is difficult to reconcile ANZ’s decision to take on PPS as a client with its own internal policies and procedures”.

“The potential risks associated with this decision would likely have been readily apparent.”

Representatives of affected Cambodian families told the inquiry that the sugar development was associated with “arbitrary arrests and intimidation of villagers, the use of child labour and dangerous working conditions which have resulted in death”.

In its response, ANZ continued to argue that its financing was linked to the development of a sugar refinery and not the plantation which had required the removal of the families.

The bank also argued its due diligence on PPS was appropriate and that it was the Cambodian company’s responsibility to address environmental and social problems identified in a range of audits in 2014.

The Phnom Penh Sugar plantation in 2013.

The Phnom Penh Sugar plantation in 2013.Credit: Nicolas Axelrod

ANZ said it had made a series of changes to its policies and procedures since the complaint was lodged in order to prevent human rights abuses, particularly in relation to projects involving land acquisition.

However, the Australian Treasury found there was “some doubt” in this case about the extent that ANZ’s business practices in respect to the Cambodian sugar plant aligned with “its stated approach to human rights”.

Concerns about the behaviour of Phnom Penh Sugar were on the public record as early as 2010, but ANZ decided a year later in 2011 to accept the company as a client and loan it tens of millions of dollars.

The Australian Treasury division made a number of recommendations, and the bank must report back on its progress in 12 months.

Equitable Cambodia and Inclusive Development International welcomed the finding on behalf of the Cambodian villagers, but were disappointed ANZ had not been asked to make any financial remedy.

The Australian Treasury division said it was not in a position to make a recommendation on financial support to Cambodian villagers.

“As a non-judicial mechanism and in the circumstances of this case, the [Treasury] does not consider its role extends to making specific recommendations about financial redress,” the report noted.


ANZ told the Australian Treasury division that it did not accept the premise it should divest itself of the profits from the sugar project loan because it believed it had not breached any OECD guidelines.

The bank ended its business relationship with PPS after its sugar loan was publicly exposed. It has also sought to end its joint venture in Cambodia with The Royal Group by mid-2019.

Legal director at Inclusive Development International, Natalie Bugalski, said the families adversely affected by the sugar plant and refinery were deserving of proper compensation for almost 10 years of suffering.

“We did not see ANZ take sufficient action to convince its client, over which it had financial leverage, to make things right. When public pressure on the bank increased, ANZ simply announced it had exited its relationship with Phnom Penh Sugar,” Ms Bugalski said.

“This decision to cut and run does not absolve ANZ of its responsibility to remediation of the suffering from which it profited.”

The OECD’s guidelines call for financiers of projects that involve human rights abuses to contribute to a remedy.

“This case really highlights the weak state of corporate accountability in Australia,” said Keren Adams, Director of Legal Advocacy at the Human Rights Law Centre, adding that ANZ ought be made to provide financial remedy.

Last year, the Australian government commissioned an independent review, which found that the Australian office “ranked among the poorest performing National Contact Points internationally” and recommended sweeping changes to improve the way it handles complaints.

The government has yet to respond to the review’s recommendations.

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